Club 600

while its weed school time... :)

I was told by someone that when u buy a bagged brand name potting mix, that bacteria are already typically in that.

the weird thing is... the guy at the grow shop told me this. and the thing was, i was going to buy more bacteria stuff and he told me it wasnt needed. so its not like he was trying to get me to buy more stuff really.
ive always been mixing in some happy frog stuff into my soil or i would buy little bags of the bacto stuff from nirvana shop. either way i always mixed that jazz in with whatever else i was using, like FFOF or something.

now im using just roots organic potting mix and perlite... im i crazy or is that guy kinda wrong who told me that, and i should be adding a little bacto or whatever to the mix??
i use this trinity bio catalyst stuff by roots organics as well. i honestly dont understand wtf its even doing 100% ugh. i feel dumb now. but i geuss i shouldnt.

thx for helping answer my questions by the way. club 600 all the way!
"Its just that there are alot of info's out there that say stay away from doing that."

It probably says if you are a beginner do not use RO water. I have used tap water and had good results, but when I switched to RO, I immediately noticed the plants were happier than with tap. IMO . Sometimes its good to make mistakes then you uderstand how to avoid problems and have greater success.

exactly! great post.
i have been thinking about getting some of that pro-mix BX for the mycos in it for my mix..thoughts on this? i would probabally do a 50/50 of fox farm happy frog and the pro-mix whats your thoughts on that?
Perfect, because pro mix is not amended.
while its weed school time... :)

I was told by someone that when u buy a bagged brand name potting mix, that bacteria are already typically in that.

the weird thing is... the guy at the grow shop told me this. and the thing was, i was going to buy more bacteria stuff and he told me it wasnt needed. so its not like he was trying to get me to buy more stuff really.
ive always been mixing in some happy frog stuff into my soil or i would buy little bags of the bacto stuff from nirvana shop. either way i always mixed that jazz in with whatever else i was using, like FFOF or something.

now im using just roots organic potting mix and perlite... im i crazy or is that guy kinda wrong who told me that, and i should be adding a little bacto or whatever to the mix??
i use this trinity bio catalyst stuff by roots organics as well. i honestly dont understand wtf its even doing 100% ugh. i feel dumb now. but i geuss i shouldnt.

thx for helping answer my questions by the way. club 600 all the way!

this is true, but eventually they will die off and you will need to re-introduce you micro-colony.
I was told by someone that when u buy a bagged brand name potting mix, that bacteria are already typically in that.

the weird thing is... the guy at the grow shop told me this. and the thing was, i was going to buy more bacteria stuff and he told me it wasnt needed. so its not like he was trying to get me to buy more stuff really.
ive always been mixing in some happy frog stuff into my soil or i would buy little bags of the bacto stuff from nirvana shop. either way i always mixed that jazz in with whatever else i was using, like FFOF or something.

Those guys always have an "opinion" about how you should do it. But I have yet to see them(grow store employee) grow any pot. I consider Grow Shop Experts just like the guy at the auto parts store. "If you are such a good mechanic why do you work at Pep Boys?" Listen, do your own research and decide if you Really need the hocus pocus they are trying to sell you. Not saying all grow store guys don't know about growing, just the ones I have dealt with. I had a guy straight up lie to my face about the proper use a H&G supplement. I called him on it and he asked me to leave. Hate those guys.........
Perfect, because pro mix is not amended.

this is true, but eventually they will die off and you will need to re-introduce you micro-colony.
are we saying that you need to re-introduce within the window of one whole complete growth cycle, say clone/veg/flower or seed/veg/flower??

or am i keeping the colony healthy with the bio-catalyst?

btw DONT EVER mix that SH!T up ahead of time and let it sit like u would other stuff. omg... worst smell ever. i had to pour out almost a whole gallon's worth of that stuff pre-mixed the other day cuz of that. yuck. i sure learned something the hard way, and the expensive way.
are we saying that you need to re-introduce within the window of one whole complete growth cycle, say clone/veg/flower or seed/veg/flower??

or am i keeping the colony healthy with the bio-catalyst?

btw DONT EVER mix that SH!T up ahead of time and let it sit like u would other stuff. omg... worst smell ever. i had to pour out almost a whole gallon's worth of that stuff pre-mixed the other day cuz of that. yuck. i sure learned something the hard way, and the expensive way.

