Club Vert(600)


Well-Known Member
hell yea,im almost done building my new small vert cab,after seeing what you did with them ML-vert-scrog.


Well-Known Member
Nice bro!

After this next upgrade Im not sure what else I can do lol soil bare bulb 360* vert mainline scrogs for the win!
^leaving out the most important part ;-) the "secret" soon to be revealed!


Well-Known Member
Haha... thanks chitown.

So whodat you liked the mainline vert scrog action? I might try something like that.


Well-Known Member
Slippery jig lol
Soooooo have you cooked more soil, re-using? Whats the deal!? Uh, maybe I should ask this on your thread lol

#bring this thread back to life


Well-Known Member
Thinking of changing my plant to vert with my 600w before I flower. Got a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent. This enough for say 3 plants in coco? How close can they get to the bulb before problems occur? There a safe zone? Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
The distance you need to keep them will either be temps or light. If the cooltube or whatever you have it in is cool enough you can get things pretty close before they start bleaching.

Personally I've had my buds be alright about 8" (20cm) away from a 1000w and not had them bleach.



Well-Known Member
Thinking of changing my plant to vert with my 600w before I flower. Got a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent. This enough for say 3 plants in coco? How close can they get to the bulb before problems occur? There a safe zone? Cheers guys

Dont listen to jig, he and those plants are freaks of nature lol

With a cooltube Iv had a 600 3" away from glass but light bleaching started at that point,,, pluss it KILLS your footprint ie: the farther away you keep your bulb the more area it covers but also gets weaker. MY sweetspot with cooltube was almost 15 inches away... Im about to find out what a barebulb requires but Im setting my vert screen at 18 inches away from the bulb.

Jk about jig btw! check out some of his vert grows.


Well-Known Member
Cheers. I like the scrog that was posted above my first post. Looks great. Wondering how much vert vs horizontal increases yield.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it increases yield at all really. In my head it's just an increase in growing space. I have a tall skinny closet. If I grow horizontal I have about 7 sq.ft. (0.7 m2)... if I turn the bulb vertical I have something like 35 sq.ft. (3.2 m2). So I guess you could say I did increase my yield, but it was more a product of using more space.


Well-Known Member
I do see your point. Your maximising the space so gives more plant so in theory more yield. Hmmm interesting. May run it next time round see how it goes. Impressed though guys. Keep up good work.


Active Member

Kewl pictures here.. Dankness over and over..600 's rock..

I likes mine as well..

Just 2 cents for those that VERT with 600s with cooltubes or anything but bare bulb..

With the cooltube gone and the small muffin fan on it`s "lowest" setting to simply assist natural heat convection and help the bulbs heat make it up to where the exhaust can successfully pull it out "constantly" FTW....

\If the fan beneath the bulb`s on a higher speed setting , all it`s doing is pushing heat up , down , and all around the small grow area without being able to get the heat up and out the exhaust in a "dialed" fashion...Peace...DHF....
A dude that knows...

I simply know..How ta copy and

Never hurts ta increase GPW while lowering temps and gaining lums.. Again (an opinion) lol

As for me.. Loves my 600.. Needs ta go stacked next season.

Setting up a 2 Kiddie pools Vert Bare bulb 600 and a 430 with 8 ladies each.. In a 8'x4' tent.. (up and going by Tuesday)

My cooltubes are collecting dust and my temps are so much easier ta deal with. (since I've gone bare)
Awesome thread just swelling by the minute with 600 Dankness. .. keep killing it people...


smokey bacon

Active Member
Hi: All
I have just started a vertical grow"bacon on the vertical"
And am doing a lot of reading on this method so looking forward to see the end results
However I have one question do I rotate my girls or let them where they are and hope the back branches move for the light themselves
I have for now 2 plants put have them near the corners and have them 4 inches from the bulb
Am using a 400watter


Well-Known Member
I am of the belief that you should just let them sit the same way. The plants will turn their leaves and branches to face the light for the most part. In my head I'd rather them spend energy on growing buds than spending it constantly adjusting to the light.

But others make the argument that the sun is always moving, so it's more natural.

Really I don't think you can mess anything up either way. Unless you break branches when moving them... that would be bad.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Yeah cool :wink:
I have an idea in my head to turn them once a week as U said the sun is allways movin so I think I will go ahead and do this and update with pics in a week or so