Continual Slime in DWC

Spanky, I'll check that styrofoam out. I added sheets of tinfoil to block light and it cut down water temps by 1*, hopefully the styrofoam does even more.

I'll post pics tomorrow of them. I changed the water again today and inoculated. Going to change the water everyday for a few days and hope the bennies take hold.

Tinfoil re-directs heat/light... It doesn't "reflect" it. This can be a problem for smaller plants and/or if you are using HIDS. Just my 2 cents =)
On the upside I woke up this morning to tons of roots coming out of the netpot!

Downside, although I went three days without any signs of slime I noticed two fuzzies attatched to the tips of two roots which were the deepest in the water. When i rub my finger down the roots it removes a greenish brown slime, although the roots are still white Is there a possibility the it is something other then the slime I've been dealing with or do I need to dump the rez again?
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Igloo water coolers , a small chiller or a chunk of ice to throw in the main res(big fucking igloo cooler) every day or two and Z7 by Flying Skull.
That's a preventative , since you got it who knows. I'd pour in the h2o2 like mad, I've had much much higher temps and not got slimed like that.
And whomever mentioned hygrozyme I've got a ALMOST full bottle and you're welcome to it.
For enzyme z7, you can also use a fulvic acid with thatr like ful-power to help beneficials thrive . If you can't keep temps down you can run beneficial bacteria but why bother with brewing teas , just add the wettable powder and go. I prefer keeping my temps down , ful-power and z7. Seems to work for me.
I use Z7 from flying skull, Enzymes. not sure the slime is the culprit of your demise. Use clonex at a 3/4 capfull per gallon of water. Every 2-3 days in between water feeding when needed. The roots are burned and the top dies to rebuild roots. look to small for any 2-part or 3-part. and/or teas.
I have 100% success rate on my clones using Root riot plugs and Clonex 1/2 cap per gallon. I have the domes closed for two days heat mat on. everyday after i keep a 1/2" of liquid under my clones in the tray. No feeding for 3-4 days just spray tops with plain water to keep moist. After that use clonex again. I see roots in 4-5 days sometimes 3 days.
After they root, i use small baskets and clay rocks, I ebb & flow with C.E.S three part at 50ml/30 gallon first week and than 75ml/30 gallon the 2nd and 100/150/100 third week.
I use piranha and great white, also Z7 enzyme treatment.
I never use bleach!!!!! or molasses or whatever else "they" say to use.
FIrst, never use sterilysing agents like H2O2 or bleach with benneficial microorganisms. You'll just kill the microorganisms you are trying to breed.

Second, you don't really need enzymes if using benneficial microorganisms. They will produce their own enzymes and decompose dead organic stuff.

Third, enzymes are complex organic molecules that can act as food for microorganisms. If you are having an infection, it's probably not the best idea to use them.
The tea gave me the slime too. You have to first clean everything and I mean take it all apart. The slime is a biofilm that the bacteria produce to protect themselves. Normal disinfectant levels can't kill the biofilm protected bacteria.

Next disinfect with physan 20 per bottle instructions for hard surfaces.

For the easy/cheap route I suggest using a bleach to ppm chlorine calculator and shoot for 2ppm so you can have some free chlorine too. Check twice a day with free/total ppm test strips and add bleach as necessary to maintain 1ppm free.

Bam.. No more slime.
New root growth is the key thing to watch. As long as that's happening and there is no bad smell, I'd ride out the other stuff. My air stones have similar gunk while my roots look fine.
The original problems the OP was having was likely related to an incorrect nutrient solution given to the seedlings, like I believe is usually the real reason plants have weak root systems that are so prone to becoming infected. I'm very curious what the EC was at first, and what it is now. It looks like underfeeding to me.

Ditch the molasses, and stick to only inorganic in DWC if you want to get rid of the slime.. Healthy roots resist infection. Roots are healthy when they have enough oxygen, and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition does not mean starving babies.
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Hey guys sorry for the lack of update. The tea was working fine for about a week. I grew nice long roots out of the bottom but after about a week and a half of giving the tea (changed rez once) the slime came back. I cleaned and drained the water and washed the buckets again and have had even less luck since then. Now the new roots that grew have almost all been pulled off from being dead and covered in slime. I would rinse, h202 dip roots, res change, and innoculate and with in 24 - 48 hours the slime would be back. Not lots of slime but some on the sides of buckets and the roots.

I've tried everything. I'm getting new roots but as soon as they touch the water they get slimed. I've tried almost everything I've read on the internet; sterile grow with bleach and h202 and still slime. I brewed the tea as well as give them the bennies direct and still slime.

About to get a bottle of physan 20 and run it for a few hours then dump and replace with fresh water and bennie tea. The bennie tea has been the best so far but still hasn't stopped it completely.
About to get a bottle of physan 20 and run it for a few hours been there use a little bit air stones makes it foam up

Hey guys sorry for the lack of update. The tea was working fine for about a week. I grew nice long roots out of the bottom but after about a week and a half of giving the tea (changed rez once) the slime came back. I cleaned and drained the water and washed the buckets again and have had even less luck since then. Now the new roots that grew have almost all been pulled off from being dead and covered in slime. I would rinse, h202 dip roots, res change, and innoculate and with in 24 - 48 hours the slime would be back. Not lots of slime but some on the sides of buckets and the roots.

I've tried everything. I'm getting new roots but as soon as they touch the water they get slimed. I've tried almost everything I've read on the internet; sterile grow with bleach and h202 and still slime. I brewed the tea as well as give them the bennies direct and still slime.

About to get a bottle of physan 20 and run it for a few hours then dump and replace with fresh water and bennie tea. The bennie tea has been the best so far but still hasn't stopped it completely.
Also I get foam when brewing the bennie tea but after adding it to the rez the water doesn't form any type of film or foam. Maybe I'm brewing the tea wrong? Even at 1 cup per gallon of rez water the slime is still able to take a hold.
Also I get foam when brewing the bennie tea but after adding it to the rez the water doesn't form any type of film or foam. Maybe I'm brewing the tea wrong? Even at 1 cup per gallon of rez water the slime is still able to take a hold.

i tried making the tea must of made wrong did not work for me physan 20 cleans things nice but did not work for me still got rot
i pick up a tea ready made works good for me now using whole product line
i use the complete and follow their feed chart
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OP, you didn't answer when I asked about EC. I see pictures of a starving baby on page 1.

You didn't respond about ditching the molasses. Did you ditch molasses?

Good luck dealing with your slime..
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