Convoy? ..Convoy!

he's actually quite right, Unless you don't WANT to see it.. its been widely reported that there is a Media black out in Canada.....There are TONS of canadians outraged at how they're stiffling the coverage, and if you think ppl standing up for the choice to any type of health decision is somehow bad....., then you're a fucking tool. Most the people protesting are vacinated. Its not about red or blue, conservative or liberal..... you one color seeing bastard, its about the right to choose for your body. Even Justin Trudy went running for the hills....after calling them 'fringe extremists and Russians' obvious horseshit statements.
You seem to really be in the know with the black out and all. Do you mind if I ask a few questions to clarify? It is my understanding that truck drivers have a choice not to run cross border, then no vax required, is that correct? If there is a media blackout how was it that every Canadian network was in Ottawa interviewing the participants and aired 24 hours a day it seems? Also how did you hear about Trudeau being moved to a different location given the media blackout? How did you come to the conclusion I decide based on party affiliations and what are those affiliations? Last one if your up to it, was it a trucker, antifa, or a false flag event when the grave of the unknown soldier was pissed on?
Well I'm not Canadian, but I have several friends that live above me, being from the North East, They're all vaccinated, and they're all in support of the Vax, but more importantly....They support the right to make personal health choices... and ALL of them told me as I reached out to 6 of them...One from halifax, 2 from BC, 2 from Saskatchewan and a friend of mine from Quebec (Montreal) when I used to go up to see the Montreal Grand prix, (f1 racing).....And every single one of them, said the tv is majorly under reporting on it, infact all they saw on the news about it was.....State-owned and run CBC suggests that Russian actors may have instigated massive protest convoy that shut down nations capital .... which is obviously ridiculous.....and Justin himself said it was just a fringe group of Anti Vax people, when it fact it was over 50,000 Trucks, and most of them are already included in the 90% of that country that is jabbed....They are not deplorables....They are the people that get shit to the shelfs so you people can horde toilet paper and food over a 0.12% mortality virus....Everyone I Spoke to on the phone said there was zero far right BS going on, as this was the first question i asked because it was reported to be far right by CNN, and anything CNN reports on racism is horse shit, most of the reason they've had to fire multiple anchors, you know besides the child abusers they had to fire....and the one who tried using his position to help out his politician brother who was sexually harassing his aides, by leaning on the women to shut them up... (Guess he really got after it huh?) there was no fucking Nazi Symbols on flags put on any of the trucks....or made by any of the truckers, find a legit video of these racist symbols...I dare you........and ITS QUITE TELLING when the The prime minister and his black face loving tendencies fled town to avoid being asked direct questions by these people....and i was told it was NOTING like the US press was trying to portray it......And they thought it was disgusting that the USA press was making it a right and left thing, and blatantly embellishing about far right dog shit that you idiots are eating up hook line and sinker, and they all told me the general feeling from most ppl is in all of Canada was live and let live when it comes to health decisions for YOUR OWN BODY.... But there was almost NO reporting done locally in Canada, it was all US press in Canada or at home here, or state run Canadian news......Its soooo fucking sad how everything is "racist" to you people, Between legacy media and you useful've made the word powerless by naming everything that stands for anything other than YOUR values, Racist..........I mean i quietly watched you geniuses make a Kyle Rittenhouse racist and the Judge racist who rightfully dismissed the charges, (and half of you argued he shot black people) as per the jury of his peers a jury that was verifiably who were harassed by liberal media and regular citizens to convict him, mind you., every time they left the court house.......) who found him not guilty.....And HE SHOT WHITE PEOPLE, and these were BAD people... a woman beater, a criminal and a convicted child molester.....And you people still defended those disgusting people just because Kyle wasn't on "Your side" .... Your favorite CNN Anchor has been fired for trying to manipulate and bully women with fake leaks to try and save his governor brother who was grabbing tits and asses of girls in their 20s without their permission.....including a state trooper , his producer(Cuomos), Griffin canned for being a pedophile....his wife already filed for divorce, Don Lemon still facing calls to be fired after giving the heads up about police to convicted felon and bullshit artist jusse smollett, and you know stuffing his hand down other mens Pants in Bars....and Fox/NBC/CBS are NO BETTER...They're all absolutely bullshit.. Consider your sources....for God Sakes...I mean you guys are posting facebook posts....and CNN links to news going on IN a country that doesnt harbor US News Outlets, they have STATE RUN MEDIA

