Controlling Temp/Humidity


New Member
I've tried several things trying to balance the temp/humidity but can't seem to keep it steady. Any suggestions?
Usually it stays about 75-83F and I try keeping it 60-70% humidity.

Once lights are off 12am
Temp drops to about 64-68 and the humidity is around 65-72% when I'm trying to keep it between 70 & 60. Any suggestions?
I turn fan on, even remove the Velcro patch
and still the humidity is high and the temperature is low.

What can I do to fix this ?


Well-Known Member
60-70% humidity is to high, why are you aiming for that? I would much rather be below 50%, above 35%.

What is the ambient temperature and humidity of the room the grow tent is in (assuming you have a tent since you mentioned velcro)

To raise temps slightly you can run the exhaust fan at a slower speed, or change the times your lights are on, you say they go off @ 12am, which is the coldest part of the night, why not have the lights on at night, and have them turn off during the day, when the ambient room air will be much warmer.

Your humidity definetely is to high though, are you leaving still water in the drip trays or anything that is causing it to be so high, or is your house simply above 60% humidity all the time? A dehumidifier is a sure way to control that, but emptying them, and the added electricity isnt always easy to swallow

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I've tried several things trying to balance the temp/humidity but can't seem to keep it steady. Any suggestions?
Usually it stays about 75-83F and I try keeping it 60-70% humidity.

Once lights are off 12am
Temp drops to about 64-68 and the humidity is around 65-72% when I'm trying to keep it between 70 & 60. Any suggestions?
I turn fan on, even remove the Velcro patch
and still the humidity is high and the temperature is low.

What can I do to fix this ?
Dehum in the room the tent is in. Temps aren't at a worry point and less RH is cooling some.


Well-Known Member
I've tried several things trying to balance the temp/humidity but can't seem to keep it steady. Any suggestions?
Usually it stays about 75-83F and I try keeping it 60-70% humidity.

Once lights are off 12am
Temp drops to about 64-68 and the humidity is around 65-72% when I'm trying to keep it between 70 & 60. Any suggestions?
I turn fan on, even remove the Velcro patch
and still the humidity is high and the temperature is low.

What can I do to fix this ?
Do the plants look good if so don't worrie,those temps seem OK,the only way you will lower humidity in a small grow is with better air exchange bigger inlet out let.humidity 50/60 fine

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
run the fans 24/7 with dehumidifiers and ac and heaters all turned on auto . only way to keep the shit dialed in . it turns on and off automatically .