Cold or to much nitrogen ?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
A whole plant pic might help.

The destroyed tips looks like cold burn and the tacoing looks like wind burn. That's a very bland opinion though from just a small section of the plant. I wouldn't expect wind burn on interior leaves like that, so it may be something else like watering or feed.


Well-Known Member
Odd. I have a shitload of plants outdoors. It’s gotten down to 36 a few times. With wind. No problems. I think it’s not the temperature.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Leaf shape indicates nitrogen excess.
Only the tallest, exterior part of the big plant is affected, nothing on the interior.

I think the shape, color, texture and location of the damage are all indicative to wind/cold. Nitrogen burn would be much more widespread and a different burn.