Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

Bottom line there is something seriously fucking wrong with Gays...
If you want to be a cock gobbler then stay in the fucking closet and keep it to your self i you want to cross the street holding hands ,, You know they have this Gay pride parade ????
Why can;t we not have one day open season on GAYS
Bottom line there is something seriously fucking wrong with Gays...
If you want to be a cock gobbler then stay in the fucking closet and keep it to your self i you want to cross the street holding hands ,, You know they have this Gay pride parade ????
Why can;t we not have one day open season on GAYS

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
Bottom line there is something seriously fucking wrong with Gays...
If you want to be a cock gobbler then stay in the fucking closet and keep it to your self i you want to cross the street holding hands ,, You know they have this Gay pride parade ????
Why can;t we not have one day open season on GAYS

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

Bottom line there is something seriously fucking wrong with Gays...
If you want to be a cock gobbler then stay in the fucking closet and keep it to your self i you want to cross the street holding hands ,, You know they have this Gay pride parade ????
Why can;t we not have one day open season on GAYS

Ah yes! a distinct latency of the homosexual variety. :lol:

This thread is a magnet for them!

That oddball's posts are gold Jerry, Gold!

Here you go shit head

A dozen states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books 10 years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled they are unconstitutional.

One such state is Louisiana, where gay rights groups contend police have used anti-sodomy laws to target gay men. But state lawmakers sided with religious and conservative groups in refusing to repeal the law last week.

Of 14 states that had anti-sodomy laws, only Montana and Virginia have repealed theirs since the Supreme Court ruling, said Sarah Warbelow, legal director for theHuman Rights Campaign, a national gay rights organization.

Warbelow says that in addition to Louisiana, anti-sodomy laws remain on the books in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.

The Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003 that it is unconstitutional to bar consensual sex between adults, calling it a violation of the 14th Amendment.

Last year, police in East Baton Rouge Parish arrested gay men for attempted crimes against nature using the anti-sodomy law in a sting operation that caused a national outcry. The district attorney wouldn't bring charges against the arrested men, saying the law was unenforceable.

This led Rep. Patricia Smith, D-Baton Rouge, to file the bill that would repeal Louisiana's anti-sodomy law, saying it would make the system fairer and more efficient.

"We don't need inefficient laws on the books," she said.

Her fellow representatives, however, disagreed and voted 66-27 on April 15 to keep the law in place.

Gene Mills, president of the conservative Louisiana Family Forum, said he was not surprised the bill failed considering the state's culture.

"It's not a Louisiana value," he said of the repeal.

Others argue Louisiana lawmakers are going against public opinion and sending out a message that gay people are unwelcome in the state.

"It just shows how out of touch Louisiana representatives are," said Patrick Paschall, senior policy counsel for public policy and government affairs at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Terry Young Jr., a 27-year-old gay man, said he cannot understand why Louisiana lawmakers would want to keep a law that was declared unconstitutional.

"It's a reflection of the overall homophobia," said Young, at the state Capitol last week.

While social conservatism plays a role in keeping unusable anti-sodomy laws on the books, Warbelow said lawmakers may also feel overwhelmed with having to rewrite statutes to accommodate concerns about aggravated sodomy.

Some anti-sodomy laws, including Louisiana's, use one statute to prohibit both consensual sodomy and aggravated sodomy. Opponents of the repeal argued that it would eliminate protections from oral and anal sexual assault.

Warbelow said lawmakers could have addressed this concern by rewriting their sexual-assault statutes. While doing so might have been a daunting task, it would have been better than keeping the anti-sodomy laws and relying on courts to uphold the Supreme Court decision, she said.
Here you go shit head

A dozen states still have anti-sodomy laws on the books 10 years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled they are unconstitutional.

One such state is Louisiana, where gay rights groups contend police have used anti-sodomy laws to target gay men. But state lawmakers sided with religious and conservative groups in refusing to repeal the law last week.

Of 14 states that had anti-sodomy laws, only Montana and Virginia have repealed theirs since the Supreme Court ruling, said Sarah Warbelow, legal director for theHuman Rights Campaign, a national gay rights organization.

Warbelow says that in addition to Louisiana, anti-sodomy laws remain on the books in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.

The Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003 that it is unconstitutional to bar consensual sex between adults, calling it a violation of the 14th Amendment.

Last year, police in East Baton Rouge Parish arrested gay men for attempted crimes against nature using the anti-sodomy law in a sting operation that caused a national outcry. The district attorney wouldn't bring charges against the arrested men, saying the law was unenforceable.

This led Rep. Patricia Smith, D-Baton Rouge, to file the bill that would repeal Louisiana's anti-sodomy law, saying it would make the system fairer and more efficient.

"We don't need inefficient laws on the books," she said.

Her fellow representatives, however, disagreed and voted 66-27 on April 15 to keep the law in place.

Gene Mills, president of the conservative Louisiana Family Forum, said he was not surprised the bill failed considering the state's culture.

"It's not a Louisiana value," he said of the repeal.

Others argue Louisiana lawmakers are going against public opinion and sending out a message that gay people are unwelcome in the state.

"It just shows how out of touch Louisiana representatives are," said Patrick Paschall, senior policy counsel for public policy and government affairs at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Terry Young Jr., a 27-year-old gay man, said he cannot understand why Louisiana lawmakers would want to keep a law that was declared unconstitutional.

"It's a reflection of the overall homophobia," said Young, at the state Capitol last week.

While social conservatism plays a role in keeping unusable anti-sodomy laws on the books, Warbelow said lawmakers may also feel overwhelmed with having to rewrite statutes to accommodate concerns about aggravated sodomy.

