correct my good friend if hes wrong on this!!?


New Member
i asked an old friend with extensive experience if it is natural and a normal occurance for old leafes to yellow and even drop off when the plant is 2week into flower.
he seems to think this is perfectly normal!?
any1 know if wot hes said is true or should i be concerned? any info welcome!


Active Member
Its oerfectly normal and natural for a deficient plant. Leaves should really only be dropping towards the end of the plants lifecycle. Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
It depends on the nutes you're using.
When a plant begins to flower it needs less N and more P and K. This we know.
The yellowing comes from lack of Nitrogen so the plant begins to use it's stored N in the leaves.
If you are using a bloom fert that still has a bit of N in it then the plant won't yellow as much.
If you start using a bloom fert that is quite low in N the big shade leaves will start to get used up by the plant straight away.
So it's normal if the bloom nutes you are using are very low in nitrogen.


New Member
that was an awsome reply and i totaly agree with ur post!! i amusing ionic bloom and it is low in N. that prob explains the yellowing in the old fan leaves, u seem to kno ur shit man, cheers.


Well-Known Member
would suggest keep using ur veg nutes 1/4 strength until 4th or 5th week if they are yellowing this fast. it is normal, but not until the last weeks. yield is def affected if you go N deficient too early.


New Member
how bout 1/4 strength bloom and reduced strength veg nute to accomidate the N difficiency???? wot do u think??


Well-Known Member
that works. keep in mind 1/4 of the bloom may not be enough in upcoming weeks. post some pics. if u r yellow and dropping 2 weeks in u may have to use the veg nutes until the end.