Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

If she thinks biblical Jesus Christ would victimise gay people she's obviously not a very good Christian...

For real. These fuckin people, if they practiced what they preached, they could make the world a better place by working on their own bullshit. I'm a believer, but I don't go to church because of all the judgmental assholes there.

Matthew 7:3 (NIV)

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
I'll never understand ...I was raised catholic. ..went to fancy private school. ..took an hour of "religion " class a day until u graduated. We were taught to accept, forgive, and have faith....not once did we talk about hating anyone. can anyone preaching hate claim to be anything but a biggot. Soon these wack job baby boomers with all die and much of the hate will slowly dillude. Generation X ...we outnumber them...we can be the change...
I'll never understand ...I was raised catholic. ..went to fancy private school. ..took an hour of "religion " class a day until u graduated. We were taught to accept, forgive, and have faith....not once did we talk about hating anyone. can anyone preaching hate claim to be anything but a biggot. Soon these wack job baby boomers with all die and much of the hate will slowly dillude. Generation X ...we outnumber them...we can be the change...
I think it's the constant fear pumped into them by the religious right, the political wing of the group. They need to rally votes during elections so they scare the everloving shit out of their constituents so they vote for them to protect them

Just look at how they view things like ISIS, black "thug" Americans, poor people, etc..
I think it's the constant fear pumped into them by the religious right, the political wing of the group. They need to rally votes during elections so they scare the everloving shit out of their constituents so they vote for them to protect them

Just look at how they view things like ISIS, black "thug" Americans, poor people, etc..
Democrats do the same shit to a different demographic.
Gay people are not "asking the state for permission to marry"..

They are taking their case to the supreme court to get nationwide acceptance of the recognition of same sex marriage

You're apparently unaware of spousal rights, so I'd advise you to do a little research before commenting

The Supreme Court is just a bunch of hand picked thugs that try to run others lives. Best to ignore that gang. They blessed slavery among other things.

Why would anyone want a group of thugs to bless their relationship? Can't people just create a contract on their own defining their relationship? Is a marriage, "not a marriage" until the thugs have blessed it? How does that work...magic?

Your reverence for the edicts of the state is sometimes a little disconcerting.
The Supreme Court is just a bunch of hand picked thugs that try to run others lives. Best to ignore that gang. They blessed slavery among other things.

Why would anyone want a group of thugs to bless their relationship? Can't people just create a contract on their own defining their relationship? Is a marriage, "not a marriage" until the thugs have blessed it? How does that work...magic?

Your reverence for the edicts of the state is sometimes a little disconcerting.
So you're saying a marriage should simply be a notorised contract between a couple and the courts?
The Supreme Court is just a bunch of hand picked thugs that try to run others lives. Best to ignore that gang. They blessed slavery among other things.

Why would anyone want a group of thugs to bless their relationship? Can't people just create a contract on their own defining their relationship? Is a marriage, "not a marriage" until the thugs have blessed it? How does that work...magic?

Your reverence for the edicts of the state is sometimes a little disconcerting.

"come watch crybabies cry about gay rights"^^^^^^^^
The Supreme Court is just a bunch of hand picked thugs that try to run others lives. Best to ignore that gang. They blessed slavery among other things.

Why would anyone want a group of thugs to bless their relationship? Can't people just create a contract on their own defining their relationship? Is a marriage, "not a marriage" until the thugs have blessed it? How does that work...magic?

Your reverence for the edicts of the state is sometimes a little disconcerting.
How would married couples enjoy tax benefits and spousal rights and other benefits that come along with the legal recognition of marriage?

What is disconcerting to me is that you never seem to follow anything to its obvious conclusion in your fairy tale land of utopian anarchy, and especially that you place so much faith in "the free market" and corporations to do the right thing when literally every corner of history shows us people, and especially corporations, act in their own best interest.
So you're saying a marriage should simply be a notorised contract between a couple and the courts?

No, I'm saying a marriage should be an agreement between the participants, that other parties should only be included if the participants wish them to be included, that "permission" from a third party is absurd. Putting their agreement in writing would be up to the participants, but could be useful.

A state sanctioned marriage is a form of state ownership over people, I reject that personally.
I think it's the constant fear pumped into them by the religious right, the political wing of the group. They need to rally votes during elections so they scare the everloving shit out of their constituents so they vote for them to protect them

Just look at how they view things like ISIS, black "thug" Americans, poor people, etc..
Which is exactly why their primaries are so fucking entertaining!
"come watch crybabies cry about gay rights"^^^^^^^^

Your grasp on reality is far more tenuous than your grasp on the tail of a wandering gerbil exploring your nether region.

I do not oppose gay people doing whatever the fuck they want to do.

I oppose any person having to get a license to marry. People are not dogs.
I do not oppose gay people doing whatever the fuck they want to do.

yes you do, you oppose a gay person being able to go into a store and buy the same goods and services as a straight person, including your own gay son.

and you have lots of respect for the guy who said in his newsletters that AIDS was the natural cure for faggots like your gay son.
yes you do, you oppose a gay person being able to go into a store and buy the same goods and services as a straight person, including your own gay son.

and you have lots of respect for the guy who said in his newsletters that AIDS was the natural cure for faggots like your gay son.

Your douchebaggery is excellent, yet your extrapolation is suffering.

No, I do not oppose a gay person going into a store. I oppose ANYONE going to private property and determining the rules of that property in total disregard for the actual owner of the property. If I went somewhere with my son that wouldn't serve him, that would be the last time I go there. Yet, even though I would be frustrated, I wouldn't resort to rapist tactics and make them interact with us.

I have some respect for you too, but that doesn't mean I endorse shitting on floors now does it?
rapist tactics

so you would call your gay son a rapist if he wanted to peacefully offer money to a vendor in exchange for goods and services, and you'd tell him that he has to respect the fact that he is to be treated like a second class citizen because he was born with a different sexuality than you?