Computer Thread

Windows is a great operating system but linux is better for some things. Microsoft even uses linux for much of their cloud offerings and datacenters.

I run both. It's easy to run linux inside windows with WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux. The apps I run are mostly server based and accessible via web browser like InvokeAI, Tensorflow, and other AI and ML tools. It's easier to install them in Linux as often getting some of the pieces working together or compiling them in Windows can be a frustrating endeavor. Now I don't usually bother installing directly in Windows and use Ubuntu Server running in WSL. The apps are accessible using localhost/ port number.

Accessing Ubuntu command line using PowerShell. It's pulling packages from the official Ubuntu repository. WSL is a great tool as previously I was forced to use VirtualBox. WSL makes it a seamless process to run linux on Windows.

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I still had 98 SE on my newer tower PC that I put on it when i built it around 2014. Fire burned it down in 2018 and i went and bought a laptop with windows 10 and it seems ok.
what I’m getting at is when was the last time you got a blue screen with any windows operating system? I haven’t in ages but then again I don’t use my computer as much as we all used to.
Educational purposes. I've self taught myself most of everything I know. AI/ML is not going away and I want to learn the technology and become highly proficient with it. I've setup a lab with available open source tools. There is so much information available online that it's not difficult to learn on your own.

I did come to a roadblock though and that was with my math knowledge. The linear algebra pretty much stopped me in my tracks as I've forgotten so much of the math I learned years ago. Fortunately there are plenty of resources online and I'm cruising through refreshing my knowledge of algebra.

Math is such an essential part. I understand the technology but I need to update my skills in some areas to continue forward.

Linear Algebra was a bitch of a class for sure. I keep my old college textbook around for reference from time to time. linear algebra was tougher than both vector calc & diff eq imo.

Linear Algebra was a bitch of a class for sure. I keep my old college textbook around for reference from time to time. linear algebra was tougher than both vector calc & diff eq imo.

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I never really learned it to begin with. But once you have a solid foundation math makes perfect sense. My foundation eroded over the years so I'm having to reinforce it so the structure is sound. :mrgreen:

I was in the advanced math classes in Jr High but when I hit High School I went astray and got caught up in partying and kind of stopped learning further. I've done nothing but IT for decades including some programming and my math was always good enough. But now I get to ML and Tensorflow and I can follow along in tutorials and train models and such but I don't understand the math. I don't like just copying and pasting code that I don't understand. I want to understand everything.
I never really learned it to begin with. But once you have a solid foundation math makes perfect sense. My foundation eroded over the years so I'm having to reinforce it so the structure is sound. :mrgreen:

I was in the advanced math classes in Jr High but when I hit High School I went astray and got caught up in partying and kind of stopped learning further. I've done nothing but IT for decades including some programming and my math was always good enough. But now I get to ML and Tensorflow and I can follow along in tutorials and train models and such but I don't understand the math. I don't like just copying and pasting code that I don't understand. I want to understand everything.
would love to know how you feel abt stuff like chat gpt, and how it's going to affect or help your line of work
would love to know how you feel abt stuff like chat gpt, and how it's going to affect or help your line of work
I just wonder how long it will be until you can easily modify the code and make your own unique chat gpt. You know, so kids dont get caught cheating in school and shit.
Some super nerds made it hella easy for us to modify “Stealth” programs to program directv’s H card so they would stay up longer than most other programs. That was a long ass time ago. We should be in cars that fly by now. Wtf is going on?
I just wonder how long it will be until you can easily modify the code and make your own unique chat gpt. You know, so kids dont get caught cheating in school and shit.
Some super nerds made it hella easy for us to modify “Stealth” programs to program directv’s H card so they would stay up longer than most other programs. That was a long ass time ago. We should be in cars that fly by now. Wtf is going on?
yes! it hurts my v smol brain worrying about that too. i actually remember the modded h cards, fuck it's difficult being so old - we are in this together my friend
would love to know how you feel abt stuff like chat gpt, and how it's going to affect or help your line of work

I'm not really working full time right now and haven't for years.

As for ChatGPT I'm completely open to it and don't have any of the negative opinions some have.

As for my line of work, it changes depending on the season. I do know that knowledge in this field is only going to be beneficial. I have some ideas for things but those are on hold until I learn how to perform the necessary steps to make those ideas come to fruition.
Chat GPT is a very good natural language processor. It analyzes text, and generates text responses in a human understandable way. It's emphasis is on providing useful and relevant responses. It isn't designed to try and fool you into thinking it's human, that's not the primary objective, and Chat GPT makes it a point to know that you are chatting with an AI (there would be ethical problems with trying to fool people this way).

