Coming up on week 5 and getting some burnt tips and curling

You said that you did your own worm stuff now is that like organic soil do it need to cook before you use it anymore information on this would be greatly appreciated as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
I just bought a worm farm off of Amazon and some worms from this company called Uncle Jim’s.

Once or twice a week I feed them my organic waste. Banana peels, apple cores, egg shells, etc.

When I checked the soil today there were dozens of worms wiggling around in there from the casting I feed a few days back... they procreate in the farm, so I have way more worms than when I started. I’ll still try to recover any of the worms that survive the next five weeks in my tent.

It has been an interesting project. They don’t really stink until you harvest the castings and such. There is also lots of worm tea that builds up on the bottom of the farm. Pretty sure I should’ve been continually harvesting that stuff, but no harm was done. I think I’ll start harvesting the tea weekly and just give my girls shots of that based upon availability.
Ok, so 4/5 of my plants’ have a soil pH range of 6.8-7.2. The one with lime green leaves, burnt tips, and curling read 6.81. Using a high quality Hanna meter freshly calibrated. Interestingly, the last plant had a soil pH of 7.8, but it looks healthy. Pictures attached.

So I’m guessing they’re just getting hungry. It does kind of look like nitrogen deficiency. But we are half way through flower, so I wouldn’t think to feed them N.

i can feed them subcool super soil by top dressing; that should give them a bit of everything. I also have a bag of FF Tomato and Veggie (5-7-3) and cavern culture (1-12-0). Don’t think the CC would do them any good, as they don’t look all that P deficient.

just kicking around ideas. Thoughts?

Cool. All those pH numbers look good so maybe they are just hungry. I'm not familiar with organic amendments but it sounds like you've got it covered. The 5-7-3 would probably be fine, just don't overdo it!