Combination approach need expert advice


Hey guys,

Having a bad thrip problem and its been going on for, well, way too long (a couple of grows so at least 6 months). I've had enough and am going to dedicate myself to getting rid of these bastards. I am limited with what I can use because I live in Canada and we can't get shit here. Its very frustrating, but I have to work with what I have. For the soil, I picked up some sm-90. I called the tech line, and I was told instead of using 3 ml per gallon, to increase that to 8 ml per gallon for 1 watering, then cut that amount back to regular strength. This, so they say, will destroy the larvae in the soil and hopefully break the cycle. I am also planning on using 1 teaspoon of neem oil per gallon and watering it into the soil as well because neem is systemic, and it should help to kill whatever is in the soil.

This is where I need some help. The thrips above ground on the leaves. I have been using neem oil, but I spray and the next day their back! Walking around, having a party like nothing happened, wtf! Apparently, neem has little affect on adult insects because of its mode of action. I am hoping that someone, that has had experience mixing bug control products can help me! I cannot get spinosad in Canada, I have tried. Used azamax, and they came back. Neem, slows them down, but they come back. I can get end all, which is pyrethium based. I can also get various horticultural oils, like the petroleum oil at the hydro store. I want to mix something like pyrethium and neem as a double kill and spray 3 times, 3-5 days apart. Can anyone give me a base starting point on a mix that won't cause phytoxicity? I need someone who is advanced that has experience with this to provide some advice. I made a post in the bug section, but people just parrot what they have heard, not what they have experienced.


Well-Known Member
If your grow is separate from your living area ( and more than 20 days from harvest) you can use Hot Shots fogger. I have used them when I saw a few thrips flying and have been amazed at the amount of dead ones I saw after. As long as you use dirt, you are going to get new swarms, as they come in with the dirt.


Active Member
Seven spray? Never heard of it. What are its ingredients?
Look in Wally World or Home Depot or Lowes. They have seven dust that you can apply in powder form or get a liquid in a spray bottle. It is commonly used on fruit plants. However, I don't put anything on them after flowering starts if I can absolutly avoid it. I am not sure of the ingredients, I just know I am bug free.