Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

i agree with don gin & ton your plant looks healthy & has good color as long as it does that dont make major changes soon enough youll be reaping the rewards ive discovered impatience is my own worst enemy
Some good info for coco growers here -

Ph run off is at 7 after testing a small amount of water which is weird as i just gave
her 40L of pH 6 water?...

Run off ppm now about 200

Any ideas on the pH?


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u got what looks like heat stress mate...the curling like a boat of the edges of ur leaves....raise the light a bit or get a fan blowin btween light and plants
At the moment i have her 12inches from the reflector with a Metal Halide on 600w mode... i thought this was an ok distance? More concerned about the pH at the moment, light can be easily moved if necessary.
Hi ww, plants lookin sound mate you need to chill like Don said, the 50% water thing is just a ruff guide for when your startin out, you need to think maybe the water is low in the pot where theres not many roots yet, you weigh seems heavy so dont water but the plant looks thursty just try an read your plant an not worry about the 50%, also dont pay no attention to the ph run off as long as your goin in right you will be sound, the plant looks well small an bushy that MH is workin well for you mate, you switchin to hps in flower?
any other Qs mate just ask ill try an help.
Thanks for stopping by PukkaBud! Yeah i seem to have eventually got my environment dialled in and its working out great... yeah, i cant wait to flower her (HPS) - but im waiting til she gets a bit bigger ;) Its a patience game, i think it will pay off in the end - this is my first coco grow and first attempt at doing a single plant under a 600w Im going for a flush every 4 weeks and since i recently flushed i will start her on the nutes again shortly - for about another month (so about 3 months veg) and then push her into full bloom :)
I dont no what coco your usin mate but with canna you shouldnt never flush with just water you can damage the cocos buffers and your micro life always go for quarter strength base nutes(a&b) i think this will go with all the top brands of coco all should be pre-buffed well, another thing which i read some 1 tellin you mate was to flush and pre charge the coco, this is a no no if your in canna aswell mate no need all done for you, why did you flush anyhow? nothin looked wrong to me?......
What size pot you in mate? cos cocos like hydro your best to water often but you dont want to over water, thats why smaller pots work best for coco.
Oh ok - didnt know that about the flushing... i am using canna coco plus, will do 1/4 strength nutes next time. I flushed because i was worried that my ppm's were getting too high in veg - 1200ppm Also to add more water and see the effect, she didnt droop as much at night and weighed in at 13.5kg after the full flush Now she is drooping again and i weighed her at 11.5kg so im guessing its time to add nutes again probably at 900ppm max and keep using nutes every feed til the 4 week mark? - does this sound about correct? I have noticed she is using more water as she grows, might have to up the waterings to say 5L every 2 days or so Thoughts?...
I use the canna plus its good stuff mate, i take it your talkin about your runoff ppms ?? cos you'd just lower your feeds ppms right if to high? you need to stop worryin about the runoff, just shuck the stuff lol its all about what goes in in coco............ive never checked ppms or ec i try to read the plant, just start low with every thing and work up keep a eye out for burn.
so what size pot you in mate? it looks big? i think its holdin a lot of water in the bottom where theres not a lot of roots yet, and your thinkin its still heavy, if the plants droop maybe give a little of feed to wet the top area but no run off, then water for full runoff next feed, in coco your best in maybe 8-12L pots max or you cant water as much as you need imo. i use 6L airpots but you can use smaller with them cos you dont get root bound, im flowerin in a 1L airpot what i use for veg now, just to see how it goes lol
Im going to water today at 900ppm, had the water sitting out overnight again - when i checked her this morning, she looked fine. it only seems to be at the end of the day that she droops? Its a 20L pot (biggest i could find) - probably go for close to 5L at a time per feeding, yeah im hoping that there isn't a lot of water buildup at the bottom of the pot... I'll post some pics up soon of my current progress
I just gave her a good neem spray at 5ml per L straight after lights out She is drinking water real fast now, i will probably have to up the feed to every few days now - will post some pics up in the morning :)

This is how she was looking earlier today...

She is still drooping at night and picking up in the mornings?

I am feeding at 900ppm every 2 days now at 5L per watering as she uses up 50% of her weight quite quickly now

Hygrometer readings:

MAX 77.1F + 49% HUMIDITY

MIN 61.3F + 34% HUMIDITY

Ive heard a 5 - 10 degree drop is beneficial, maybe the temps and humidity are causing her stress?

She is in veg just now running 18/6 with a MH from 0600 til 0000

Im sure she will pick up again in the morning - opinions welcome though

Time for flower or should i just keep vegging her - she is about 1ft high and as you can see very bushy :)


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Should i pull off some of the lower fan leaves to encourage growth at the top of the plant or leave her as she is?...

She is still droppoing at night - weighed in at 11.5kg so not at the halfway point for weight just yet

I am seriously worried about the drooping now, is it a pH or temperature problem?...

Can't understand it?


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Just read this:

There are different reasons the cannabis leaf can droop, the first and most simple is the plant is lacking enough moisture. It is also possible that the plant is missing nutrients that can cause it to droop and this can be corrected with proper fertilizer. There can also be drooping leaves due to some insect infestations or disease.

The grower needs to inspect the cannabis drooping leaves carefully to determine if there is an insect infestation or disease. Then the pH level of the soil should be tested and whatever the grower determines will also determine the type of treatment for drooping cannabis leaves.

so i guess not so straightforward to diagnose?
anyone care to hazard a guess as to whether it is over or under feeding?...

Ph should be stable + as for bugs they get gnat-off in the mix and she is on her 3rd neem spray

Weight 11.5kg right now
hey WW,

It's perfectly natural. leaves droop when the lights go out as they have no need to hold themselves up, there's no light to catch.

don't worry unless they don't pick up in the morning. then it's most likely they are needing water. but let them be for an hour with lights on before you give them any.

in my experience that's the only thing that'll make the leaves droop. ph fluctuation or nute burn the leaves will start to look mottled. pests are easy enough to spot.

watch this vid you'll get what i mean.
