Colorado......what this means

as long as they can continue to be parasites they would allow it but this marijuana legalization stuff will really put a damper on their raping and pillaging of the serfs. I'm not sure if just stealing from the big tobacco profits is enough, after all we all know as growers that its a wet dream for them, they can't be that naive, this plant it grows without nutrients in the ground naturally even, everyone and their mother will grow it. Marlboro Joints will never make much money, certainly not enough to feed the unquenchable thirst for blood that a government has by its very nature.
I am anxious to see what happens. I see tourism in the future similar to Amsterdam. I am already planning my trip.
The one thing that I am finding odd is, and maybe I just haven't seen it, but from all the hours of watching CNN, MSNBC, and yes FOX news, no one is really talking about this. Anderson Cooper briefly showed the results on CNN, but no one has talked about the effect this will have on all the other states, as well as how the fed will handle this situation. I have a feeling that someone is going to try and step in to shut down the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington. Sorry Oregon, you were the one state everyone predicted it passing in, maybe next time.

Will the government just ignore what the people want? I don't think they can anymore. This is something they will have to deal with sooner or later. After thinking about it throughout the night, I have a gut feeling that the federal government will not recognize what the people of those two states want. I think the feds will make a big push to have it over turned on the state level.

That is what my gut is telling me will most likely happen. On the other hand, my heart is telling me that the feds will be forced to look at marijuana in a true medical sense and they will reclassify it, possibly decriminalize it across the board, but have steep penalties for the illegal sale of it. Eventually, they will get their hooks into the industry and make it illegal to grow, even if for medical usage, unless you have a permit and are a "certified grower". I think since Obama is in his last term he could possibly make a push for medical use across the country. Hell, he can't run for office again so it's not going to hurt him. I think many politicians are actually for the legalization, or the medical use of marijuana, but they are too afraid to do something about it out of fear of losing votes.

The senate and the house won't make a real push for it either. The people who are already in those positions will not want to risk losing votes in the next election. Another scenario is this: More and more states will slowly pass marijuana for medical use over the next few years. There are some states that will never pass it, like Kentucky, WV, and the more redneck states, but it will get to a point where 75 to 85% of the country will have it legal for medical use, and the federal government will be forced to take a new look at it. Again, if they do, I feel they will try and take complete control of it. Making it only legal for certain groups to be allowed to grow and distribute it, taking it out of the homes of medical users. They will try to turn it into a regular prescription and hand it over to Pfizer or some other big pharma company.
Btw, does your God really "fuck"?

I am not going to say with any certainty how he knocked Mary up with Jesus, but I am pretty sure it was out of wedlock. Other religion's Gods though, whew, they were some horny bastards. See also Greek/Roman, Egyptian, Hindi, Druidism just to strart out with.

Employers would not have to accommodate people who wish to smoke at work and would still be allowed to test for marijuana use and to fire people who test positive. Driving under the influence of marijuana would remain illegal and it would remain illegal to sell or give marijuana to anyone under 21 years old.

Vicente explains that “employers will still have the absolute ability to retain any policies they have about marijuana use. Once it is legal, it is our hope that they will embrace common sense rules regarding the legal use of a legal product on people’s own time.”

The one thing that I am finding odd is, and maybe I just haven't seen it, but from all the hours of watching CNN, MSNBC, and yes FOX news, no one is really talking about this. Anderson Cooper briefly showed the results on CNN, but no one has talked about the effect this will have on all the other states, as well as how the fed will handle this situation. I have a feeling that someone is going to try and step in to shut down the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington. Sorry Oregon, you were the one state everyone predicted it passing in, maybe next time.

Will the government just ignore what the people want? I don't think they can anymore. This is something they will have to deal with sooner or later. After thinking about it throughout the night, I have a gut feeling that the federal government will not recognize what the people of those two states want. I think the feds will make a big push to have it over turned on the state level.

That is what my gut is telling me will most likely happen. On the other hand, my heart is telling me that the feds will be forced to look at marijuana in a true medical sense and they will reclassify it, possibly decriminalize it across the board, but have steep penalties for the illegal sale of it. Eventually, they will get their hooks into the industry and make it illegal to grow, even if for medical usage, unless you have a permit and are a "certified grower". I think since Obama is in his last term he could possibly make a push for medical use across the country. Hell, he can't run for office again so it's not going to hurt him. I think many politicians are actually for the legalization, or the medical use of marijuana, but they are too afraid to do something about it out of fear of losing votes.

The senate and the house won't make a real push for it either. The people who are already in those positions will not want to risk losing votes in the next election. Another scenario is this: More and more states will slowly pass marijuana for medical use over the next few years. There are some states that will never pass it, like Kentucky, WV, and the more redneck states, but it will get to a point where 75 to 85% of the country will have it legal for medical use, and the federal government will be forced to take a new look at it. Again, if they do, I feel they will try and take complete control of it. Making it only legal for certain groups to be allowed to grow and distribute it, taking it out of the homes of medical users. They will try to turn it into a regular prescription and hand it over to Pfizer or some other big pharma company.
I am not sure your correct that some states would never pass it after we have witness to arknasas just missing by a few percentage points. So I will remain optimistic. I do not think the federal government would ever take a look at it, its not in their interest, its not in the interest of lobyist. I do think they will go after these states possibly, perhaps not, they can still have their way with the serfs their under federal law, this makes it a bit easier for them in fact. Finally I don't think Obama will do jack shit about it as its not in the administrations best interest either. I predict that federal indictments will increase and that the IRS will seize on this opportunity to claim some victims in the name of profit as well. So in summary an esclation in the federal drug war but thank god for a de-escalation in the drug war locally is gradually becoming the norm.
I think O will take a relaxed stance on it seeing as its his second term. However its highly possible he will let me down once again.
One problem with the WA bill that passed is it limits driving to under 5 nano grams, which is probably in your system when you're not high if you're a regular smoker.
someone correct me if i'm wrong here.

there is no law requiring employers to drug test, therefore there is no law requiring employers to report drug test results to the federal government, correct?

BUT, nothing will change for most employers because drug testing is a ploy for cheaper insurance, not an attempt at carrying out "the man's bidding". i don't see it being beneficial to insurers to revamp their (possibly nationwide) policy just because some states had a vote.
someone correct me if i'm wrong here.

there is no law requiring employers to drug test, therefore there is no law requiring employers to report drug test results to the federal government, correct?

BUT, nothing will change for most employers because drug testing is a ploy for cheaper insurance, not an attempt at carrying out "the man's bidding". i don't see it being beneficial to insurers to revamp their (possibly nationwide) policy just because some states had a vote.

Employers can still drug test. Federal employee's will continue to be drug tested. State too as well as union employees. Just like you can't go to work drunk, you can't go to work stoned for most jobs. Usually jobs that require driving will drug test, or operating machinery. The employers I've had that test only tested if you had an accident on the job.