Convoy? ..Convoy!

Is that the Deep State? I would like to meet these people running things and whip their asses, they just are not doing a good job. Almost like they do not have their heart in it. Probably at it for too long and lost their direction. Yeah, that is it.
They are out in the open for all to see. Trump said what he was going to do and then did it. This guy that Canuk posted about, for example. Watch him start doubling down on right wing shit.

I could be extrapolating from what has been going on for the last four or so years. From my viewpoint, we didn't take them nearly as seriously as we should have.

Bergen is irrelevant. This will be the new Conservative leader:

Can't trust the police on this. Not the early reports like this one but here it is.

"A preliminary investigation into the February 19, 2022 shooting near the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street indicates this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters.

"The scene was extremely chaotic, and a number of witnesses were uncooperative with responding officers. Most people on scene left without talking to police.

Two are in custody. People didn't want to talk to the police. Small wonder after all that's gone down the past few years and the way they gunned down Michael Reinoehl

link provided for context of that remark.
the Canadian government should shut them down for being malignant agents of a foreign power....freedom of the press is one thing, running an active disinformation network with the intent to cause harm should not be covered by the protections offered to a free and benign press
Well if we can keep the Tories out of power and you folks can do the same with the republicans, perhaps we could talk about some internet and social media regulation, we have right wing rumble for instance an YouTube alternative. America's social media being manipulated by whoever wants to cause grief is a a pain to lot's of allied countries too, including Canada. It's not just an American problem, but one for every democratic country, the spread of disinformation, the fostering of tribalism and social division. So maybe we should have a kinda G20 meeting on the internet and it's regulation for social harmony, the promotion of peace, human rights and honest information.
Hey, what a great way to pay for the expenses, fine everybody there involved a grand, seize vehicles (tow them out of their driveways) and auction them off, along with every truck that blocked a road. That should cover some of the costs...

Maybe they can crowd fund for the cost of their fines.
Many Ottawa protesters face a long legal journey
So much for the convoy of fools, now let's go through the video footage and start charging those there to help pay for the fiasco, all there broke the law, no free passes. Tow trucks and cars out of their driveways and off to the auction block over the next weeks and months, when they get pulled over their vehicle gets towed to impound. There is a lot of evidence to go through and we need to keep some people busy just keeping their heads above water or out of jail. They want freedom, we want liberty and liberty means justice and justice means paying for it when ya break the law.

No repeats!
The multi-day police offensive to clear the main Ottawa protest site
Murdoch has been pushing anti Canada propaganda all over his empire, skynews down under is comparing Trudeau to Hitler etc. He's going after the government in New Zealand the same way, the guy hates liberal democracy and responsible government. They support social division wherever it is to enhance their ratings at the expense of others. I think Canada needs to ban Foxnews from Canadian cable, again. Murdoch is a pain in the ass to more than America, he's a problem for the Anglo world to solve, he profits by promoting hatred and division and has killed tens of thousands of Americans with disinformation. He brought you Trump and propped him up in power and continues to fuel sedition while abusing his viewers with lies. Foxnews is always looking for the next "culture war" to exploit, even if they have to create it themselves. Get rid of foxnews and re regulate media to serve the public like it used to and you will go a long way to solving America's many problems by nipping them in the bud. Win the election, have a public inquiry and remove them from the air as a menace to public safety and use their pandemic coverage to do it. Do it right after the election if you win, take them down fast and let the whining die out over a coup[le of years, none of their viewers will vote democratic anyway so no votes will be lost.

Time to play hard ball with foxnews and use power as it is suppose to be used, to protect the people and defend the nation. So things are hard but need to be done no matter how many assholes it displeases, free speech doesn't extend to the airwaves or electronic communications, only to soap boxes in parks and newspapers. Honest professional journalists will have no problem with this, they didn't in the past when it was tightly regulated. All that media was curated by producers and editors and the only ones with an issue will be those who lie. I know about the 1st amendment and the slippery slope logical fallacy too.
Fact check: Debunking more false Fox claims about the Canadian convoy protests
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Murdoch has been pushing anti Canada propaganda all over his empire, skynews down under is comparing Trudeau to Hitler etc. He's going after the government in New Zealand the same way, the guy hates liberal democracy and responsible government. They support social division wherever it is to enhance their ratings at the expense of others. I think Canada needs to ban Foxnews from Canadian cable, again. Murdoch is a pain in the ass to more than America, he's a problem for the Anglo world to solve, he profits by promoting hatred and division and has killed tens of thousands of Americans with disinformation. He brought you Trump and propped him up in power and continues to fuel sedition while abusing his viewers with lies. Foxnews is always looking for the next "culture war" to exploit, even if they have to create it themselves. Get rid of foxnews and re regulate media to serve the public like it used to and you will go a long way to solving America's many problems by nipping them in the bud. Win the election, have a public inquiry and remove them from the air as a menace to public safety and use their pandemic coverage to do it. Do it right after the election if you win, take them down fast and let the whining die out over a coup[le of years, none of their viewers will vote democratic anyway so no votes will be lost.

Time to play hard ball with foxnews and use power as it is suppose to be used, to protect the people and defend the nation. So things are hard but need to be done no matter how many assholes it displeases, free speech doesn't extend to the airwaves or electronic communications, only to soap boxes in parks and newspapers. Honest professional journalists will have no problem with this, they didn't in the past when it was tightly regulated. All that media was curated by producers and editors and the only ones with an issue will be those who lie. I know about the 1st amendment and the slippery slope logical fallacy too.
Fact check: Debunking more false Fox claims about the Canadian convoy protests
i think that's a fine idea, ban the whole fucking fox network, not just their fucked up version of the news...
I have to admit that it has been fun to have several local businesses in a total fucking panic because they have a whole production line down due to a critical Canadian part.

They bitch, they moan, they accuse and scream.

I get to play dumb, shrug and tell them "it's like there is some sort of disruption in the normal cross-border traffic between Canadia and the US."

The odds of these individuals supporting these convoy goofballs in this area are about 99%. It's fun to see it sink in to their heads.

I guess they never expected it to affect them.
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