HeadsUp, I would recomend any OG strain that yields descent. The DOG is looking like a real winner there. When jig gets home im gonna get a good smoke report.
That dog Dez is talking about is no joke. One of the biggest dogs ive ever seen in person, and ive been around a few big ass mastiffs.
So all this dog talk has got me walking down memory lane, and shedding a few tears for my lost friends. Ive had dogs almost my whole life, and I cant imagine having a home without them.

This is Mary Jane. She could be a real bitch, and made a great bitch. She gave birth to over 50 beautiful (money making) puppies. She ended up developing a permanent chip on her shoulder, and had to be put down after attacking the bull dog in the pic too many times (shes just playing in the photo). She was the alpha around here. She would have killed him the last time, and tried, but I happened to look outside as it was going down. She climbed chain link fences, and couldnt live with anyone else. Ive got some stories with that girl. She would sit by me when I was toking, and when I blew it in her face she would ALWAYS sneeze. Made my stoned ass laugh every time....Ive beat myself up ever since I put her down. Lesson learned about the balance between security and sanity.

This was her lover boy, Zig Zag (aka Ziggy). He was a gentle beast, but when the switch needed to be flipped he did the job. He was my best security guard. He passed away this year from cancer. Good boy Ziggy.

This is one of the litters we had. Pups are great but they make a huge mess.

We had alot of color variations, but this was one of my favorite.....I actually think my in laws have this dog now.

This is Chunk, we didnt keep him but I really wanted to. He was the fattest puppy we ever had. The guy that bought him showed me the first MMJ card I ever saw. He was one of the driving forces behind me getting legal. I had never met this guy before, but he was waaaaay cool. He smoked me out, we talked, and he convinced me that he was going to be a good home for one of my favorite pups.

Tucker was born to a litter that was destined for a gunny sack and a swimming pool. I convinced the guy I got him from to rethink that, and he gave them away to alot of my friends and family. His bitch got knocked up first heat (not a good thing) from his neighbors dog, who was from the same breeder as the bitch. So i knew what these dogs would be worth, and giving them away for free would be noooooo problem.

This is my Buddy when he was still cute. Now hes got a face only a mother could love. I got this dog for free, and 2 weeks later had to pay $2000 for him. long story short I ran the electrical for the breeders house and kennel, the breeder thought my boss would pay for him but didnt clear that with me or him, and after my wife fell in love with him I had to bite the bullet. She said he was $2500, and would take $2000 for the misunderstanding. These dogs have a tendency to be a bully, and its got him into some real trouble. He gets his ass kicked, takes a few days laying in one place, heals up, and gets his ass whooped again. We have to keep him inside if we are gonna be gone for more than a day.
Ive learned alot since I started breeding, enough to know when to stop breeding.