COB efficiency Spreadsheets

I don't feel comfortable if I decide that since I didn't knew anything about electronic stuff some days ago and I really don't want to use China panels or my hps again :(
I know a lot about computer stuff so feel free to ask me as an exchange per pm :)
I don't feel comfortable if I decide that since I didn't knew anything about electronic stuff some days ago and I really don't want to use China panels or my hps again :(
I know a lot about computer stuff so feel free to ask me as an exchange per pm :)
Well then the best COB right now is probably Cree CXB3590. You can undervoltage them (we use 'run them soft' there) by selecting a proper driver.
Do you have an estimate how long China post takes? I guess I'm in no rush I'm more worried about the stuff getting thrown around and broken but come on... how light are cobs. And all that bubble wrap...

I do think my first order from him was labeled in the original packaging. With the Barcode and part #
Do you have an estimate how long China post takes? I guess I'm in no rush I'm more worried about the stuff getting thrown around and broken but come on... how light are cobs. And all that bubble wrap...

I do think my first order from him was labeled in the original packaging. With the Barcode and part #

No... Only made one order so far with dhl but I was planning on using China post in the future.

I actually meant Cree needs to label the individual cobs... It really is a pain in the @ss not being able to easily identify what kelvin, bin, etc. They could be counterfeit at any point... not accusing anyone of that...
He'll ship it in the original packaging but I think Pos and I'm worry is how hard it is to fab a new label if you're good on a puter, or if you're holding onto the good stuff for a higher price how hard would it be to swap the emitters out for the lower bins and seems like you're cutting a really good deal. A bigger example are the companies that are known to use top bin emitters- how hard is it to say you use so and so when in all reality this one bin lower is x amount of $ cheaper in bulk so fuck it. Noone can prove it

Those snakes like gg ;)

Again like pos said never would claim someone has ever done that, but it would be a smarter version of these China rebrands lol
Are the trays pre-opened when you receive them? If so, who's to say one couldn't pay the tray-packaging operator to make a few extra trays with lables depicting desirable traits, only to fill the package with low-bin COBS under the false-context of high-bin?

It's not likely but is a possibility in the realm of overseas business.