Coughing brown stuff from weed?

Don't you fuck with @bu$hleaguer! He likes to give reach arounds while fucking dudes in the ass! And that, my friend, is what you call a real gentleman. So show some respect and spread those butt cheeks!
he is a real giver.. but he did give up on being the #riuhistorian.. im so lost nowadays.

OP the brown stuff is just doo doo specks from going ass to mouth, youll be alright
If my mom has been blowing you all i would recommend you get tested, shes a filthy cunt and has aids and chlamydia
i know... i gave it to her
Allright dudes its been fun but i got shit to do. Still i wish i could have seen bu$hleaguer reply at least one last time :,( may he rest in piece. Oh and also is seriously nobody gonna ban me? Come on im practically asking for it
you spent too much time on grass city if you think that shitll get you banned. youre still new here, youll see if you dont get ran off
No need to run me off, im leaving. I dont think ive ever seen a more pathetic group of assholes than this forum. By comparison, grasscity actually sounds welcoming. Oh and not that it matters, but for the record i just came here to ask a question. I was polite to everyone (at first) and was just trying to get info. You guys are the ones who started out insulting me for absolutely no reason. And now because of that, bu$hleaguer is dead. I thought this was a forum to discuss cannabis, instead all you guys talk about is sucking each others dicks. Peace
so what youre saying is you dont want to suck dicks?
No need to run me off, im leaving. I dont think ive ever seen a more pathetic group of assholes than this forum. By comparison, grasscity actually sounds welcoming. Oh and not that it matters, but for the record i just came here to ask a question. I was polite to everyone (at first) and was just trying to get info. You guys are the ones who started out insulting me for absolutely no reason. And now because of that, bu$hleaguer is dead. I thought this was a forum to discuss cannabis, instead all you guys talk about is sucking each others dicks. Peace
I only liked this posts because of the last part
No need to run me off, im leaving. I dont think ive ever seen a more pathetic group of assholes than this forum. By comparison, grasscity actually sounds welcoming. Oh and not that it matters, but for the record i just came here to ask a question. I was polite to everyone (at first) and was just trying to get info. You guys are the ones who started out insulting me for absolutely no reason. And now because of that, bu$hleaguer is dead. I thought this was a forum to discuss cannabis, instead all you guys talk about is sucking each others dicks. Peace
