comparison of a bunch of breeders' mostly UP gear & quality

you really believe you, don't you! i'm no rocket scientist myself, i scored round 130, years ago( yes i'm probably a bit older then you), but i do understand reality and can do as you wish but why ACT like your a grower or breeder, when you don't no your ass from a hole in the ground...
You are yet to state what is wrong with indicas are you delusional?

You pretty much just said indica is only good for greedy cash crops that are grown poorly and ANY indica bud you would just spit on?

I grow mostly indica and I dont fucking do it for cash.

Then you just diverted back to the same jacks cleaner bullshit.

So you can't actually answer what it is specifically about indicas that you hate so much..
i'm a logical introvert. read up on the subjects so you look more informed than you act. then read up on intuitives. and you MIGHT start getting a clue as to how smart i really am.
Oh shit, we thought you were an idiot, but it turns out we got the motherfuckin' Mentalist growin' weed up in this bitch. No, I'm pretty sure we all know how smart you are. Me, I'm just curious as to what you do for a living with all that crazy stuffed up in that head of yours.
Its hilarious sometimes. Only problem I have is newbs have no idea how full of shit he is so they think he might be someone to listen to. We need neg rep here so real growers can bust him down to newbie so others dont get fooled by his inane ramblings.

I'm with you there.

If Hazey wants to flower his plants in beverage cups, strip off every viable leaf, then administer the coup-de-grace to the stunted remains with his lights, that's his problem. If he thinks reflector "hot spots" are the issue, not what might be politely termed "grower error", again his problem. If he doesn't want to take advice from seasoned growers with thousands of cumulative plant grows more experience than him, his problem.

If he wants to smoke pre-flowers, or leaves, or stems, or roots, his problem.

If he wants to brag about so-called breeding "projects" that would embarrass make the most shameless pollen chucker, his problem.

If he wants to rant about how terrible indicas are, and how nobody wants them, he's just showing his ignorance. The fact is, in places where smokers of all stripes can plunk down their cash and choose to smoke anything they like, places like the Amsterdam coffeeshops and the CA dispensaries, the indicas always run out the door. There is a reason that the CA weed scene and the word "kush" are synonymous, and is NOT because people hate indicas!

But, as you say, once this gets into territory of telling people looking for actual advice wrong information, well, now he's giving his problems to other people, and that's a problem.

For example, here's Hazey's recent take on growing outdoors:
what finishes quickly indoors may not finish as quickly outdoors.

the time of year would play a big part in that i think as it isn't until mid summer that the days are 12/12 and getting shorter which would encouraging flowering more than 13/11 unless you used lowryders like BL's masterkush which flips under 24h

You'd think that someone who has never grown outdoors, and pretty plainly doesn't have a clue about doing so would be a bit hesitant to advise others on how to do so. . .but no.

Here's my response:
there the losers go again spouting lies... never claimed to be a master grower. i know what the fuck i like and ain't ever gotten it from anyone else but me and a couple freebies along the way since the 80s so fuck you and the horse you rode in on toys.

i know more about getting high than a whole lot of "master growers"

you're such a fidiot althor. you can't SCROG plants that aren't stretching and are just putting all of their energy into MAKING SEEDS. i sure as fuck know a bit more about making seeds than you bitch! done that twice. now go somewhere else to take it up the ass for your indica master purveyor of schwag.

as to the cups thing, i took too long on that. normally, i'd transplant right after everything sexes. i also started that maybe just a bit too early this time as the whole idea was to let my gals put some bulk on before flipping, but having to deal with asshole neighbors like asshole trolls gets in the way of getting shit done.

i'm happy enough with the grow. i got to try a shitload of strains that put a nice smile on my face and jack's cleaner getting me tripped out weirder than the old days.

i will start my next grow early and have everything better prepared. if nothing else, i've mentally mapped flowering times... it takes about a month and a half to go from seed to flipping time.

i'd like to see these alleged claims i've made to being a master gardener. of course, anyone that chooses to believe the moron name calling & finger pointing tactics of fox news over evidence for claims or even a shred of credibility is just a stupid useless fuck too whom i care not what they think.

i've experienced over a dozen great named strains first hand FINALLY. making progress. i finally have more than enough viable seeds too to finally start seeing some weight.

