Club 600

LMAO, love the big 600 cheque, hehe, nice one Treeman.

Right, need to go and make my wife her dinner. Will be back later for fun fun at the 6double. (soon to be a buying consortium!)

omg, went back to that thread and it had exploded into a ball of beeswax, lol.
I'd pull some of that undergrowth off. It's really best to do that early in flower... but a little late for that now eh? Just don't overdo it pulling 50% of the plant apart. I do beleive it will slow growth for a day or two...BUT I think after that the energy will be going to the big buds ONLY. Making the benefit to outweigh the stunting. Make sense? I vote pull some of that bullshit off. And make sure to save it for hash or the like.

Off to sell my old giter amp, snap a few more entries, then home to do some uploading AND... checked the trichs last night on the Banana OG. It's coming down TODAY.

Trim time bitches!!!!!

EDIT: Hey D. I would say thank you for posting the link to the wick thread... BUT, now my heart rate is up and I'm all shakey like I want to beat the shit out of someone. I swear you can't find a thread outside the 6 that isn't ripe with angst. Fucking RIU and fucking _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ . I'm still going to try the wick thing though. I like the fact you don;t need to keep lighting a lighter to finish the bong load.

Hi all :) does anyone happen to know of a "UK" stockist for a 430w Eye Hortilux Super HPS bulb.. the only ones I have found are in the US and retail approx £90.00/$140.70 inc postage.........BUT THATS FUCKIN' EXPENSIVE (For 1 bulb) !!!

Any info on this would be greatly received - STELTHY :leaf:

Please help me asap.. I go into Flower in 1 week and I need this lamp to complete my 600W setup - STELTHY :leaf:
Tis the dank Jig, I think you might be happy that you got an extra month or two to play with though, perhaps a quick harvest before December?

looks like dank to me billcollecter;)

stelthy, bad news man, i looked for a uk stockist about 6 month back. there isnt one.

I agree Bill, looks lovely up there.

Stelthy, I didn't even bother looking on the Dutch side, a lot of the fukwits here don't even know what a friggin MH bulb is. You tend to get Phillips, or Phillips, lol. I am sure you will find something similar, I mean it is only a bulb.......
Bill, that's a nice tower you have there. What strain is she?

It's on.


Peacefully though. :peace:

"Club 600. Where good buds grow"
After a whole month of rain I have moved the brutes into the greenhouse. We have had 4 dry days in the last 49 FYI, I know that because my wife keeps a record and reminds me quite often, lol.

They are looking quite battered but I reckon they'll pick up. I had to basically bend them in two to get them in there so they are a bit all over the shop at the moment but I am sure they'll settle. I have tied loads of branches, bent and squeezed others through the metal railing in my greenhouse ( I guess I could have removed that - that was an afterthought btw).

Anyway, here they are:

Haggared :(



The water seems to batter them and the pistil doesn't grow and the stigma matures and frazzle without the actual clayx developing. Hopefully now they are dry things will start to happen. It'll be a push to get em finished but with a heater and improvision we should get through this.

Peace, DST
thought i would chuck this one in just for the crack! lol.


one day....

i will be THAT guy!... (aaaah..with his little

I zoomed in on his name tag in Photoshop and ran it through a few filters to enhance the lettering and this is what it says:



The unhappy man in the back on the right hand side is obviously in angst as to whether he should order the lamp with the imitation Tiffany-style lampshade or if he should go Art Deco instead...
Is it just me or do you guys also feel the way I do. When I see a sign saying do not enter or tresspassing forbidden there is nowhere I would rather go than behind that sign. Or I see a house with a bid ominous fence on a street with no other fences on it. I could care less about all the other places... I wanna see what's behind that fence. I ask because im having a blast tresspassing like a mofo today. I love california.
Is it just me or do you guys also feel the way I do. When I see a sign saying do not enter or tresspassing forbidden there is nowhere I would rather go than behind that sign. Or I see a house with a bid ominous fence on a street with no other fences on it. I could care less about all the other places... I wanna see what's behind that fence. I ask because im having a blast tresspassing like a mofo today. I love california.