Comment on my CFL Flowers


New Member
if the breeder states 7-8 weeks to finish add another week onto that time.I dont know why but it takes a week or so longer when flowering with cfl's.Maybe someone else can chime in and explain why.they look really good well done mate!!
If u have enuf cfls they don't take longer....20121215_182115.jpg1355925858787.jpgI get buds hard as a rock...frosty...and finishing in time....1355883283839.jpg



Active Member
hey acid im slow when it come to computers so i have no idea how i loaded them but go to a pic right click and then click on open in new tab. i should take you to my photobucket page. why i does this i dont know


Well-Known Member
Blazing here you go buddy maybe this will help you with uploading photos to RIU.

Screenshot from 2013-01-30 19:38:41.jpgScreenshot from 2013-01-30 19:39:14.jpg and after clicking on the "Upload Files" your pictures should appear on the page, hope this helps.

Ms.Flame I hope you do mind me posting these photos on your thread.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
9 Days Old


Her leaves are spreading and soaking up light! She looks really healthy and her second leaves increased in length by 2 over night.


If you look closely, you can see the little tips of the third set peeking out. Another root has appeared at the bottom.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I think I will need to transplant her tomorrow. If she has actual root hairs showing...(the fuzz covered roots) then she is prob filling* that little 4 inch cup.


Active Member
Thank you acid ill give it a try. Flame you are a day ahead of me, are you giving nutes yet? The fuzzy you talk of was what my tap root looked when she went into the hydro bucket. I have a good 6"+ of roots in water as of now nutes are in her future.
Acid got a question I plan of scrog with a 400hps to. Ill veg and top with cfl, but I just bought another house and I should be moveing in march as it gives me two month would this cause a conflict you think. O ya I'm in the midwest too go huskers and its illegal here. Didn't know if she would all ready need to be in the net yet or not. Nob scrog. Sorry pie for "jacking" your thread.


Well-Known Member
Thank you acid ill give it a try. Flame you are a day ahead of me, are you giving nutes yet? The fuzzy you talk of was what my tap root looked when she went into the hydro bucket. I have a good 6"+ of roots in water as of now nutes are in her future.
Acid got a question I plan of scrog with a 400hps to. Ill veg and top with cfl, but I just bought another house and I should be moveing in march as it gives me two month would this cause a conflict you think. O ya I'm in the midwest too go huskers and its illegal here. Didn't know if she would all ready need to be in the net yet or not. Nob scrog. Sorry pie for "jacking" your thread.
Blazing I'm new to SCrog and kinda new to growing also ;) but by two months I think the plant should be filling the screen nicely so I don't know, you might have problems while removing the screen etc. You might look into "Modular SCrog" all it is is a screen mounted right to the pot, take a look here WW_Day42_SCROG.jpguser83092_pic89930_1244552194.jpg

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I may make a scrog for my cabinet... depends on how the girl does after being topped.

Prob another 2 weeks before I can top.


Active Member
Hey pie if it okay id like to call you Ms.tasty (sex drive) rofl. Nothing dirty intended. The funny thing bout the fish fert is that me and my miss were looking at that just last night at the wm but I opted to pass because the price wasn't avalible (I'm cheap) lol, how much was it. I saw that it wouldn't burn and my eyes lite up my misses was saying give it a go, but I passed. Think ill go get it in the manyana.
Acid I allways have a good seat lmfao, but I was on the same line of thinking. When the time comes to move if figure on moving her on her dark cyle and just carefully placing her in a 55g trash bag for the move. Just filed taxes and you have to love kid as they fetch a nice chunk of change. My miss have okayed me 1000 for "updateing" my grow. A 400hps meters and filter=540 with shipping so I have some left for seeds. I'm stupid stoked as I use mj for med not just rec, but I do sometimes. Glad y'all don't think I'm a "troll". Looking forward to it
Acid your thread inspired me to get the 400. Matt is a boss lol