i USED to love seeded bud back in the days before "sticky" and other cash crapping "bag appeal" propaganda. just squeeze a bud and *POP* you get a seed. it wasn't so easy with a lot of the denser and stickier buds. i think i might just use the paint brush fertilyzing method in the future and concentrate on budding. i still want to have reserves so i never run dry.

i think i want to make most of my next grow just JC2 & haze skunk until 8 miles high comes back next year. with maybe a smaller grow of sativa trans x (C99 x A11) & JC2 x (C99 x A11) for some faster results waiting for "the good stuff". i'll just never understand why with so many great strains like most of these why you just never see any of them on the streets.

i'm really getting to be a fan of DNA genetics. i liked their lemon skunk nice enough, but that sweet haze rocks. i think it might knock super cali haze off the running for a nice not so trippy, but motivational & euphoria high with nice fruity odor.

i REALLY want to do haze skunk x JC2. that shit would be no joke. either one is awesome enough in it's own right, but the combo would be really potent and have at least some trippiness.

i just had so much fun testing everything. other than last year, i haven't gotten high so much in a very long time and i found some new keeper strains to go back to as well as stuff of my own to keep working. i feel sorry for all the rest of the world that'd like to get high too if only it could. sadly, many don't even know what they're missing.

what qualifies me to add 2 cents to weed conversations? a SHITLOAD of reading since the 80s including way more smoke reports than you'll read in your entire life. book learnin' fool! try doing that some time. that's where i also learn words like petulant. i'm always down to learn something new as well as share anything i can to help others.

you know ya feckin' morons... whatever the fuck you do... don't try to be a lawyer... that whole "don't listen to anything he has to say because he's not a 500 acre farmer" always changing the subject shit gets you nowhere except impressing other morons who like poop flinging more than facts and you can tell each other how great you are as you fuck each other up the ass.

never claimed to be "great", i just share what i know, and in some cases what i've been falsely told with anyone interested that can keep from acting like an ADD 3rd grader hopped up on ritalin & meth.

my main focus is just doing what i can to get sheep to stop going with the indica flow and grow or at least demand shit that doesn't suck anymore. it must really irk purveyors of schwag when they know someone else's gear that actually gets you high is better. "oh i yield three tons of 30% THC heroauna every week blah blah blah. not impressed! i'd still rather smoke mexcom.

what you dont think seeded plants stretch,most of their stretch is done by the time you pollinate anyways so i dont get that one at all!i thought you knew your shit,but i now see you dont know shit!
i ONLY hate pussy ass instigating toys that get all their aggression out online, or when they feel safe with their butt buddies because they know they'd get their ass beat to death talking that shit in the real world like the punk i almost slammed on the sidewalk and stomped his neck last week when he and his buddies were going to gang up on someone and i told them to stop being pussies.

i don't have a single prob with anyone who disagrees with me about anything. unlike loser trolls, i don't tie my entire self worth up in my likes and take things personally. anyone that does that is a thin skinned wuss. i've had many CIVIL debates with others about everything as long as they can disagree without turning the discussion into "your momma" of butt buddy ganging up.

personally, i don't give a flying fuck who likes me and who doesn't. you don't like me? bring it to my face bitch and we'll settle it with a quickness.

i get banned because of useless instigating fucks LIKE YOU that like to play power games and sneak around behind the scenes like the little pussies you are. i got banned from grasscity because i CHANGED NAMES publicly, even created a thread about it, and when the "yoda" mod pointed out that i was in violation, i told him to close the account that i hated the name of. the same pieces of shit (i wish i knew an insult word that pisses people off more than faggot without the homophobic connotations though i don't want anything to do with queers and won't apologize for it) that played their little soap opera games like bitches STALKED ME to THIS forum to start more shit up again. i'm talking about althor in particular and that instigating cocksucker HERE that ran over to GC to tell his butt buddy to come over here looking for me.

if you don't like me, just fucking mute me and be done with it. that's what i do to losers.

then, one of you pussy ass trolls revived an old thread with the old name and went crying to a DIFFERENT MOD whose cock he sucked to get me banned.

get your facts straight you useless pieces of shit!

as always, fighting against the conspiracy to eradicate getting high and monopolize the streets with USELESS annoying stoner shit and not being ass kissing about it only makes you enemies and the more enemies i have pushing in on me, the more likely someone is to get fucked up permanently. i'll jump into a crowd and start swinging at EVERYONE. i'd rather just do my own thing and not bother anyone, but if you step into my personal space and fuck with me, one of us has to die.
id fucking mop the floor with you pal!no shit!i love guys who think they are tough,but in reality are not.i see guys like that every day
ask yourself this hazy,why are so many people on this thread dissing you,its not for nothing thats for sure!for a guy who is against violent strain names you seem like a pretty angry dude
Nice plant hazey, showing your followers how its done..

