Cops Searching you

Do they need any sort of paper warrant to search your personal belongings such as your pockets and everything, or can they just do it whenever they feel like?


Well-Known Member
well if you are in the us then you are talking about what is called a terry stop. this comes from a supreme court case called terry vs ohio. basically anytime a cop is dealing with you, he may search you for the sole purpose of officer safety. that means weapons. now during the course of this bullshit search he might reach into your pocket and find your crack and that is legal.

number one advice that i can give anybody, put your crack or what not in your sock. police have the right to search for safety. no business in your siock. where i live they are always asking to take your shoes off. i ask them to first take their gun off. lol


Well-Known Member
cops do this everywhere. many of them dont really know the law any better then a satellite installer. the question is what happens in court


Well-Known Member
they have a right to search ur person but need permission from u or a warrant to search ur car
Most of the time it dont even get to court they just bust your balls take your shit and put u thru the system with a loitering charge or some other bullshit.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
the laws are vague, vague enough that people let cops search them probably way too often, if you know your rights then they tend to back off, its all about what you let them do. Cops need probable cause to search your person, then again, the damn pigs can just make up some probable cause, if your stopped by the police, dont let them search you, they will try to turn this back on you but just say you believe in your constitutional rights, then asked if your being detained, if you arent, then walk away lol you should just get on a medical marijuana site like or something and study your rights and how to conduct yourself when dealing with these tricky pigs...


Well-Known Member
sorry zig zag but that is not true. all a cop has to do is walk up to you and talk to you. hey how are you, you dont mind if i pat you down for weapons do you. if you say no he can still pat you down for officer safety without a warrant. without probable cause without anything. terry v ohio

also, your car is a funny thing, nowadays, and this is also backed up by case law from the us supreme court, as long as they are not holding you longer than it takes to wriute a you your ticket, they can do an open air search of your car by a k-9. the k-9 handler can then make his dog alert ot your car. good luck proving that he did this. watch barry cooper for more on this.

once the dog has alerted on your vehicle they may search yor vehicle by hand. if your glove box is locked they wil need a warrant. if they pop your trunk it is well within there rights to do so. same with the hood. locked boxes and briefcases need a special warrant.

im sorry i cant quote the case. the gist of it is that since the dog is not actually searching, it is merely detecting the presence or non presence of an illegal substance, then it is not ian invasion of your privacy.

this is one of the most dangerous supreme court rulings in recent history but you never hear anyonr talk about it. there really is nothing stopping the police from walking around your houdse with a k9 and then obtaining pc.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
sorry zig zag but that is not true. all a cop has to do is walk up to you and talk to you. hey how are you, you dont mind if i pat you down for weapons do you. if you say no he can still pat you down for officer safety without a warrant. without probable cause without anything. terry v ohio
I dont know man, that sounds pretty totalitarian lol ive never had a cop come up to me for NO reason at all and ask to pat me down or search me, and Ive been fucked with by cops SOOO many times, but they alway had some suspicions, they didnt just fuck wit me out the blue, anyways your probably right Mike, and thats fucked that cops can do that...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah just looked it up your right, though the cops have to have "reasonable suspicion"...which basically means, yeah they can search anyone anytime for no reason at lmao wtf


Well-Known Member
just remember that this is only supposed to be an officer safety issue and to keep your shit in your sock if you can and never give permission for anything. this is how i respond to every question "i dont want to get out of my car, are you ordering me to do this" then they say yes and k9 my shit. i hate to admit it but right now this is happening once a month to me. no exaggeration. i have a drug record so its k9 every time i get stopped. and funny thing is every time the k9 hits but nothing in car and never was. so that tells me right there that they are fucking crooked.

think about it, these are people who have to hide behind law and government to assert themselves as men and then they circumvent the law. wtf?


Active Member
yeah thats balls... i think the usa has WAY more crooked cops then here in canada... its alot worse in big cities... i live in a town with like 22k people... small.. but id say 30% of them pigs are crooked


yeah barry cooper is someone to check out on youtube pr whatever alot of good info for when u get pulled over and knowing your rights and what not it is definitely worth ur time to hit up youtube and just watch some vidios on on ur rights with cops searching ur car and what to do so they dont get u to give up ur rights without really knowing it. just make sure to stand ur ground and make it clear in a non agressive way that u dont give concent to search your car. it has saved my ass a couple of times


also the po po cannot search your car under suspicion they have to have visible evidence of marijuana or other drugs in the car as in roachs or anything so keep that shit hidden and they wont have a rite to search your car.


Active Member
pigs can search the car by saying they "smelled marijuana" so only roll your window down enough to hand them your information and communicate


Active Member
if they ask to search your car ask them if they are "asking you" or "telling you"

asking.... well say no

telling...what no 4th amendment rights in your car?? hmmmm

cops cant tell you.. you dont have this right..resonable expectation of privacy.