Commercial QB Setup

MARS HYDRO for da Win! :)
Anyhow ever hear of a company called Soraa? They dont make grow lights but what they do make is white LED lighting with very high CRI, (95 CRI and a high price tag to boot). Very close to natural light. The trick for them is they don't use blue leds to excite their phosphor blend, they use UVA. I think Veloya is adopting Soraa's tech with the whites they use and/or have a custom phosphor blend for their white leds to get UVA in their spectrum. And Fluence and the other companies I mentioned must be doing it too since they all have some UVA in their light. And you don't need much since there is proportionally little UVA in sunlight.


Soraa pioneered full spectrum color rendering LED light, the heart of which is our proprietary LED technology manufactured in California, a technological breakthrough that we further enhance by focusing on every aspect of producing the most natural light possible.

And to anyone that thinks just adding some spectrum is an automatic benefit that will increase biomass and quality, well I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale for ya ;). Adding too much red can decrease biomass. You need to do some experimenting with the whites you're using which is what Veloya has been doing over the 2 or 3 years they spent experimenting and tweaking their various spectra for cannabis. Watch that video I posted earlier, they talk about that. Sorta like pharmacutical medicine.

Rhetorical question: If I have a 125 l/w grow light that produces the same biomass as a 150 l/w light and is higher in THC and cannabanoids than the 150 and therefore I can charge more for the weed produced, does efficacy, (efficiency), matter anymore?
Have you looked at nichia optisolis? If I remember right their 5k is almost an exact match to the sun's par spectrum. I'm curious what these companies use as a comparison when they say their lights are the best. If they go against the same wattage as 3k lm301b diodes and they are having better results cool. I think sometimes people get too scientific with spectrum. output is the most important thing that's why it took so long for led to actually beat hps even with superior spectrum led lost to hps until led got to a point where it had more ouput per watt.
MARS HYDRO for da Win! :)
Anyhow ever hear of a company called Soraa? They dont make grow lights but what they do make is white LED lighting with very high CRI, (95 CRI and a high price tag to boot). Very close to natural light. The trick for them is they don't use blue leds to excite their phosphor blend, they use UVA. I think Veloya is adopting Soraa's tech with the whites they use and/or have a custom phosphor blend for their white leds to get UVA in their spectrum. And Fluence and the other companies I mentioned must be doing it too since they all have some UVA in their light. And you don't need much since there is proportionally little UVA in sunlight.


Soraa pioneered full spectrum color rendering LED light, the heart of which is our proprietary LED technology manufactured in California, a technological breakthrough that we further enhance by focusing on every aspect of producing the most natural light possible.

And to anyone that thinks just adding some spectrum is an automatic benefit that will increase biomass and quality, well I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale for ya ;). Adding too much red can decrease biomass. You need to do some experimenting with the whites you're using which is what Veloya has been doing over the 2 or 3 years they spent experimenting and tweaking their various spectra for cannabis. Watch that video I posted earlier, they talk about that. Sorta like pharmacutical medicine.

Rhetorical question: If I have a 125 l/w grow light that produces the same biomass as a 150 l/w light and is higher in THC and cannabanoids than the 150 and therefore I can charge more for the weed produced, does efficacy, (efficiency), matter anymore?
Is Valoya publishing real-world results?
Is Valoya publishing real-world results?
The Canna+ line just came out. Literally like last month. I believe there's been one order in this country. Anything on their site is whatever tests they've done. Gonna be some time before we see who is doing what with them.

This seven figure order comes less than a month after the product launch, giving a good signal about the value the Valoya Canna+ line brings to the cannabis market. As the cannabis market is developing, so are growers’ needs for solutions enabling them to bring superior offerings to the market. Cannabis growers are looking for high yields with superior secondary metabolite and terpene compositions with fixtures that do not consume much energy and are reliable,” said Rabbe Ringbom, VP of sales and marketing at Valoya.

The order is realized through Innovative Growers Equipment (IGE), Valoya’s North American distributor for the cannabis market. IGE is the premier equipment supplier to commercial growers in North America. Their products include ebb and flow and expanded metal benches, Valoya’s LED grow lights, plant support systems, automated fertilizer injectors etc.
The Canna+ line just came out. Literally like last month. I believe there's been one order in this country. Anything on their site is whatever tests they've done. Gonna be some time before we see who is doing what with them.

This seven figure order comes less than a month after the product launch, giving a good signal about the value the Valoya Canna+ line brings to the cannabis market. As the cannabis market is developing, so are growers’ needs for solutions enabling them to bring superior offerings to the market. Cannabis growers are looking for high yields with superior secondary metabolite and terpene compositions with fixtures that do not consume much energy and are reliable,” said Rabbe Ringbom, VP of sales and marketing at Valoya.