That looks like fert issues, heat issues, stress....... need i go on....

All hale Hazey the great Sativa grower LOL

this is what a room should look like hazey


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Jacks Cleaner 1 X Plush Berry = Jack In the Box crossed by my bro Kak1963 and this gets you high and stoned all in one delicious beautiful girl .. Why settle for Indica or Sativa if you can have the best of both worlds ........... Since I stepped into this thread and revived it , I ought to put up a bud I grew and smoked .. Want a smoke report hahaha

DSC_0421_02 PT2.jpg
sure! smoke reports are ALWAYS welcome and i agree, a truly BALANCED buzz (and blueberry and skunk #1 AREN'T) can be perfect. too much stone sucks, but too much racy paranoia sucks too. i've really learned to appreciate true mid buzzes like jack's cleaner 2, 8 miles high, CH9 jack and lemon skunk since trying a bunch of stuff on my own. that's my point, finding the kinds of buzzes cash crappers refuse to grow and then sharing my experience with comparisons to everything i've tried to be able to share such HARD TO COME BY, even when you ask nicely, information.

i begged and pleaded for the better part of a year for ANY fool that didn't know how to write any smoke report much less even be able to come up with enough adjectives to desribe "functional" for anyone trying to push me to either try apollo 11 or super silver haze when i was still hearing the "stony & skunky" words i (thought i) knew even before i tried it would make skunk #1 suck and i refused to waste a second on that kind of buzz. i FREQUENTLY see fellow high flyers sick and tired of accepting what cash crappers force on them looking to find what they too are missing. that can be the ONLY reason so many trolls hate me, i'm threatening what they THINK is "their turf" and stealing their customers even if i'm not profiting from it. if i didn't know better, i'd say there's a vast illuminati conspiracy to keep everyone slow and stupid and they have grower minions at their BECK and call, know what i mean? get over it! i'm taking my streets back from all greedy territorial scum. every new grower i turn from the stony side is another grower helping restore the balance of nature.

mean spirited evildoers hate ANYTHING positive! don't get me started on heavy metal, gansta, and oil worshippers! the summer of love WILL make a comeback. our technology was temporarily stolen by the machine as it fears but a simple weed clogging all of it's gears. it tries to hide in the orange flame glow, but FULL daylight and blue sky allows you to see everything to get a metaphasical.

i would greatly appreciate a smoke report on your cross and any other strains with nice highs and flavors you have experience with. i don't care about pictures. you've seen 1 you've seen 10s of thousands of them. you can't smoke a pic. i don't care WHAT a bud looks like and actually, i'm not a fan of ANY "bag appeal" trait. fuffy, fuzzy, generic outdoorsy tasting columbian gold popcorn kicks nugs in the ass.

i was kind of interested in plushberry myself, but i'm not a fan of bitter berries at all.

sativas are preferred to indicas though. only when haze skunk has just 12.5% indica can i tolerate it. 25% afghani skunk #1 is too much indy. nowadays though a lot of breeding for better highs and keeping the compact and fast indica traits has produced a lot of great gear.

my TGA shopping list is definitely the third dimension and maybe more than 1 jillybean some day. i love JC2, but we'll see how that fares against sannie's jack f7. i KNOW i'm going to love that strain. i know it. just how much more or less than my favorites will be the question.

eventually, i want to mix the best state of the art mids with the least diluted IBLs to bring even more highs and flavors into the world and maybe see if there's an anonymous way to gift seeds to med users. i think there's a couple online resources i'll have to look into in the med user community. first i have to perfect my skills and get near 100% viability.

IBLs still need to be preserved. if all anyone grows is mids, eventually, that's what everythiing willl devolve into. sluggish people need those up buzzes. NOTHING is better for getting shit done than kali mist, but mostly sativa haze skunk was actually a LIFE SAVER for me! that's some potent meds! no longer do i wake up every morning choking on corporate addiction, and i not only lost weight on it, i started working out too doing up to 30 crunches a day and climbing before it ran out.

