Conservatives hate your constitution

But you would never exercise that right would you? I think you are nicer than most but I don't think you are an exception. I don't think hardly anyone would today and would pay dearly for it if they did.

Just the idea of people thinking like that is very very sick and stupid to me. Can't even understand people defending that bullshit.
I know Ron Paul feels it is my right to be able refuse white people from washing clothes or dry cleaning. I say CRaZy,


I grapple with it Pie. I absolutely detest racism and would love to see it stomped out. However, I feel to stay consistent with my individual liberty, small federal government platform, I have to allow individuals liberties I don't agree with if I expect the same consideration.

Chick-fil-a never discriminated, not in hiring, nor in service. Buck thinks without title II they would, I disagree.

I also believe society determines these rights and wrongs and it takes decades for the government to catch up. Look at gay marriage now, left up to the citizens, it would have been allowed decades ago. Pot? same thing. I believe Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey did more to advance civil rights than LBJ who actually passed the bill. I believe MLK did more for the movement than any government, in fact government impeded the progress, just as they are doing now with gay marriage, pot and my precious online poker that I miss so much.

So please don't be like AC and assume that since I feel title II is unneeded, this means I am fighting for my own right to discriminate. I try to treat a man based on his character, not his color. That's why AC is presently getting the chickenshit treatment. I provided therapy in poor areas of the south for years and not one of my patients would consider me racist, of this I'm confident.

Awww, Online poker. If only they wouldn't have gotten in trouble for laundering money. But damn +rep on creativity for doing it that way. lol
I don't think you are racist. I think you are misguided to believe that racists would just disappear or have already disappeared.

Possibly... I have been in the deep south for almost 20 years now and was genuinely surprised how well the races co-mingle. I was Buck and AC before moving here and thought hollywood's depiction of the south was real. It's odd now if I think about it. Why would the majority of blacks live in a part of the country they weren't welcome? They wouldn't of course.

I truly believe our society has advance to point where we'd shut down any business that practiced such methods. Perhaps I am naive. I have a sneaky suspicion Buck and AC would practice like that, that's why they feel we still need this protection. I guess it's personal experience, over half of the people in my life are non-white and have no issues with race.

There is a school district here that has separate proms and was able to ask a kid from that school why. I was floored to hear that still goes on. She said one is country, one is hip-hop and most of the kids go to both but some hate country and some hate hip-hop. Seemed completely different from what I was thinking when I heard about it.
Awww, Online poker. If only they wouldn't have gotten in trouble for laundering money. But damn +rep on creativity for doing it that way. lol

If only it were legal and under the gaming authority the money laundering thing would never happen. Besides, there was never any proof, it was just given as the reason they shut it down. They said the "potential" for laundering was too great. Online poker is illegal is in the US, Iran and North Korea. That's not a group we should be part of.

I still have a few hundred dollars out there in cyberspace that was promised to me by my nanny.
I am "friends" with AbandonConflict. A few years ago AC sent me a friend request and I accepted it. AC would probably like to retract his association with me, I think, although I could be wrong. Is AC a bad person because he befriended me? Am I a socialist/anarchist because I accepted his friendship invitation?

UB spent months saying that I was a DEA agent, or at least an informant, and directly responsible for an RIU member going to federal prison. Over and over with continual accusations of "DEA dude", exactly as he is doing with the "you so racist" accusations. I eventually sent a PM to the RIU member who went to federal prison a few days before he was to report to prison and I apologized and explained that I had nothing to do with his federal charges or imprisonment. I was afraid that he actually believed UB's drivel. He didn't. A day or so later he confronted UB and said that he knew who ratted him out, and that IT WAS NOT ME. He then went on to point out that it was probably Unclebuck who ratted him out, though it was tongue in cheek. These incessant "you so racist, you so white supremacist" accusations follow the same pattern as the DEA accusations and they are just as baseless. Calling your philosophical opponents dirty names and engaging in personal attacks shows two things: Buck is a low class failure, and he really has no substantially persuasive argument against me.

You have read at least some of my posts, LF. Do you think I am a seething racist as UB charges continuously? I realize that you might not like me and you are probably on the opposite side of many issues, but do you honestly think I dislike anybody because of their skin color?

Never said I don't like you...only some of your views.
Is this different?


Ok, heres the thing, America is completely fucked and has been for over 70 years, most politicians are just fighting back and forth over the debris left inside this godforsaken country,
and it all started cause everyone has to have an opinion, many years ago, freedom was a good idea, but nowadays everyone gets so bored that they instantly become a genius on everything
and they only solution, for example, a while ago, a murder went into a elementary school and killed some kids, sandy hook or something, but the parents of those kids tried so hard to ban guns, well NONE of them knew SHIT about firearms and ppl still listened. ALL of our decisions are made COMPLETELY by random. Anyone who thinks otherwise is the dictionary definition of Ignorant.
Anyone who agrees or like me and dont care, Go here and try to figure this out, cuz i can't.

(finds your wife cheating on you, totally works)
to bad he sucks...his stance on the Federal Reserve was right on

He doesn't suck. Just not a great speaker like our current magnificent leader. <---This is sarcasm :o

Edit: FYI our federal reserve is empty. So not sure his plan would work now. Still a great idea though.
Never said I don't like you...only some of your views.

Fine. I don't like some of your views either, but that does not answer the question I asked. Do you think I am a racist? Honestly, the question strikes me as absurd because I don't have a racist bone in my body, but Buck has been beating that drum for (years ?) so it might be having an effect.
no shortage of dog whistles there.

Bahahahaha I knew you would point that out. Here I was doing the Mr. Burns finger thing. LOL you just made my day Buck. Thank you.

BTW - that was exactly my point. Was it a racist remark. No. You twist it to try and gain the upper hand. Sry dude you lose that one.

Fine. I don't like some of your views either, but that does not answer the question I asked. Do you think I am a racist? Honestly, the question strikes me as absurd because I don't have a racist bone in my body, but Buck has been beating that drum for (years ?) so it might be having an effect.
DD I never called you racist. I only wonder why you don't smoke
Never said I don't like you...only some of your views.

I bet that would be true for most of us. Especially if we sat around passing the pipe discussing this. It would get loud, but I bet most of us would say "I like you man, but your views are whacked". Most people who only know me through work think I'm a bleeding heart tree hugger because I NEVER discuss politics at work, am a gullible soft-hearted sort who loves nature and charity. The problems with the forum structure is sarcasm is lost and we get put in boxes. That's why I try to point out the irony when someone says "that group of people who I know none of personally are bigots". I'm laughing at it, but you don't see me laughing, it probably looks whiny in type if you don't get the irony at first.

Canndo is one of my favorite posters on this site (and you) and we agree on almost nothing. I see we really want the same things though, we just disagree on the methods. Broken down, we are much more alike than un-alike but on a political forum we look like complete opposites.

Good talk man lol