Costa Rica, One heck of a surprise . . . ~

Embarrassingly, I call Jacob Zuma my president. And we like to burn schools and stuff. Bet you nailed it.

Interesting. My step brother is in the US State Department, first tour was to Moputo... he said that if given the chance, he'd retire in Jo-burg. Second tour to the Congo coming up this summer, I'm thinking I might want to put together a trip and a visit. Or maybe just see Africa and stay away from American embassies- I hear they're dangerous places!
Interesting. My step brother is in the US State Department, first tour was to Moputo... he said that if given the chance, he'd retire in Jo-burg. Second tour to the Congo coming up this summer, I'm thinking I might want to put together a trip and a visit. Or maybe just see Africa and stay away from American embassies- I hear they're dangerous places!

If you can keep your nose out of local politics it is paradise mate. Some shocking shit going down lately though, it really sucks to watch going down. Its going to get pretty rough around Joburg... The North is running out of water pretty fast. If the drought carries on much longer we will have serious issues. Reports of killings over drinking water in the Free State already. Johannesburg also has this little issue with mine runoff polluting ground water, and the less ground water the more mine seepage... Need I say more... Zuma LAUGHED when asked his plan to deal with this. Right in parliament. Pretty scary stuff. If you know what I know, and you know the size of the average slum, you see how the government is breeding kill-zones by laughing off a crisis... Pretty hardcore really.

But it is still largely one huge party down here in the South and that's no joke. Cape Town manages a major outdoor electronic music festival EVERY WEEKEND for 7 months non stop and that is no lie. Flying over artists from Europe and whatnot. Weather here is pretty mild, if you can handle Congo this place is really easy. Hot days around here have an RH of 55 to 65 so it is bearable. Super hot days simply call for beer or vodka. Most of the game farms are in the South. Beaches and mountains also all here. If you are going to prepare for the Cape province, think California with different animals and no legal weed, but the drugs are better and cheaper.

Only trouble I ever heard of with an American embassy here, was an American friend getting upset at them for taking too long with some application. So she got rude on the phone, next thing she got arrested. So I know that if you are American, sure, DO NOT fuck with your own embassy loooool. The Cape Town one sits in a very cool tall building right in the middle of the city it is as safe and boring as you can get.
If you can keep your nose out of local politics it is paradise mate. Some shocking shit going down lately though, it really sucks to watch going down. Its going to get pretty rough around Joburg... The North is running out of water pretty fast. If the drought carries on much longer we will have serious issues. Reports of killings over drinking water in the Free State already. Johannesburg also has this little issue with mine runoff polluting ground water, and the less ground water the more mine seepage... Need I say more... Zuma LAUGHED when asked his plan to deal with this. Right in parliament. Pretty scary stuff. If you know what I know, and you know the size of the average slum, you see how the government is breeding kill-zones by laughing off a crisis... Pretty hardcore really.

But it is still largely one huge party down here in the South and that's no joke. Cape Town manages a major outdoor electronic music festival EVERY WEEKEND for 7 months non stop and that is no lie. Flying over artists from Europe and whatnot. Weather here is pretty mild, if you can handle Congo this place is really easy. Hot days around here have an RH of 55 to 65 so it is bearable. Super hot days simply call for beer or vodka. Most of the game farms are in the South. Beaches and mountains also all here. If you are going to prepare for the Cape province, think California with different animals and no legal weed, but the drugs are better and cheaper.

Only trouble I ever heard of with an American embassy here, was an American friend getting upset at them for taking too long with some application. So she got rude on the phone, next thing she got arrested. So I know that if you are American, sure, DO NOT fuck with your own embassy loooool. The Cape Town one sits in a very cool tall building right in the middle of the city it is as safe and boring as you can get.

I'm soooooo not interested in getting mixed up in the local politics, lol

Appreciate the macro economic heads up about SA, of course the news that peeps really need to know is never publicised.

Congo isn't MY country, Colorado is! And California is sadly no longer the kind of place I'd like to spend tourist dollars.

My idea of touring someplace is to get to know some well connected locals and them THEM show me around. It's always been a hell of a lot more interesting and educational than the tour bus that stops in front of the Hilton. Food's better, too.
I'm soooooo not interested in getting mixed up in the local politics, lol

Appreciate the macro economic heads up about SA, of course the news that peeps really need to know is never publicised.

Congo isn't MY country, Colorado is! And California is sadly no longer the kind of place I'd like to spend tourist dollars.

My idea of touring someplace is to get to know some well connected locals and them THEM show me around. It's always been a hell of a lot more interesting and educational than the tour bus that stops in front of the Hilton. Food's better, too.
I will show you SA if you show me Colorado. There is no place on this planet I want to see more. I am a mountain freak. I will take you caving up Table Mountain, shark diving in Hermanus, snake handling just up the road in Stanford, some more mountain hikes, cross the mountains for a desert drive and some shrooms... And then we wont even be on the Garden Route yet, the old growth forests and game reserves. I have always wanted to do a canopy tour, they rig you up and you tour the forest via zipline. There is one of the world's highest fixed bungee jumps there too, at some point it was the highest not certain any more, off a bridge into a deep ravine pretty intense. We can hit the Transkei with a few bubble bags at harvest season. I have an open invite from a local to go see some really wild and hidden places, all guests welcome. My province is a mind fuck if you want it to be. And dollars go faaaaaaar my friend. You want to get here for our fall, your SPRING. Jan and Feb are like Satan's oven. Hot and no fun really. March to end June is perfection.
I will show you SA if you show me Colorado. There is no place on this planet I want to see more. I am a mountain freak. I will take you caving up Table Mountain, shark diving in Hermanus, snake handling just up the road in Stanford, some more mountain hikes, cross the mountains for a desert drive and some shrooms... And then we wont even be on the Garden Route yet, the old growth forests and game reserves. I have always wanted to do a canopy tour, they rig you up and you tour the forest via zipline. We can hit the Transkei with a few bubble bags at harvest season. I have an open invite from a local to go see some really wild and hidden places, all guests welcome. My province is a mind fuck if you want it to be. And dollars go faaaaaaar my friend. You want to get here for our fall, your SPRING. Jan and Feb are like Satan's oven. Hot and no fun really. March to end June is perfection.

There's no topping that list of options around here! Still, loads of fun things to see and do, hikes, fishing, food... and more fucking marijuana than you are going to have any earthly idea what to do with! Oh yeah, and we do a bit of beer brewing around these parts, as well...