Contemplating first grow

Me and my friend are planning in the next few months starting our first grow. We are thinking 2 plants for personal smoking.

So far i have found a local hydroponics store that sells Waterfarm bucket systems
for $50

As for lights. I would like to buy local but i do not want to break the bank. I would also like to know what the proper wattage would be good for 2 plants.

I have looked at grow tents and am planning to buy one. recommendations of type and place to buy are welcomed.

I have been exploring seed sites
and have found Nirvana and peak seed bc. I want to grow a bubble gum plant and possible a blueberry. Are these good seed banks?

Concealing the smell is an issue. I have heard that carbon filters do the trick. But when opening the tent the smell could come out correct? My friend suggested we plant mint plants to help conceal the smell. :wall: is this a bad idea or am i wrong?

Any other suggestions or recommendations are welcomed

thanks in advance

Bob Marley: Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.


Well-Known Member
if u want 2 plants for yourself u better got 4 because of female/male ratio if u know what i mean + your mate so u will need like 8 seeds to get roughly 4 females, also for lighting a 250watt hps is not bad it can do 2 plants decently.


Well-Known Member
Bob, I have bought from both Peakseedsbc and Nirvana. Nirvana, no issues at all Peakseedsbc no beans at all. There were months of emails but, no seeds, i have given up on them. There are others here who have had better results so who knows. I would not send him my hard earned money. There are several good hyrdo plans here that will do 2 plants for well under $100, 1 plant per Waterfarm bucket right? Lights, what is the grow space like? Please remember that the little things will add up fast as well. What's the budget?
yes waterfarm bucket one plant per bucket. i would say our budget is 800-1000 cap. grow space is a closet 4 wide 6 tall 3 deep. I am thinking at tent 36" x 20" x 62" will do the trick for 2 healthy plants. Is this big enough? lights i was early recommended 250 hps. I was thinking of moving up to a 400 hps. The smell issue is on my mind and friends idea of growing mint plants for the smell? o_O I think i am going with bhubblicous fem from nirvana and raspberry cough fem.

trichlone fiend

New Member
I'd get any seed you can find first...some rapid rooters, a liquid pH test kit and some filtered water. You'll need a humidity dome and a seedling heating pad. Get the rapid rooters wet with pH balanced @ 6.5 filtered water, put under the humidity dome on a tray that is on top of the seedling heating pad, let the rapid rooters warm up for a couple hours. Then plant your seed about 1/4 deep and cover. See how they look in about 3 days. Keep them wet. Once you see a sprout, put them 2 inches under some floresant lights.....and OFF YOU GO! Don't go buy seeds yet, do some research on strains, and practice in the mean while. Good luck.


Active Member
With that budget you can get an air-cooled 400w or 600W light & exhaust fan and carbon filter. Then you can get some ONA Gel and you're covered smell wise. You also need PH & TDS meter in addition to nutes, etc. With that you can grow 2 Big beauties :)


Active Member
this is just a thought but if its your first grow you probably wont end up with a whole lot of quality smoke in the end. if you are eager to learn and willing to put in the time you could grow some real kill ... but first things first you must aquire some seeds. If you know you probably wont get the best of smoke being its your first grow you shouldnt put a whole lot of money down first go. Start off small as a test run and see how things go... you can always buy some seedy bud and try growing whats in that. But you can order off the internet too just as easily so just pick a strain that is a fairly EASY to grow. they usually will say in the info on their pages... Pick a trusted seedbank though , dont get ripped off like all these other people on here. lol
So far
Waterfarm Buckets: 2
air cooled 400w hps: 1
bulb + hanger: 1
Exhaust Fan: 1
Ph + Tds: meter:1
Carbon Filter: 1
Ona Gel:1

What would you suggest for nutrients
and what else will i be need other than the seeds


Well-Known Member
An osculating fan, helps build stem strength. Just shove it in the corner of your cupboard to put a strongish (depending on plant size) breeze on the plant, will make them sturdier and not go top heavy.

Nutrients is up to you, you ask us on here and you'll get a million different answers.

You'll need some sort of medium for those plants to grow in wont you? Think of looking into a cheap prop dome and some seedling cubes, rapidroots is menna be good :)
I'm no hydro expert but from my knowledge your gonna need clayton pebbles to surround the medium you have the plant growing in, these are good as they suck up a lot of moisture and help your plant to keep it roots healthy, vigorous and BIG.

An optional extra may be to get some CFL's to place around the sides of the cupboard for extra side lighting, this will help to develop lower areas of the plants.

One thing thats quite an obvious one and im sure it has been mentioned would be to purchase mylar to coat the cupboard in to increase the reflectivity, meaning less wasted light. You could use white paint instead but i prefer the mirrored look :P (always have been vein).

