Concentration of Fertilizer


Member i have fox farms tiger bloom 2-8-4 and it has two different soil feeding options. regular 2 tsp/gal and heavy 4 tsp/gal. if i mix a heavy batch does this change the 2-8-4 npk to 4-16-8? i initally bought this nute because i thought, 'its 2-8-4, ill just double the dose" this a bad philosophy? i have seen other ferts with npk's of 5-45-23 so this led me to believe i could mix this shit up stout :-). am i mistaken? help a hippy out.


Active Member
2 shots of everclear is still 190 proof, just more of it. to change the value you would have to add more of that specific mineral


Active Member
yes it would be over kill for your plants they only need so much of npk at certine point and stages in their growth, the most i would push my nutes would be up to 1650ppm but only in flowering may be 1700ppm i have fox farms tiger bloom 2-8-4 and it has two different soil feeding options. regular 2 tsp/gal and heavy 4 tsp/gal. if i mix a heavy batch does this change the 2-8-4 npk to 4-16-8? i initally bought this nute because i thought, 'its 2-8-4, ill just double the dose" this a bad philosophy? i have seen other ferts with npk's of 5-45-23 so this led me to believe i could mix this shit up stout :-). am i mistaken? help a hippy out.
From one hippy to another,
Yes that will double the strength. You didnt say anything about the size or what stage of growth your plants are in, so I can't say it won't kill em. ;)

Fox farm Grow big is 6-4-4 so your nitrates will be a little lower. For veg I like to use something with a balance analysis, like 5-5-5, 7-7-7, 20-20-20, then start with the bud ferts when they stop stretching.
Take care brother!
I agree with "smoke and coke". If the plant hasnt had any major setbacks (them links dont work), I would just go with the regular feeding. See how she likes that and go from there.
best to you...