

Well-Known Member
currently constructing my growroom and have run into a problem i havent thought of until now..

my setup is venting my growroom straight up into the attic wich is vented.

but.. what happens when i vent out air thats 23 degrees celcius and 50-70% humidity to the attic that keeps about -5 degrees celcius this time of the year?..

i fear that the entire attic will get soaking wet eventually..

the air in my growroom will contain aprox 0,25 liter of water at 23 degrees celcius..

sounds like alot of water too me..

any thoughts?


Active Member
You need to have insulated ducting going up and keep going so the air is expelled directly to the outside. It must be insulated otherwise the ducting will also condense.

It might be easier to expel the air going down under the house and attach it to the dryer's exhaust to make everything look perfectly normal.


Well-Known Member
You need to have insulated ducting going up and keep going so the air is expelled directly to the outside. It must be insulated otherwise the ducting will also condense.

It might be easier to expel the air going down under the house and attach it to the dryer's exhaust to make everything look perfectly normal.

what "dryer" are you referring too? might be a stupid question too you but english is far from my primary language..


Well-Known Member
Ah no i hang my clothes :p

I think ill try hook it too the ducting from the kitchen fan leading too the roof outlet..

Just need too figure out not too push the smell out the kitchen fan instead hehe