The order is realized through Innovative Growers Equipment (IGE), Valoya’s North American distributor for the cannabis market. IGE is the premier equipment supplier to commercial growers in North America. Their products include ebb and flow and expanded metal benches, Valoya’s LED grow lights, plant support systems, automated fertilizer injectors etc.
Looks like it just has uva no uvb so it's pretty much the same as chilled grow lights
funny he doesn't talk about illumitex anymore......the guys broke from them started bml and rebranded into fluence. One big happy family.

froggy Used to make fun of heliospectra , they only "know skiing and smoked fish", but a Finnish company(valoya) is leading the cannabis game:roll:

It's almost 2019, the majority still agree that efficiency is king..... shitty titled spec hunters like myself are looking for greener grass in the desert.
funny he doesn't talk about illumitex anymore......the guys broke from them started bml and rebranded into fluence. One big happy family.

froggy Used to make fun of heliospectra , they only "know skiing and smoked fish", but a Finnish company(valoya) is leading the cannabis game:roll:

It's almost 2019, the majority still agree that efficiency is king..... shitty titled spec hunters like myself are looking for greener grass in the desert.

If one believes that efficiency is still king, then a full spectrum white light that will hit 1000+ppfd at ~2.5µmols/j with around 600w that you can cover a 4x4 with for $600 is as good as it gets.
funny he doesn't talk about illumitex anymore......the guys broke from them started bml and rebranded into fluence. One big happy family.

froggy Used to make fun of heliospectra , they only "know skiing and smoked fish", but a Finnish company(valoya) is leading the cannabis game:roll:

It's almost 2019, the majority still agree that efficiency is king..... shitty titled spec hunters like myself are looking for greener grass in the desert.
Well since you know sooooo much about me why don't you tell them why I gave up on Illumitex after my dialouge with their salespeople at LEDucation17? Ohh that's right cause you weren't there, so you don't know about how they refused to tell me how to identify which generation of LEDs they were selling. Moron!

And I never ever ever dissed Heliospectra. Since you know so much about me I challenge you to prove it. I'm sure you can just pop up that post. Go ahead big mouth. Show us where I said that.

Lying little weasel. Don't you have another grow to go fuckup and make excuses for?
If one believes that efficiency is still king, then a full spectrum white light that will hit 1000+ppfd at ~2.5µmols/j with around 600w that you can cover a 4x4 with for $600 is as good as it gets.

Yes, at that price point......... want to get ul, etl listing and slight bump in efficiency, yield? It's double that $$ == gavita , 2.7 umol/j , ww/660nm.

I've been called worse by cup comps is when he truly unleashes himself; fucking entertaining imo.
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The Canna+ line just came out. Literally like last month. I believe there's been one order in this country. Anything on their site is whatever tests they've done. Gonna be some time before we see who is doing what with them.

This seven figure order comes less than a month after the product launch, giving a good signal about the value the Valoya Canna+ line brings to the cannabis market. As the cannabis market is developing, so are growers’ needs for solutions enabling them to bring superior offerings to the market. Cannabis growers are looking for high yields with superior secondary metabolite and terpene compositions with fixtures that do not consume much energy and are reliable,” said Rabbe Ringbom, VP of sales and marketing at Valoya.

The order is realized through Innovative Growers Equipment (IGE), Valoya’s North American distributor for the cannabis market. IGE is the premier equipment supplier to commercial growers in North America. Their products include ebb and flow and expanded metal benches, Valoya’s LED grow lights, plant support systems, automated fertilizer injectors etc.
I see a lot of typical marketing jargon. Not seeing anything that proves Valoya's lights are worth significantly more than other competing products. I'm not claiming they aren't, but why should someone who's looking to drop a lot of coin on a big op consider them? Just because they state that they have scientists on staff? We've heard that one before. They must be able to provide proof from in-the-field implementations, surely?
I see a lot of typical marketing jargon. Not seeing anything that proves Valoya's lights are worth significantly more than other competing products.
aye, my thoughts exactly. loada fluff... im nowhere near convinced but kinda hope im wrong.

I've been called worse by cup comps is when he truly unleashes himself; fucking entertaining imo.
Have you looked at nichia optisolis? If I remember right their 5k is almost an exact match to the sun's par spectrum. I'm curious what these companies use as a comparison when they say their lights are the best. If they go against the same wattage as 3k lm301b diodes and they are having better results cool. I think sometimes people get too scientific with spectrum. output is the most important thing that's why it took so long for led to actually beat hps even with superior spectrum led lost to hps until led got to a point where it had more ouput per watt.
If these comp are using UVA rather then blue 450 to excite the phosphors then indeed they are starting something that will be better for horticultural then the white warehouse & hospital lighting were using now, once they nail down efficiency. I read into the Valoya link @fROGGled posted & it explains about the trade off between the efficiency & spectrum using the uva. You guys are quick to knock him but hes actually informing u guys here first about what will most likely be the next big thing. I havent gone back to compare to remote phosphor yet as I forgot how that exactly works but I will.
Led has never had a superior spectrum until they went enhanced white. Burple was even to hps quality light at best imo. Now we have almost double the output of HPS per watt w/ a superior enhanced white spectrum. All we need is a touch of UV to be full spectrum.
You say Nichia has a similar line called optisolis? Ok then, he we go.
Froggled, thank you for the info & links.
Keep up the research my man!
uva eh...zzz!