Whats next tambourines and elephants?
i've never liked tamborines myself. a nice funky drum circle? that can be fun. as to elephants, i've ridden one once. it had really rough skin. i didn't want to ride it actually. i felt bad for it.i gave him a tiny back of peanuts. at his or her size, it had to have been a tease.
Man i say this with sincerity...if you are not on medications for schizo affective paranoid delusions...please see a mental health practitioner before you hurt someone. You are mentally unbalanced.
says you. i just don't suffer fools lightly. i assure you, i'm much less ruled by my emotions than you, but as you too want to add your negative voice to the herds of poop flingers, then you won't be making my friends list any time soon. instead of talking trash about things you know nothing about, how about NOT spamming my thread up like the other trolls and add something, oh, say CONSTRUCTIVE? naw... you seem to be another poop flinging primate too. i just go against the flow where idiots are ruled by their emotions and when they get stupid enough to try and threaten, then it's on. i don't start trouble, just escalate it.


if i didn't mention it yet, i REALLY want to try sannies jack f7 next. it's supposed to be one of the best herers in the world and i'm liking what i'm seeing in EVERY jack cross i try so far. i'm giving CH9's jack a second try as a middy cash crapper and hope their jack 33 i lost to mold or dry out the 1st attempt proves to have a nice euphoric high too.

i want to get some lemon skunk to hit up with my lemony malawi gold male (i won't be selecting earliest males anymore as per short's or TGA's recommendation) as that has a nice combination of high, taste and color and might produce something as nice as NL haze, haze skunk, critical haze, or blue dream etc. if the buzz proves less trippy than MG is reputed to be, then i'll try ace's version and compare it directly. that's a strain more people should be growing thinking that's what they'll be getting from watered down hazes that are nice, but easy to improve on with real thought provoking psychoactivity.

i'm looking forward to trying the blue dream cali con freebie to see if i like it any better than blueberry. i'm hoping it's right in their with haze skunk on the high, potency and duration as i've read, only with a better fruity flavor. i'm sticking with full spectrum halides now. no more sodiums, full blue sunshine.

um, i also have a dinafem critical jack that should be no worse than fun to test like most everything else i ALLOW to flower in my room.

the third dimension is next on my TGA shopping list and i'm STILL looking into purple & grape strains to make my own grapes of wrath haze.

any recommendations for gear with a positive motivational and/or euphoric buzz is still appreciated, but i don't hold my breath on ever getting useful info here, so i just keep regurgitating what i've experienced so far and take one, two, three and more hits for the team testing this and that that's off the radar and usually cheap.

it's all good i know a bunch of satisfying in different ways strains already and could be happy smoking nothing but a few of them too. getting high will make a comeback no matter how many old guard bridge trolls try to stop it. those of us that only want to get high don't have any need for the likes of that rabble.

putting all the love in my gear definitely helps with my struggles against sourpuss losers who think it's somehow their job to try and dictate what someone else does. they KNOW in a battle of the gear, my get high stuff will take their indicas out no contest in ANY market where everything is afghani. that's why every month a couple new noobs sick and tired of the status quo pop in here trying to find the info their dealers and trolls here seem to want to suppress so badly. i'm fighting back. get used to it.

the "WORST" gear i grew in this grow, namely stony sour cream and masterkush was at least as good as the BEST schwag i've been lucky enough to waste money on like the skunk #1 i got for about a month, and everything else clearly kicked EVERYTHING'S ass i've wasted money on since columbian gold circa 1987 including the best rare mexcom bricks for anyone who DEMANDS getting high only (about 20-25% of the population) or that at least prefers it, (another 25% or more). this is a fact.

fuck any cash crapper bitch still clinging to their bag appeal mythology. you cantalk all the trash you want trolls, but i don't see any of you one upping me with better strains that get you high. if you did, i'd buy 'em and try 'em myself. instead, you just play fling poop at the messenger schoolyard crap.

try and do good in the world and you only piss those that don't off. too fucking bad.
You are aware that kush is afghani right?

I thik this bud looks better than anything you have posted and its 3 weeks from being done.

Blue dream. securedownload-93.jpg

Or this super silver hazesecuredownload-116.jpg
hey everyone, lets post pics of our worst Plants, indoor or outdoors. lets see who can win the title of Hazey Grapes. i actually think i can win this, even with his yellow twigs.