Coming to a School near you, passwords made meaningless

Are are the parents up in arms pooling money together and coordinating legal action? Nope, didn't think so; too busy watching George Lopez reruns to be bothered. Someone will call the media, the story will play itself out and nobody will do a thing about it but take it up the ass. It's the new American way.
Are are the parents up in arms pooling money together and coordinating legal action? Nope, didn't think so; too busy watching George Lopez reruns to be bothered. Someone will call the media, the story will play itself out and nobody will do a thing about it but take it up the ass. It's the new American way.
Parents, money? Seems like a contradiction in terms.
Are are the parents up in arms pooling money together and coordinating legal action? Nope, didn't think so; too busy watching George Lopez reruns to be bothered. Someone will call the media, the story will play itself out and nobody will do a thing about it but take it up the ass. It's the new American way.

Here? In dis countri? We do it to ourselves. forgetabooutit
Cops already threatened daughter.
They got her friend to give up his Facebook credentials just by telling him they would get a search warrant if he didn't.

The school liason police officer is doing this.
The kids don't know they don't have to talk to the cops

When you advocate using force to get the things you like, don't be surprised when some people use force against you to get the things they like.

Cops are mindless anonymous henchman thugs by job description, what did you expect?

A cop in a school is more like a prison guard than anything else.
Well look at our schools. Many of them look like a prison. If you don't have quality parenting, this is the result.
The federal government expanded the safe school initiative
this is the result
the problem didn't come directly from the program but the assignment of the cops they put in the schools.
Barney fife loses for most part.
Police questioning of kids in school is considered being detained by the supreme court.
However the kids don't know their rights, the cops lie to them and intimidate therm.
Unless you have the means to lawyer up. Your kid is screwed
The federal government expanded the safe school initiative
this is the result
the problem didn't come directly from the program but the assignment of the cops they put in the schools.
Barney fife loses for most part.
Police questioning of kids in school is considered being detained by the supreme court.
However the kids don't know their rights, the cops lie to them and intimidate therm.
Unless you have the means to lawyer up. Your kid is screwed
I am one that parents and believes in making sure the kids know their rights. Teach them well, stop relying on the schools to stuff their heads. If not pleased with the system developed to mass process / warehouse kids so parents can work, home school them. Face it, the system as it is, developed to cope with the miscreants brought up with bad parenting / no parenting.
I just like to use abc123 for all my passwords. Best bruteforce attacks can't ever figure that one out. :D lmao

problem with people using complex alpha numeric upper lowercase etc
is it not so easy to remember, so folk in their wisdom need to right it down somewhere
its easy to remember 32 character alpha pass phrases no need to write them down anywhere
all in the mind :)

dic attacks include l33t speak too

problem with people using complex alpha numeric upper lowercase etc
is it not so easy to remember, so folk in their wisdom need to right it down somewhere
its easy to remember 32 character alpha pass phrases no need to write them down anywhere
all in the mind :)

dic attacks include l33t speak too


How do you get around 3x login fail?
and captcha

folk that do this sort of thing will scan for proxies and rotate them
the ip is only banned for a few mins,

personally i think its trivial and boring but those that are into this sort of thing
will have tens of thousands of working proxies
also its not only used for websites

many forms of captcha were defeated years ago, with recognition algorithms with 80-90% accuracy
ill admit it tends to be used by folk who do not have the knowledge to use other methods
like (generating valid session cookies)

a friend of mine a few years ago was able to reverse engineer the login dlls of yahoo and windows messenger
from this he was able to crack the algorithm/encryption these programs use to authenticate
when you enter a user name and password it is converted to a session cookie basically using md5 sha1 and various other encryption methods
reversing the dlls and a good knowledge of cryptography allows this to be found
hashed cookies are used for logins so sites do not keep a database of actual usernames and passwords
he was able to generate valid login session cookies and take any account
caused a bit of a storm in a t-cup for a while

cracking can also be used for hardware like routers etc to steal peoples wifi
some routers generate automatic passwords, the algorithm that generates the password
can be cracked, it is also similar to how "keygens" work to crack software
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