Some anti-sodomy laws, including Louisiana's, use one statute to prohibit both consensual sodomy and aggravated sodomy. Opponents of the repeal argued that it would eliminate protections from oral and anal sexual assault.

Warbelow said lawmakers could have addressed this concern by rewriting their sexual-assault statutes. While doing so might have been a daunting task, it would have been better than keeping the anti-sodomy laws and relying on courts to uphold the Supreme Court decision, she said.

Your penis is so very very tiny.
Guy`s a F`n idiot and has no clue what he speaks, he needs to speak though, so he will.

Is that your cute but extra, extra large walmart kid there Paddy ??

See, you couldn`t be more wrong. Anyone with kids knows that. Because you lack the love, you can`t have the feelings. As you can see I am still not resorting to name calling on kids instead of the primary target. I wont pick on your kids if you ever have them, like Harrekin, it shows weaknesses. OOOPs not to mention Harrekin no more,.. slipped,...sorry.

Now what where you saying about my kids again,...? Can you redirect to me if you ya know, don`t mind,.....? Or, are you out ?
Wtf are you talking about?

My kids dont need tolerance, they understand the concept everyone is different yet mostly the same.

Who's kids am I picking on?

I just think its weird that you infer your own daughter is attractive, really fucking weird.
Darth vapor demonstrates a new depth of assholery and ignorance. Another for the ignore list.

I have to say- those that enjoy sparring with these complete social zeros, groovy! I will say however, that the ignore feature works really well. I prefer to not dignify these mentally deficient comments by reading them.
Darth vapor demonstrates a new depth of assholery and ignorance. Another for the ignore list.

I have to say- those that enjoy sparring with these complete social zeros, groovy! I will say however, that the ignore feature works really well. I prefer to not dignify these mentally deficient comments by reading them.
Homophobe facists.

They probably denounce gay people then with the same breath cry that the Govt tries to control what they put in their body...
Harrekin- they probably do. It's just shameful. And who do these people hang out with? Intelligent people? Of course not.
44,500 People, Including Two Presidential Candidates, Vow To Defy The Supreme Court On Marriage Equality

"By the end of the month, the Supreme Court will decide whether there is a constitutional right to marry for same-sex couples. Most legal pundits predict that a majority of the court will rule in favor of marriage equality.

But a group led by anti-gay pastor Rick Scarborough is vowing to defy any ruling by the Supreme Court that recognizes same-sex marriage. Scarborough announced the effort in a column on WND, a website best known for relentlessly publishing conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birthplace. In the column, published April 27, Scarborough asserts, “[t]he Supreme Court can no more redefine marriage than it can redefine gravity. Neither is in the Court’s legitimate jurisdiction.”

The group placed a full page advertisement in the Washington Post last week, stating, “we will not honor any decision by the Supreme Court which will force us to violate a clear biblical understanding of marriage as solely the union of one man and one woman.”

The group claims to have more than 44,500 signatures, which are being collected on According to Scarborough, those who signed the document “will accept any fine and jail time to protect their religious freedom and the freedom of others.”

It would be easy to dismiss as a fringe effort, but the list includes two presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee. (Neither appear in the ad but both are listed on the website.) Santorum was the runner-up to Romney in the 2012 Republican primary, winning 11 states. Polls currently have Huckabee in a tie for fifth in the GOP primary, less than 3 points behind leader Jeb Bush.

Other prominent signatories include Tom DeLay, the former Majority Leader of the House Of Representatives, and reality TV stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar."
All of my children are beautiful.

WTF were those pics? Dads and daughters, or their wives, lol
Yeah, beautiful is OK, there's no sexual connotation to the word 'beautiful' in the context of your kids. But "hot"? You would never call your daughter "hot", right?

Yeah that was fathers who took a vow to keep their daughters "pure" for their marriage
44,500 People, Including Two Presidential Candidates, Vow To Defy The Supreme Court On Marriage Equality

"By the end of the month, the Supreme Court will decide whether there is a constitutional right to marry for same-sex couples. Most legal pundits predict that a majority of the court will rule in favor of marriage equality.

But a group led by anti-gay pastor Rick Scarborough is vowing to defy any ruling by the Supreme Court that recognizes same-sex marriage. Scarborough announced the effort in a column on WND, a website best known for relentlessly publishing conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birthplace. In the column, published April 27, Scarborough asserts, “[t]he Supreme Court can no more redefine marriage than it can redefine gravity. Neither is in the Court’s legitimate jurisdiction.”

The group placed a full page advertisement in the Washington Post last week, stating, “we will not honor any decision by the Supreme Court which will force us to violate a clear biblical understanding of marriage as solely the union of one man and one woman.”

The group claims to have more than 44,500 signatures, which are being collected on According to Scarborough, those who signed the document “will accept any fine and jail time to protect their religious freedom and the freedom of others.”

It would be easy to dismiss as a fringe effort, but the list includes two presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee. (Neither appear in the ad but both are listed on the website.) Santorum was the runner-up to Romney in the 2012 Republican primary, winning 11 states. Polls currently have Huckabee in a tie for fifth in the GOP primary, less than 3 points behind leader Jeb Bush.

Other prominent signatories include Tom DeLay, the former Majority Leader of the House Of Representatives, and reality TV stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar."
Lol, like the fucking Duggars should get a say on ANYTHING.
Bottom line there is something seriously fucking wrong with Gays...
If you want to be a cock gobbler then stay in the fucking closet and keep it to your self i you want to cross the street holding hands ,, You know they have this Gay pride parade ????
Why can;t we not have one day open season on GAYS

Unfortunately for many gay people, there has been open season on them a good deal of their life.

Turkeys gobble. Cocks crow. Learn to farm wait never mind.