cooling question??


Active Member
so i have this light...........Hydrofarm Sunburst System 400W High Pressure Sodium (HPS), its where the ballast and the hood is one unit..............does anyone have any suggestions in how to cool this light i really dont want to buy and a/c unit to much electricity but i have to do something, my room can reach 90 degrees on the hot days and doesnt really go any lower than 82 degrees any other day, i have a 36"x20"x62" room and im tryin to not spend as much cash...any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
If you can't exhaust the light itself then you need to exhaust the heat from the room.

Look at getting some Can Fans to suck out the heat and to pump in fresh cool air. Also get some fans to circualte the air around the room and maybe 1 to blow directly at the light.

90 degrees is hot but with some good exhaust then you should be able to lower by 10 degrees or so. :)


Well-Known Member
I used to just leave the door open when the lights on and i have a 6" fan its only 25watts wont put up the electics much that took my temps down a good bit but made it alot less stealthy


Well-Known Member
Hey Don would that not bring up the humidity an awful? I got stung with that budrot before i def wouldnt want it happening again!


Active Member


Active Member
I know this is a lil late but I have an a/c unit in my bedroom window and I just run a dryer duct from it into the back of my grow box. It works really well and I am still able to use the a/c to cool off my room.


Well-Known Member
A/C is good but id say a bit more than 100$. depends where you look. At any hydroponics shop you can get hoods that are contained and push the heat from the bulb out before it leaves the hood. This helps a lot. I had these with my set up and it instantly cooled the room by about 15 degrees. Also proper ventalation will always help with heat problems. just ad one or two more fans to the room.


Does the house have central ac? If so you should sacrafice one of your vents from the nearest proximity to the room. If you can use one from the bathroom that would be missed the least versus a bedroom or something. So just take off the metal vent and screw a piece of plywood over the rectangle opening so its airtight. No cut an opening for a 4" or 6" vent tube and run it to the lower part of the grow space. I did this in my closet when i used it to cure my bud and i was able to keepthe room around 72 when the temps outsde were 95f. Not the most stealth method but you've come this far and you cant stop now.