Combat Veteran Music

ROFLMAO!! VOLUNTEERED! uhhhhhhh no. What were you an officer's kid? First rule NEVER VOLUNTEER! I hope that helped. Oh and be ready to step BACK when they ask or you might find yourself volunteered ;)

LOL, glad you made it home. Remember next life, don't volunteer ;)
They were drafting anything with a pulse, if you "volunteered" at least you had some choices. I was going in the Army either way!
Thanks brother
They were drafting anything with a pulse, if you "volunteered" at least you had some choices. I was going in the Army either way!
Thanks brother

I remember. I was there.... you still didn't... well never mind ;) Pssssst I'm a gurl OH and I was simply teasing you. Not seriously calling you stupid. I only call the hubby that.
Ooops sorry sister!:roll:...........I'm glad everything worked out for your hubby. And please tell him thank you from me!
P.S. I threw my boots & everything else away as soon as I got home. Being a Vietnam vet was not cool in 1970.:-(
Ooops sorry sister!:roll:...........I'm glad everything worked out for your hubby. And please tell him thank you from me!
P.S. I threw my boots & everything else away as soon as I got home. Being a Vietnam vet was not cool in 1970.:-(

My hub didn't have a choice. He did 22+ years. He used his boots until Desert Storm and no he was never cool ;) but I love him just the same. I've thanked him a million times for surviving. My first boyfriend did not come home.
This thread has got me thinking about my time working in the archives; during my post-military university days. One job I had was to sit and transcribe hundreds and hundreds of hours of interviews with veterans; mostly Vietnam veterans. It was very enlightening, interesting, and though it may sound bad... amusing. I say it was amusing because I began to recognize place names etc. And you'd hear stories from two or three people that had never met in their lives, but were both involved in the same "events". It was very interesting because I got to hear personal testimonies and could see the big picture. The sad thing is, I think I am the only person to have touched those tapes since the early 90's and probably still today. They will just sit in old green filing cabinets in the basement forever.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. ...and cordite in the afternoon. ...and C4, PETN, RDX, etc at night.
Prepping the LZ

Great vid doublejj. Those 2.75's were first used on Cobras during nam at An Loc. I love me some mini-guns!!
Here's our kids kickin' it old school, HD no less, they rule!
[video=youtube;lyVOqMnlAhI] 9s[/video]
First 5min in the Marine Corps!
I grew-up in San Diego, & no matter what time you went by MCRD, you would see marines out doing PT! You could go by at 3:00am, Always!:roll:

Vietnam war music video
8mm film footage, shot by Cobra gunship pilot, from Cincinnati, Ohio, in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam, 1968. This pilot was shot down (the first time) 12 minutes into his first mission in Vietnam, while flying a Huey Gunship. The pilot later was awarded America's second highest medal for valor. Video of the medal presentation is at the end of the film.

Great vid doublejj. Those 2.75's were first used on Cobras during nam at An Loc. I love me some mini-guns!!

Battle of An Loc:

Doublejj were you in the Corps?

I've got some pix of me with weapons, including my rifle with M203 40mm but I can't post them.
No, US Army...........I just can across the Marine Corps video, & I grew up right around MCRD San Diego.
I carried an M16 & .45 in Vietnam
An Khe Army Airfield