Conservatives hate your constitution

Is that satire or are you actually attempting to make this argument?
Is it possible to defend principles by disregarding them....?
(and if that sounded sarcastic, you're reading it the way I wrote it).

Whenever I see Fox Conservatives preaching populist, reactionary right wing rhetoric I always wonder why there seems to be a correlation between right wing opinions and a lack of education.

Anyone who's ever read a book knows that suspending the constitutional rights of the worlds ten most unpopular people is exactly the same as suspending the constitutional rights of everyone.

If the powers that be can pick and choose who deserves the protection of the law and the constitution, then there may as well be no laws or constitution.
We may as well return to the times when the most powerful men decided what was and wasn't justice on an individual and arbitrary basis.
It's tyranny.

I hate the conservative right wing, pro gun, anti government, pro life, pro death penalty, suspicious of education, t-party types who bask in the glory of their own ignorance.
The idea that a nation as big and diverse and developed as the USA can manage without 'big' government is little more than the John Wayne, pioneering ruggedly self sufficient fantasy of individuals who have far more opinions than they have books.

"Taxes are the price a society pays for civilisation".
Oliver Wendell Holmes said that, a Republican from a time before the GOP was inundated with evangelical hypocrites and self righteous bigots.
Abe Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower and many more must be turning in their graves.
Sarah Palin, Fox News and the 2% of the American population that have inspired international hatred with their bombastic and ignorant rhetoric - the idea of these people being 'Republicans' is disgraceful.

America was the shining beacon of freedom - an example that set the standards and goals that other countries attempted to copy.
Then came George W Bush and his not very bright reasoning, his arrogance and his disregard for the human rights of many of the worlds citizens.
He was a stupid man who pretended to be a fervent Christian and supported the use of torture.
Is it any wonder that the international reputation of the USA took a dip from 2000 to 2008?
In September 2001 America had the support and sympathy of 99% of the world.
Only a particularly dull witted President could've squandered such unprecedented levels of good will in such a spectacular fashion.

And only voting in a non-White President could change the opinion of many non-Americans that the USA was a bigoted society.
The electing of Obama did more to rehabilitate America's reputation than most thought possible.
The fact he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in his inaugural year was the worlds way of showing relief and gratitude that America had done a U turn away from the pseudo isolationist, sabre rattling and party of big business towards the policies of worldwide cooperation.

Stick to polishing your guns and telling AIDS jokes.
When you actually try to argue political points you embarrass yourselves.

You should probably stick to kissing the Queen Mums arse. A feckin' Nobel Peace prize for what? the time it's over they are gonna give him an Academy Award for his portrayal of a President. By the way, movies aren't real life.
now you're remembering it!

you joined a group called (something like) "the free speech and debate group".

oddly enough, it was not a group that anyone could join freely, as would be consistent with free speech. it was an invitation only group administered by an admitted white supremacist, and invitations were only given out to "like minded' people.

funny that he thought to invite you.

even funnier that you accepted, long after i brought it to everyone's attention that the administrator, shotgun420, was a white supremacist.

RIU is governed not by the constitution, but by the TOU.

just thought i'd clear all that up.

So, you are a fascist and proud of it? Recognizing your problem is the first step, Marie.

Tell us all how Oregon state law exempts you from federal income taxes, Marie. That one never gets old.
So, you are a fascist and proud of it?

no, i felt that having white supremacists spreading their hatred on RIU was against the terms of use.

white supremacy should not be what this site is about, nor should it be tolerated as it is very unsavory, unwelcoming, and rude to all of our non-white members.

you disagreed, however. not only did you disagree, you went so far as to join their white supremacy group.

be proud.
no, i felt that having white supremacists spreading their hatred on RIU was against the terms of use.

white supremacy should not be what this site is about, nor should it be tolerated as it is very unsavory, unwelcoming, and rude to all of our non-white members.

you disagreed, however. not only did you disagree, you went so far as to join their white supremacy group.

be proud.