I mean im unsure how your asking. i introduce new critters every time i make tea. oh yea, this stuff gotta be aerated or all the goodies in it die, and they stink.
Those guys always have an "opinion" about how you should do it. But I have yet to see them(grow store employee) grow any pot. I consider Grow Shop Experts just like the guy at the auto parts store. "If you are such a good mechanic why do you work at Pep Boys" Listen, do your own research and decide if you Really need the hocus pocus they are trying to sell you. Not saying all grow store guys don't know about growing, just the ones I have dealt with. I had a guy straight up lie to my face about the proper use a H&G supplement. I called him on it and he asked me to leave. Hate those guys.........
yeah its funny u mention this... i went to high school with a few kids who used to co-own my fav grow shop. so i used to hate going there but it was conveinient.
well just a year or so back, they split with those guys i like. they opened up a competeing store right on the next corner. almost the EXACT same name too, geez.
what reminded me of this: those idiots will tell you anything, just like u say. i went in their new store once and i came out thinking holy sh!t im never going back in there.

and they had to get new employees at the old store that i still like. well it turns out they are cool as fuq, and they certainly seem to know what they speak about.
thats why i was so confused about the bacteria. and also because, like u say worm, i pick and choose what i want to ask/talk/learn from these guys. i always do my own research as well. hence the q's all of a sudden.
ya know i kinda figured about the RO thing... Its just that there are alot of info's out there that say stay away from doing that.
i suppose really it comes down to how much control u need over your ppm?
doesnt growing in soil kinda not benefit from RO? im sry if i sound like an idiot... i just want to make sure i get this right. u'd be suprised how many "experienced" people tell me all sorts of different things when it comes to water. and everything else for that matter, ha.

i have an article from a magazine that i saved somewhere.
It shows you how to properly use a Mr Clean car wash kit, to filter tap.
they talked about how high the ppm is in the tap over there in soCal. whew!!

using RO water is goning to be benificial any any system... soil/soiless mix or hydro... Rainwater is also not a bad option either but you have to remember the little diagram they showed us in school how evaporation works so i still believe RO is your best option personally although i have def used rain water and filtered tap in the past... when i filtered tap i used a brita pitcher filter and it took quite a while and didnt remove everything u wanted out of the water... you want total control of your ppms that is why RO is the best option because it gives you a base of almost 0 like i stated above... putting unessasary agents in with your water ie chlorine, floride, ect will adversly effect your plant and will consequently give you a better chance of salt build up in your medium... salt build ups occur when unused agents accumulate in your medium and this will prevent your plant to be able to uptake the nutrients it needs to thrive... hope this shines a litle more light on the subject smellz
the bio-catalyst is very vaugue when it came to directions. and i forgot to ask the guy at the shop some direct q's about the bio catalyst.

so i need to be using the bio-catalyst here and there through-out the life of the plant? i kinda thought its mainly used at the begining... not sure tho.

shaymuny!! what up brotha! glad u could join us! :)
I mean im unsure how your asking. i introduce new critters every time i make tea. oh yea, this stuff gotta be aerated or all the goodies in it die, and they stink.
like im saying if i dont re-use my soil... is it needed to introduce some bacterias and all anyways?
i hope im not driving you all nuts with questions. ..
o ya glad to be here... although i know my water im not a brain when it comes to bacteria so im learning some thing along the way... i use the pro mix BX which comes with beenies but i dont introduce bacteria at any other part of my grow except for the occasional alaskan fish emulant which i believe does introduce some beenies there...
using RO water is goning to be benificial any any system... soil/soiless mix or hydro... Rainwater is also not a bad option either but you have to remember the little diagram they showed us in school how evaporation works so i still believe RO is your best option personally although i have def used rain water and filtered tap in the past... when i filtered tap i used a brita pitcher filter and it took quite a while and didnt remove everything u wanted out of the water... you want total control of your ppms that is why RO is the best option because it gives you a base of almost 0 like i stated above... putting unessasary agents in with your water ie chlorine, floride, ect will adversly effect your plant and will consequently give you a better chance of salt build up in your medium... salt build ups occur when unused agents accumulate in your medium and this will prevent your plant to be able to uptake the nutrients it needs to thrive... hope this shines a litle more light on the subject smellz

fo sho.

sounds to me like this: there are benefits and negatives to either using RO or something like spring water.
but, you shouldnt be depending on your water to provide the only source of minerals and such anyhow... so, it seems generally if you are doing things right anyways, RO would be best tho.
so thx for the info.