cooling 3.5' by 10.5' area


Well-Known Member
im going to have a 3.5' by 10.5' flowering room i currently have 3 600watt lights, co2 tank, co2 regulator, and a chhc 4 sentinel i dont have hoods yet because i would like to go bare bulb if i had proper cooling but i cant hook a an a/c unit to the chhc 4 how would i cool if no hoods and how would i cool with air cooled hoods and how would i connect them to my chhc 4

my idea with no reflectors is 2 squirrel fans exhausting on top and 2 on the bottom for fresh air and all of them connected to run at the same time when temps get to hot on the chhc 4 and maybe couple fans inside run every 15 mins every hr on a cycle timer

my idea with reflectors just suck the air out the hoods constantly and then fans circulating the air on the chhc 4 if temps get to high

im sure there are much better ways that i cant think of so help me out i would like to go bare bulb because i can get more out of it if i have the proper cooling thanks in advance plus rep for help