They never are, otherwise they wouldnt try to hide or rationalize their thinking
They never are, otherwise they wouldnt try to hide or rationalize their thinking

they only have one thing they are "proud" of, and they were arbitrarily born with it.

i guess when you have nothing else to be proud of, you can always be proud of your skin color.
they only have one thing they are "proud" of, and they were arbitrarily born with it.

i guess when you have nothing else to be proud of, you can always be proud of your skin color.

I can understand that since the majority of the white pride movement cant be proud of the 3 teeth still in their head
The problem is you keep thinking Bush is 'my" president. He's NOT a conservative. How can somebody grow government and be conservative? It's not possible.
You're just a racist that wants to see white people killed. You hate the constitution because you hate America. It's the La Raza agenda. The George Bush card is played out. Obama took the patriot act, and then juiced it up on steroids. :dunce:


No conservative should ever hold Federal public office. This is clear. They believe that government is a necessary evil. If they are at all true to their beliefs they cannot serve evil, no matter how "necessary" that evil is. Conservatives who hold office are self fulfilling prophesies. If they serve government for the greater good then they are violating their core beliefs. The only option they have is to either dismantle government, even if it does work in order to prove that it cannot, or purposefully be poor at its execution.

Conservatives can be likened to the vegan who is a chef in a chop house. It is either a philosophical impossibility or the chef is secretly attempting to poison his patronage with food he knows to be deleterious to their health.
STFU! I'm tired of your abstract fabrications, or half truths at best. Obama had the paper right in front of him. All he had to do was sign it. Liar!
Just like you saying Obama has been pro second amendment, just because his influence failed to progress anti-gun legislation through Congress (post Sandy Hook, Newtown Connecticut)

Wow, your posts are magnificent, subtle twists on reality. it is true, in general, conservatives are smarter than liberals.

What you have done in this post is conflate the term "anti-gun" with regulation. In any other example it would be clear, in yours it is not. If I wish to pass legislation that seeks to ensure the safety of meat packing facilities, I am not anti beef. Yet if one seeks to enforce background checks or limit the size of magazine capacities, you manage to distort it into being "anti-gun". regulation does not necessarily mean anything but encompasing a right with a set of rules regarding the abuse of that right.
All that was tied into a massive spend bill funding Democrat priorities. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. Why didn't Obama close Gitmo when he had the chance in 2009? Do Republicans have mind control over his actions?

I wonder if the founders created the balance of powers, the checks they did simply so conservatives could blame the president for congressional actions only to blame congress for presidential actions as it so suits their agenda.

If I recall, Bush was let off the hook because.... Dems in congress voted for war. It is always easy for Republicans to point their finger either at one branch or the other depending upon their agenda. Blame the president for spending unless the president is a Republican, then it is the Democrat congress that did it.


No conservative should ever hold Federal public office. This is clear. They believe that government is a necessary evil. If they are at all true to their beliefs they cannot serve evil, no matter how "necessary" that evil is. Conservatives who hold office are self fulfilling prophesies. If they serve government for the greater good then they are violating their core beliefs. The only option they have is to either dismantle government, even if it does work in order to prove that it cannot, or purposefully be poor at its execution.

Conservatives can be likened to the vegan who is a chef in a chop house. It is either a philosophical impossibility or the chef is secretly attempting to poison his patronage with food he knows to be deleterious to their health.

A reluctant public servant serves best wouldn't you say? If a man is there to do what he feels right, not what he feels will get him re-elected I would call that noble, not hypocritical.

I would say the Tea Party racist/extremists were absolutely following their core beliefs during shutdown negotiations while others were following polls. You disagree with their position so you don't think their actions were righteous. What many on the left failed to realize is that those crazies were elected on promises to do just that and were the people acting most in their constituents wishes.