Another optional extra will be investing some money into some polystyrene panels to cover the walls of the cupboard with, this will help to prevent any light leeks and also help make the room more airtight, so all the air movement will be caused from your extractor fan and no smell/air could escape elsewhere.

Just a few things to take into mind, i hope it helps :)


Well-Known Member
Also, a fucking timer may be useful! :P
And if you want more of an automated approach to growing (prefered by the more experienced growers), you may look into controls to manage the temperature in your cupboard, for instance turning the fan on when it gets to hot and off when too cold etc etc.

I think thats getting a bit a head of your self tho, its best to get a grow under your belt first before you start splashing out the cash. My budget for this grow has been around $100-$150. Not a lot but i'm hopefully gonna pull a resonable amount of these girls, enough to keep me happy anyways. You dont wanna splash out all this cash just to find that your no good at growing your on meds and wasting all that time and money, so start low, work your way up :)
hydro kit comes with pebbles and such. my budget is 1000. But i dont think i will come close to hitting that though. Getting a grow tent so it will have reflective insides. I think first grow im going to go with nirvana then maybe head up to bc and look for strains i am interested in ounce have grow under belt. The light is kinda spendy and doing stuff like ona gel and carbon filter for the smell. but i want the grow to be relatively small and learning how do things the right way so that i might have good smoke on first try. Trying to set things up for success. I have done my research we will see how the first grow turns out. i will do a photo journal for sure and show you guy how it turns out.


If you can find any I recommend you invest in some pure neem oil, it protects the plant from insects like spider mites works wonders for my plants. Also get a small bottle sprayer for misting your plants with water while the lights are off.


Active Member
this is just a thought but if its your first grow you probably wont end up with a whole lot of quality smoke in the end. if you are eager to learn and willing to put in the time you could grow some real kill ... but first things first you must aquire some seeds. If you know you probably wont get the best of smoke being its your first grow you shouldnt put a whole lot of money down first go. Start off small as a test run and see how things go... you can always buy some seedy bud and try growing whats in that. But you can order off the internet too just as easily so just pick a strain that is a fairly EASY to grow. they usually will say in the info on their pages... Pick a trusted seedbank though , dont get ripped off like all these other people on here. lol

Have to diagree :) People always say learn first, don't spend a lot pf money, etc, cause your first grow will suck. They say that based on their experience with spending little money. If they would've spent more, their 1st grow would've been better :D
It's not rocket science and with all the info here there is no reason one shouldn't have a somewhat successful 1st grow.
My first time was with a 400W air-cooled light and 4 plants in Auto-Pots in a small closet. Best investment ever, had smoke for month and save tons of money.

Found some old pics. This is a Mazar and a BigBud from DP. The others were cut earlier.

I say, if you do it, do it right! :-P



Well-Known Member
Well mate, i wish you nothing but the best :) Definatly get that osc fan inside there tho, a little clip on one will do, be around $9 or less and will REALLY help in plant strength :)

Mate, its a great feeling getting into your first grow! Filled with excitement and all that, one precaution tho, dont get too carried away! :P When you get those girls going you'll keep learning new things and wanting to try them, i did with mine, and i was loving it, but unfortunatly i got found out from where i used to live and they chucked me out, (mega lol). But now im living on my own with my women and my girls in the cupboard and im keeping it o-natural. :)

Best of luck and link us up when yu get it all set up, would love to see it all going :)

But yeh, add to that list;
- Timer
- Clip on Osc Fan
- CFL for the early stages, with the distance your gonna need to keep that light at to stop it burning the lil' seedlings then its just gonna be a waste of money running it, keep them under CFL's for like the first 2 weeks and you'll be shocked how well they do :)

Ona gel works a charm, yu might also wanna get some of those lil' AirWick things you can get, like those things that discharge a smell every 30 minutes or whatever, makes your house smell fresh and will rid of any lingering smells :)


ya for 800-1000 you can do real good.i am new to it so i am getting some practice going with bag seeds. i think for my nutri 2 grow bucket's with farm kits ECP and two set up for soil grow as well as a 400w bal and hood. I got a MH light but it was like 450. and you can get a tent for like 250-300 for a 4'X4'X6'. and you still under bug. but try new things with bag seeds first like dif nutris, light highth plus you should look in to how to clone and top off and trim. lot of stuff to learn but it is worth it in the long run.


Active Member
With that budget you can get an air-cooled 400w or 600W light & exhaust fan and carbon filter. Then you can get some ONA Gel and you're covered smell wise. You also need PH & TDS meter in addition to nutes, etc. With that you can grow 2 Big beauties :)
600w or 400w is a ton of light for two plants man, not worth the hydro or cost. I'd probably go with a 150w MH for Veg. and 150w HPS for flower, you'll get great yield+ bud quality. I think with the kind of room you've got and your set-up (dwc) you should do a scrog grow, this will maximize your yield and look fuckin' badass.

keep the updates comin. peace