Anyways...All the people I spoke to said it was 1000% peaceful.. there was no hate symbols painted on any of the trucks., and people where waiting for hours in the cold to support the truckers as they drove by..... and it was absolutely not a fringe group of white supremacists right wingers, and went on to say thats laughable.....I mean how many times does the Prime minister have to be caught being ACTUALLY racist and wearing black face posing for pictures..... for you guys to take a fucking hint, he is a fucking liar, and a trash Human....And you're convinced the people that were there and support the right to choose what they put in their body, people WHO ACTUALLY Live there......and have an actual idea of whats going on outside Facebook and Known dog shit US based legacy media outlets...Are the gullible ones? Wow Man, I hope I'm never so hopelessly brain washed by a box on the wall or a PC that has ONLY links to the side i tend to agree with bookmarked...That I believe literal lies.... happily...and support the demonetization of peoples health rights world wide even outside of the USA for a VERY flu like mortality rated covid virus, which IS A VARIANT NOT EVEN COVERED By all current jabs and boosters btw, you'll get almost NO PROTECTION from Omicron from the jab and 3 boosters.. and they've already found out the 4th will do little to nothing to grant protection either......all whilst you gladly put on masks that are clearly labeled "Does not protect against covid 19" after our "expert" Dr Fauci flip flopped on how they didn't work for water droplets....and masks do nothing... to yes you must wear wear TWO and believe YOU are protecting other 0.12% .....And you have the balls to argue to people to take something against their will, that no one has to answer for it if it hurts people in the future........That offers NO PROTECTION for the variant that is 99% the dominant strain.....for a fucking 0.12% mortality rate? You know thats like 0.01% from bad flu seasons right...?....I dont understand,, is it to save face.. or are you actually scared of that #? I mean its sad that you support forcing people to take someting that doesnt even protect them from covid, blindly, In another country.......Just Because the tv mentioned 'white supremacy and right wing groups" literally to get you people going..... Its like a trigger to you people to lose all critical thinking skills....You openly say only people who agree with me and my news sources are the truth... and ANYTHING written otherwise by ANY outlet, is fake news....Its just, insane.....fucking sad.. all the way around.....Anyways, as all these verifiable facts I've told you....will fall on deaf ears with and labled fake news in the wake of 'facebook sources' and CNN dog shit......Dont let me stop you from resuming patting each other on the backs and congratulating each other with a barrage of echo chamber rah rah bullshit and being convinced by people who find you to be nothing more than useful idiots on the ground and a legit easy path to division for them...........and funnily enough...all while you're convinced... You're on the right side of history and masters of the 'Woke social justice universe" and 'good' people.... for fighting against and lets be clear here....... a fake narrative of 'Racism' aka Truckers who ride alone in their trucks.......a racism narrative that is quite literally made up BY A FOREIGN COUNTRIES news outlets who are KNOWN to thrive on division IN THIS COUNTRY, more notably by a news company thats lost 90% of its viewers since orange man bad left office......and quite literally argue this all on a weed forum based in the USA, because you're appalled...people...FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY don't want an experimental vaccine that doesn't work against omicron, that no ones responsible for if health or money wise....if it carries health problems down the line...Thanks to 'emergency approval' AND even with the planned 4th booster...has almost no efficacy against the currently SUPER dominant if any of that has ANYTHING to do with you here in the states....While people in Canada wonder why the US Media blatantly adds fuel to the fire....meanwhile the Canadian gov't quietly dismisses it as 'fringe' and the prime minister a man who in the past ....has painted his body to be a black man.... flees town, and you have ZERO QUESTIONS about this?....I literally apologized to my Canadian Friends, that's how guilty I felt that the woke brigade and Daddy Media has taken up their business, and made a mess out of it for its own devices.,,But at least I looked into it, called people I trusted on the ground...who actually live in the country and found out what it was before i went on the internet and posted facebook posts and disgraced media sources as my evidence while calling other people gullible....And i apologize to any Canadians here that know whats going know...outside of facebook and Canadian state run media....
Anyways, what are u waiting for? Back to calling everyone who has a different outlook on their own health rights than your own, Racists and far right wingers while quoting facebook posts by other deeply offended like minded people...who also cannot provide proof of the "hate symbols and speech"..Like I said this will fall mostly on deaf ears...But I figure.. hey, I got some info thats trustworthy from people who were there...Some will want to hear...everyone else, Don't be so offended, the sun will come up tomorrow, and omicron will still be hurling us towards herd immunity, thankfully with its miracle like weak mortality rate and granting us protection from past and current variants thats just as good if not better than all the jabs in the world (according to UK/israel/South African...... researchers........and many more countries.........! We got lucky.) Be thankful for that...and Stay safe out there.
I feel we need a Forest Gump quote about now
Anyways, what are u waiting for? Back to calling everyone who has a different outlook on their own health rights than your own, Racists and far right wingers while quoting facebook posts by other deeply offended like minded people...who also cannot provide proof of the "hate symbols and speech"..Like I said this will fall mostly on deaf ears...But I figure.. hey, I got some info thats trustworthy from people who were there...Some will want to hear...everyone else, Don't be so offended, the sun will come up tomorrow, and omicron will still be hurling us towards herd immunity, thankfully with its miracle like weak mortality rate and granting us protection from past and current variants thats just as good if not better than all the jabs in the world (according to UK/israel/South African...... researchers........and many more countries.........! We got lucky.) Be thankful for that...and Stay safe out there.
Ok thank you for the info. Just to clarify though if you don’t mind. These “6” Canadians you’ve got your facts from, we’re they actually in Ottawa this weekend? Were any of them actually able to see these “50,000” trucks converge on Ottawa or see them making their way there? I actually watched them roll by and I don’t think I saw 50,000 trucks go by my city which is on route 1.5 hours away but I could be way off as there were maybe 150 trucks. Anyways I just turned on the TV and there is coverage on every Canadian network. Did they lift the blackout? Yes the fucker Justin and his dressing up as Aladdin to promote his students play,,,,,the racist fucking nazi……terrible shit.
Ok thank you for the info. Just to clarify though if you don’t mind. These “6” Canadians you’ve got your facts from, we’re they actually in Ottawa this weekend? Were any of them actually able to see these “50,000” trucks converge on Ottawa or see them making their way there? I actually watched them roll by and I don’t think I saw 50,000 trucks go by my city which is on route 1.5 hours away but I could be way off as there were maybe 150 trucks. Anyways I just turned on the TV and there is coverage on every Canadian network. Did they lift the blackout? Yes the fucker Justin and his dressing up as Aladdin to promote his students play,,,,,the racist fucking nazi……terrible shit.

How hard would it be to find 150 licensed Canadian truckers with documented mental heath problems, like shooting fish in a barrel.