While you are bashing conservatives and saying they should never hold office, let's not forget you support the side with ideas so good they have to be mandated and lied about. You can't get around that one. I hate the right for the war on terror that brought us the Patriot Act, I hate the left for not only NOT repealing it, but putting it on steroids after they campaigned against it. I hate the left for never taking ownership of ... well.. anything, unless it's good press, then it's all them. Our political ideologies may be diametrically opposed, but the actions of those we elect to represent us are indistinguishable. Until the tea party crazies came along that is, I admire them for being the ones who practice what they preach even when I don't agree with what they are preaching.

This is why family values guy conservative will have to leave office in shame after an affair and liberal gets a promotion. The conservative runs on and sets that standard. It's also why global warming Gore gets so much shit for his giant carbon footprint. We have different standards for each party.
No, I don't necessarily agree with you on this. I think some GITMO detainees should be released because they are innocent. Some, like Khalid Shiek Mohammed, should be kept under lock and key until the conflict ends or until they are dead. They are POWs. As such, they have no constitutional rights just as the goat herder in Afghanistan has no constitutional rights under the US constitution. People on American soil have constitutional rights, and it ends there. If you commit a crime on American soil, the US constitution applies. The 19 hijackers on 911 were protected under the US constitution, for example, but they died during their murderous crimes: boo hoo. For enemy combatants, trials by military tribunal for war crimes are sufficient. We released all of the Nazi POWs when WWII ended, not before. I think GITMO has become a PR nightmare for the US because the weepy liberals, in every country, have made it one. Obama has not closed GITMO for a reason.

My statement should not be taken as support for torture or anything of the sort, so don't bother going down that path.

What makes them POWs? How do we know? In a symetrical war, if they are captured by the U.S. or it's allies and they are in the uniform of their country, then it is pretty obvious. If they are captured by god knows who, and turned in for a reward based upon the sort of watch they wore or who they were talking to, does that make them enemy combatants? And those with U.S. citizenship? what rights have they?
I wonder if the founders created the balance of powers, the checks they did simply so conservatives could blame the president for congressional actions only to blame congress for presidential actions as it so suits their agenda.

If I recall, Bush was let off the hook because.... Dems in congress voted for war. It is always easy for Republicans to point their finger either at one branch or the other depending upon their agenda. Blame the president for spending unless the president is a Republican, then it is the Democrat congress that did it.


Every congress critter that voted for the Iraq war didnt do their job. Everyone of them democrat or republican
Why don't the Democrats? They controlled congress, the senate and the presidency from 2008 to 2010, plenty of time to close Gitmo as the One promised and then reneged.

Ahem, they never "controled" both houses, recall if you will the "new rules" that seem now to require a 60 vote majority rather than the customary 51. So easily we forget.
Oh, and that other refrain "why didn't the president simply issue an EO"? on the one hand the right is so very upset when Obama makes unilateral, decrees, king like proclamations weilding dictatorial power and on the the other they want to know why he doesnt. Which is it? If he had done such a thing, wouldn't you all be complaining of Obama the dictator? As I said before, he can't do anything right for you folks, and he never ever will be able to. Anything good happens it will be the house that did it, anything bad happens he will be accused of not doing anything, not doing enough or... doing something or doing too much.

He is even being accused of being anti-gun because he once said something while he was in another office all together, and this time, thanks to Republican controled house his evil plot was foiled.
The Senate has required 2/3 vote to pass a law because of filibuster . There is no reasoning with these conservatives. I am shocked they are able to work the internet. The Republican party is dying very fast. Soon, the Koch brothers will no longer want to shovel money into it if it is not producing they will find a Democrat that swings their way , then there will be no more republican party
I understand the founders were inherently racist, but the documents? It says All Men Are Created Equal, they may have meant all men like me who own property, but the words don't say that.

I don't want to be a stupid fucking dick though, so can you kindly explain how the constitution is racist?

He said the original constitution, and it was. Just because it happened to be a compromise in order to get the ball rolling (something Republicans should try their best to emulate) doesn't mean that it wasn't racist in it's original form.