Computer Platform Gamers Thread!

I know, I own it for Genesis and SNES. I had never heard of a PC version though, which is why I asked.

I know I'm in the minority here too but I liked the SNES version better.

I've heard that from a couple people. I only played the genesis version. I still remember the cheat code by heart too :) ABBACAB at the shadowrun screen ;)
I was hoping you had played the SNES version. That way I could have someone else to talk to about the joys of grinding zombies in the vampire's castle, until I maxed my level and completely geared out myself and the two best runners in the game.
I gave up the computer games a few years ago but still love the old Command and Conquer Red Alert games. Now I occasionally will turn on the PS3 but guess I am getting old. Just doesn't hold my attention like it used to.
Yep. After a while, you've just got other projects to take care of so it's hard to dedicate any time to get good at the game.
Crazy, with fo3 and di in your list, I figured you of all people would have liked it.

Have you tried the second one? It's a lot better in certain aspects than the first one.

Also, I saw skyrim missing from your list! You have to try it out! I would play it with all the DLC that is available at first. Then try a second+ go around with mods.

The mods for skyrim make it very, very awesome.

The borderlands games are first person shooter RPGs that are cell-shaded.

They have a lot of humor, sometimes dark, mixed in.

They are like the diablo games with loot. Lots of loot, the different colors for different levels, with varying stats.

Your character has many levels to gain and skill trees. Inventory system, ect...

Here's a youtube vid of BL2 to show you a little about it, skip to around 7:00 for some fighting and them some hilarity:

yes i do need to purchase skyrim its on the list of "need to buy waiting till i have extra cash" they sure know how to charge for video games and with 2 paid for subscriptions i keep up i tend to only get a few video games a month, as for borderlands i dont like the graphics it really puts me off the story itself is fine its the goddamn anime style cartoony graphics
yes i do need to purchase skyrim its on the list of "need to buy waiting till i have extra cash" they sure know how to charge for video games and with 2 paid for subscriptions i keep up i tend to only get a few video games a month, as for borderlands i dont like the graphics it really puts me off the story itself is fine its the goddamn anime style cartoony graphics

Do you remember comix zone for genesis? the one where you were part of a comic book fighting like streets of rage style?
Best Sega Gen Game ever was Kid Chameleon

Played this so much with a buddy of mine... never got to the end till years later
(loved Sonic too)

Played games we had to type into the pc from Byte mag or PC world back in the day...

(loved Jumpman on the commodore )
games I used to play on the comp was age of empires and ultima online. 2 games I was hooked on back in the day

I played UO until those stupid ability things came out that required 25 intellegence to use. my 110str /110dex pure dex brawler was useless without those abilities. said screw it and gave up.
You know what else was a fun game? It was called "KINGPIN"... I had a bunch of fun with that. Also where I learned about cypress hill lol. checkmate fool, hang em high!!!
I played UO until those stupid ability things came out that required 25 intellegence to use. my 110str /110dex pure dex brawler was useless without those abilities. said screw it and gave up.
I used to like playing the role of a thief, lol. I was good at it. my username was 'ghostface killah' . I borrowed that moniker from the wu-tang clan
Long time PC gamer here.

Duke nukem 3d
shadow warrior (you want to wash wang, or watch wang wash wang)
all unreal tournaments (minus 99 that is)
quake (single player only)
tribes 2
tribes ascend
planet side 2
batman arkham asylum and city
battlefield 3
call of duty (up to spec ops 1)
all of the F.E.A.R series
all of the half life games (minus the first oops)
counter strike:source (older game but not beta version)
serious sam series
duke nukem for ever (which I really did wait for ever to play LOL)
assassin creed series (still have not picked up the latest one though)
Bio-shock 2
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
pain killer series
left for dead 1 and 2

the only thing I have spent more money on than weed is probably PC games.
system specs:
Windows 7 ultimate
i7 2700k (of course overclocked)
250 gig OCZ Vertex 3
2 GTX 560 ti's in SLI
Asus P8Z77-V
creative SB X-fi
Klipsch 2.1 speaker system (this thing rocks!!!)
12 Gig Corsiar XMS 3 ram

Nvidia 3d vision glasses with viewsonic led 3d monitor (23 inch wide)

edit: forgot some games LOL
Diablo 1, 2, and 3
fall out 3
fall out (I think) new vegas
star craft 1 and 2
I wish they would remake shadownrun for the computer.

What up kron, they actually did make a couple different shadowruns for PC.

There's the first person shooter one they made back in 2007. It's one of the few games that has cross platform multiplayer with the xbox360.

And then there's a newer one that's more like the old 3/4's overhead view called "shadowrun online". Not sure how it is though. It has a free version with microtransactions, and a paid for version. I'm not sure what to make of that....I would have to try it before I knock it.
What up kron, they actually did make a couple different shadowruns for PC.

There's the first person shooter one they made back in 2007. It's one of the few games that has cross platform multiplayer with the xbox360.

And then there's a newer one that's more like the old 3/4's overhead view called "shadowrun online". Not sure how it is though. It has a free version with microtransactions, and a paid for version. I'm not sure what to make of that....I would have to try it before I knock it.

I heard they were going to make a new shadowrun but it lost funding or something like that?? I wish they would remake a bunch of old sega games, same game, just newer graphics on for the newer console games. Would take me back in time for a little bit :)
Does anyone use the DS3 tool to use ps3 or xbox controllers on the pc?
trying to find a decent game to use it on, prefferably a driving type game.
I got WRC 3 and am trying to use the ps3 control via DS3 but don't know how to configure it on the actual game.
UO and Darkfall were my favorite games.

Trying to get my gf to play UO with my right now hehe, just on UOGamers, not going to sub to the origin version as it's changed so much from what I remember.
UO and Darkfall were my favorite games.

Trying to get my gf to play UO with my right now hehe, just on UOGamers, not going to sub to the origin version as it's changed so much from what I remember.

I used to rule at UO until they came out with those secondary abilities that you had to have INT for. My STR/DEX'er was unstoppable until they released a patch. Got tired of it. Never again will I play.
If you guys like Diablo 2 you will probably enjoy Path of Exile. They just opened the Beta yesterday... free to play. It's a lot like D2, only with different features lol. There is a 1,300+ passive skill tree. I think everything is socketed, but the sockets have colors, and gems level. I just started so not sure the other things to it. Seems like fun.... worth a look.

Also relating to an earlier post on it Call of Pripyat is a really nice game visually. I didn't have too much fun playing it, but wandering around looking at the scenery was nice.
