Coconut coir anyone?


Well-Known Member
i transplanted into coco last night. after seeing them today ive noticed the tips are turning brown, some think it could be salt buildup and nute lockout


Well-Known Member
i am also running a test of coco coir vs soil. two of the same strains are going to be fed the same nutrients the only difference will be soil and coco coir. ill let everyone know what happens


Well-Known Member
i transplanted into coco last night. after seeing them today ive noticed the tips are turning brown, some think it could be salt buildup and nute lockout
sounds like calcium or magnesium deficiency, pick up some cal/mag. yeah, check your ph 5.6-6.0, also, watch your ppm

i am also running a test of coco coir vs soil. two of the same strains are going to be fed the same nutrients the only difference will be soil and coco coir. ill let everyone know what happens
what kind of nutes you using? remember your ph should be much lower than in soil. good luck:bigjoint:


Heard a lot of folk talking about flushing coco, this is a bad idea as like Humidity the ec in coco travels from areas of high ec to areas of low ec, so when you flush you drop the ec of your water content this allows the salts stored in the coco to move from the coco to your plants hence the higher ph and ec in your run off. Plus this run of test is useless in coco what you must do to find the ph of your coco is mix 1 3rd coco to 2/3rds ro water blend to a soup then test. Also folks you need to use a coco only feed and at half strength if hand watering in pots full strength is only for active hydroponics (flood and drain for coco). The top and bottom is coco rocks if you do it right, And buy the right coco and feed. I use 7.5 liter pots and water every 3-4 days at 2ml per liter with canna nuets and canna coco. (OH and you must use Canazyime for the hole grow and you will never suffer from lockout or other plant stress probs.
Blue Cheese Doing well in coco!.



Active Member
interesting eyeco. i think theres alot of contradictory info out there. mine are doing fantastic in 100% coir from hydrofarm (you know the bad stuff everyone talks about). foxfarm grow big nutes not the hydro. and superthrive. i did have ph issues but no longer. i think that was more detremental than not using coco nutes or the right coco or any other supliments. you can do more damage adding more to your solution as well, especialy if you dont know what your doing, with ec, ph, or ppm. i subscribe to the K.I.S.S. theory............. keep it simple silly! dont overcomplicate things you'll drive yourself nuts.

also, if you are on top of your ph and nute solution you wont have any lockouts either, or stress.


My experiences so far, i grew in soil for years then tried the tables. I had great success in both. When i did try coco in the past i had nutrient lockout issues and ph issues. But in the last year or so after researching coco and it's tendencies, i was talked into cannacoco. According to mulitple sources it's the only coco as far as they were concerned. It's ppm and ph stable and is as easy as soil. I switched to House&Garden nutrients using there coco specific blend and i have had zero issues. Also i used the roots excelerater plus the enzymes and i have had great harvests. It seemed to be a winning combo for me. I can't wait for my local shop to get in there order form H&G, I'm also gonna grab bud-xl and there algen extract. There seems to be alot of hype around H&G, i'm happy it's fianlly gonna be available in canada.