Club 600

@jigfresh to make a tincture and preserve the cannaboids and terps take your product and freeze it, once it's frozen solid take it out and grind it up and put in a mason jar, go ahead and freeze your alcohol during this time to. After you grind it up and have it in the jar add 1 quart alcohol to 1 ounce buds. Place the lid on and shake vigorously for at least 5 minutes and then place it in the freezer and every few hours get it out and give it a shake. After 2-3 days take it out and filter it through cheesecloth and save the material cuz after its dry you can make butter out of it. If you want you can filter it again through an unbleached Coffee filter and then put it in a colored glass to preserve. You can add flavoring if you want to help taste and don't forget to decarb before freezing.

You can go longer then 2-3 days if you want, it'll make it stronger but taste will start to suffer the longer it sits. If you could get ever clear 4 days would be plenty.

Used to make this for my mom :)

Oh made some fresh frozen tonight too :)
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Hey guys... anyone make stuff like where you put ground up buds in liquor or other stuff you can take a few drops of by mouth?

I made some one time, ground up a bunch of good herb, put it in a jar with bicardi 151 for like 3 weeks, strained it out and that was it. Tasted horrible, but the girl I gave it to said it worked for her pain. I was going to make her another batch before I moved and wanted to do a better job this time. I never heated up the bud last time, but someone said it activates in the liquor or something, I don't know. Whatever.... point is... how do I make better stuff.

And I don't want to make edibles or caps or anything. The stuff I made her last time was super easy, worked for her, and has lasted like 3 years. :)

Thanks in advance
Bro it takes like 3 minutes to extract the goodies for wash 1 then same for wash 2 and its done. you need to filer it threw a coffee filter. its the same thing as RSO. then you have to evap it. watch video on rick simpson oil making.
It's so much more then that for a quality product....
Okay so this is different than RSO. Is this tincture? I did read what others said. and it sounds way diff than making RSO. What is the name of what Jigs is doing? I can watch a video so I understand what he is doing.
Also anyone with a aero cloner reveg clones? I have some questions.
Okay so this is different than RSO. Is this tincture? I did read what others said. and it sounds way diff than making RSO. What is the name of what Jigs is doing? I can watch a video so I understand what he is doing.
Also anyone with a aero cloner reveg clones? I have some questions.
Someguy just did reveg while cloning
Okay so this is different than RSO. Is this tincture? I did read what others said. and it sounds way diff than making RSO. What is the name of what Jigs is doing? I can watch a video so I understand what he is doing.
Also anyone with a aero cloner reveg clones? I have some questions.

Yea it is. Just look up the frozen method for making cannabis tincture. We've found frozen product makes a much better end product. What he's making is a tincture, its made from alcohol and you dose it with an eye dropper under the tongue.

What's your question bout revegging in an aero cloner?
My clone king is coming but will not get here quickly. If i am lucky i will get it end of next week. Anybody taken cuttings put them in the frige for a week and then aero cloned them?