Well-Known Member
Your welcome & thank you.You earned so much and recieved so little. No way we can repay you for what you have done. But THANKS
After Vietnam I kicked around for several years, going from job to job & never seemed to fit in. I never felt comfortable & I was having nightmares every night. It wasn't until I found a job that produced the same high risk, high adenaline environment, like Vietnam, that I settled down & the nightmares went away. I just retired a few years ago, from 25 years working inside Folsom Prison. The staff assault rate at Folsom is 30%, staff have a 1in3 chance of being assaulted at least once each year.
Much to my suprise, since my retirement, the nightmares have started to return, only I've added an additional 25years worth!

I use Medical Marijuana to help with PTSD, & the government tells me I don't have the right own a gun because I use MMJ.