While it could replace humans in some capacities (like customer support online chat, stuff like that), it isn't going to write code for you or solve world hunger or any of the other wild claims I've heard. Still, the ML side of it is pretty neat, and it will be interesting to see what future AI/ML assisted software can accomplish.
(there would be ethical problems with trying to fool people this way

Have you seen the 'support chat' on company websites these days? Every single site has chat-bot that they script really hard to make you think it's human. Sure using genuine AI as opposed to a glorified text based phone options menu would possibly change the ethics of it, but honestly once it's out in the wild corporate jungle, does ethics really apply anymore? I'm surprised AshleyMaddison and haven't already stolen the ChatGPT code and given it a sultry voice and a supermodel's body to catfish their users.

In college I learned businesses should have ethics, in corporate America I learned universities are very nieve and optimistic as to what happens outside the hallowed halls of academia.
Have you seen the 'support chat' on company websites these days? Every single site has chat-bot that they script really hard to make you think it's human. Sure using genuine AI as opposed to a glorified text based phone options menu would possibly change the ethics of it, but honestly once it's out in the wild corporate jungle, does ethics really apply anymore? I'm surprised AshleyMaddison and haven't already stolen the ChatGPT code and given it a sultry voice and a supermodel's body to catfish their users.

In college I learned businesses should have ethics, in corporate America I learned universities are very nieve and optimistic as to what happens outside the hallowed halls of academia.
I think the ethical part is more about replacing human jobs, commiting fraud, etc. Sex bots using something like chat gpt isn’t really what i had in mind, and i’m pretty sure they’ve been doing that for a while. the ethics of those companies is questionable at best anyway, regardless of chat bot usage.

as a developer my brain goes right to banging on the edge cases and limitations of the software. chat gpt, and AI in general, is just software that assigns positive and negative weights to its responses to learn over time which responses are best. It’s not magic, and it isn’t learning to be more human, nor is that the point of the software. it’s a text analysis tool that uses human language as it’s input and outputs.

The real benefit is bridging the gap between human-machine communication. We started with vacuum tubes and punch cards, and now you can have a pseudo conversation with your refrigerator. The advances in NLP and lexical analysis are what impresses me most.
Educational purposes. I've self taught myself most of everything I know. AI/ML is not going away and I want to learn the technology and become highly proficient with it. I've setup a lab with available open source tools. There is so much information available online that it's not difficult to learn on your own.

I did come to a roadblock though and that was with my math knowledge. The linear algebra pretty much stopped me in my tracks as I've forgotten so much of the math I learned years ago. Fortunately there are plenty of resources online and I'm cruising through refreshing my knowledge of algebra.

Math is such an essential part. I understand the technology but I need to update my skills in some areas to continue forward.
In case you haven't ran across this place:
In case you haven't ran across this place:

I actually have that site bookmarked. I'm not ready for that. It's too high level for me at this time. I'm relearning math and surprisingly I'm finding it quite enjoyable. I have been slacking for a couple days though. The weather has been really nice so I've been out in the garden getting things in order. Along with the sun comes the beer drinking which is not conducive to productive learning. We have a week of rain coming up so I'll be back to studying. Another 2-3-4+ weeks and I should be up to speed. :mrgreen:
I actually have that site bookmarked. I'm not ready for that. It's too high level for me at this time. I'm relearning math and surprisingly I'm finding it quite enjoyable. I have been slacking for a couple days though. The weather has been really nice so I've been out in the garden getting things in order. Along with the sun comes the beer drinking which is not conducive to productive learning. We have a week of rain coming up so I'll be back to studying. Another 2-3-4+ weeks and I should be up to speed. :mrgreen:
The most interesting experience with math was how difficult it was when I had high functioning language skills. But after my traumatic brain injury I sailed through the more advanced classes I had to take to move to engineering. It was like taking away my ability to speak enhanced my math ability. It also made it harder to switch back into english from math. When I was working on complex solutions sometimes I'd go a month or more without really talking. Shockingly it actually upset my husband :D
Where’s my stoner geeks at? I need advice. Back around 2015 I got a new basic HP pc, nothing fancy (I am not a gamer or require anything special). Then I got a laptop, and stored the pc away to make room. It’s barely been used. Is it worth keeping? I am kinda tired of fighting with my phone, and I really want to set my old pc up again (the laptop died).
Where’s my stoner geeks at? I need advice. Back around 2015 I got a new basic HP pc, nothing fancy (I am not a gamer or require anything special). Then I got a laptop, and stored the pc away to make room. It’s barely been used. Is it worth keeping? I am kinda tired of fighting with my phone, and I really want to set my old pc up again (the laptop died).
The only way to know is for you to try using it and see.
Where’s my stoner geeks at? I need advice. Back around 2015 I got a new basic HP pc, nothing fancy (I am not a gamer or require anything special). Then I got a laptop, and stored the pc away to make room. It’s barely been used. Is it worth keeping? I am kinda tired of fighting with my phone, and I really want to set my old pc up again (the laptop died).

My professional recommendation would be to connect everything up. Plug it in. Press the power button. Wait an hour for it to boot up. Open your web browser. Navigate to this site. Go to your private messages. Send me some nudes. And from that point we can investigate if it's worth keeping.