@hybridway2 why is that such a good thing?

i'm not knocking him, i just wanna see some proof this magic sauce is worth the blatantly Scandinavian price. I once spent 3 weeks in Norway, ate pot noodles, drank water and still spent 4k! (thats not entirely true, beer is bloody expensive)

i fully expect these leds to be around $10 per

nasa red/bue science bro yaddayaddayadda..zzzzzzz... i want some proof!

i hope there is a magic sauce cause that'd be sweet and id drown myself in it.
webinar was full of nothing new.

add blue in flower for higher thc....ummm even hps growers have been doin that for ages.

they also let us know that more blue in veg makes your plants stocky and we shouldnt use that spectrum in SOG - nice one guys, we had no they spent 2-3 years working that out? oh dear

This froggy guy lives under a rock or is on his own special sauce. maybe both.

MARS HYDRO for da Win! :)
Anyhow ever hear of a company called Soraa? They dont make grow lights but what they do make is white LED lighting with very high CRI, (95 CRI and a high price tag to boot). Very close to natural light. The trick for them is they don't use blue leds to excite their phosphor blend, they use UVA. I think Veloya is adopting Soraa's tech with the whites they use and/or have a custom phosphor blend for their white leds to get UVA in their spectrum. And Fluence and the other companies I mentioned must be doing it too since they all have some UVA in their light. And you don't need much since there is proportionally little UVA in sunlight.


Soraa pioneered full spectrum color rendering LED light, the heart of which is our proprietary LED technology manufactured in California, a technological breakthrough that we further enhance by focusing on every aspect of producing the most natural light possible.

And to anyone that thinks just adding some spectrum is an automatic benefit that will increase biomass and quality, well I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale for ya ;). Adding too much red can decrease biomass. You need to do some experimenting with the whites you're using which is what Veloya has been doing over the 2 or 3 years they spent experimenting and tweaking their various spectra for cannabis. Watch that video I posted earlier, they talk about that. Sorta like pharmacutical medicine.

Rhetorical question: If I have a 125 l/w grow light that produces the same biomass as a 150 l/w light and is higher in THC and cannabanoids than the 150 and therefore I can charge more for the weed produced, does efficacy, (efficiency), matter anymore?
So I dont understand the question?
If you're yeildibg equally but w/ better quality then that light is more efficient then the one getting a higher par reading 400-700nm or boasting more lum/w, umol/j. Because results are what quantify ur efficiency. Lol! Ive been saying this for yrs. While getting barked at over 1/10 in efficiency.
Ur also right about just randomly adding red or any nm fir that matter. Having a spectrometer would help.
I dont see any UVA in the Fluence spectrum. But did just see the Spyder Plus2 on their site. Pretty nice using the six double strip bars now instead of 8 single but the same physiospec indoor & greenhouse they had. Remote ballasts now.
Good info on the soraa lighting tech.
uva eh...zzz!

@hybridway2 why is that such a good thing?

i'm not knocking him, i just wanna see some proof this magic sauce is worth the blatantly Scandinavian price. I once spent 3 weeks in Norway, ate pot noodles, drank water and still spent 4k! (thats not entirely true, beer is bloody expensive)

i fully expect these leds to be around $10 per

nasa red/bue science bro yaddayaddayadda..zzzzzzz... i want some proof!

i hope there is a magic sauce cause that'd be sweet and id drown myself in it.
UVA is such a good thing because its bringing us one step closer to full spectrum increasing flower quality each time. 380-780 nm
Hello All!
We are a newly licensed medical grower, looking to get some opinions on a light setup.

In personal growing I have tried many different LEDs and we are sold on HLG products, love the quantum boards.

We have come up with several potential layouts, these three are the top picks.

1.) Two Triple heat sinks with 6 QB288 and 2 320W driver in each 4x4

2.) QB 96 Elites on COB style racks with 11 per 4x8

3.) 2 Triple Sinks with 2 quantum boards on each and a meanwell 240w on each, plus a COB style row of QB96 Elites down the middle (either 4 on a 600w over two beds or 2 on a 320w in each bed)

The drawings should give an idea what I'm talking about.

Basically, the question is: all QB288s, all QB96 Elites or a mix of QB288 and QB96 Elite ?

Any maybe this is way overkill..? Maybe just 4 QB96 Elites and two 320W drivers in each 4x4..?

Any suggestions or input would be appreciated!

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Being 'commercial' don't your lights need to be UL approved and waterproof?