Could be a few things..

Hello all - Some more experienced advice is needed.

My friend has 2 seedlings growing currently under a 400w MH [for veg , HPS for flower.] 24 hour light. Theyre currently about 10 - 11 days old.

The whole thing was a bit sloppy because he started germinating the seeds before he had his ducks in a row..dumb he had to make due with the less than ideal items that were available.

They had a rough start, so it is no suprise that a few unhealthy traits seem to be popping up. We've narrowed down a few options but are not sure where to begin to further narrow down the cause of illness.

They were germinated in a dark, humid, place in a paper towel, then moved into Miracle Grow organic potting mix, [I know, dumb.] Kept at 70 F, with a fan creating a constant breeze for them.

This dried out wayyyy to quickly, so they were moved into a mix of Miracle Grow organic potting mix, Miracle Grow perelite, and Miracle Grow peat moss. Abouuuut 60/40 potting mix/perelite, with a pinch of peat moss.

After a pretty sloppy transplant, [no plant damage, but some roots were exposed to air for a minute or less due to the soil not staying in one piece,] some deficiencies are presenting themselves.

Terrible waste of space in those pots..I know. Both are bagseed. One was from a very nice sativa plant, the other is of unknown genetics.

The sativa plant is in the smaller pot and seems to be having some problems.

The soil in the small pot was flushed with water repeatedly in attempt to get out some nutrients so that they didnt shock the seedlings. Oddly enough, the unknown plant in the larger pot is in soil that was not flushed, which seems to be doing better.

There seems to be a slight lightening of the leaf color on the sativa, its not yellow, but a lighter green than previously, while one leaf is curling upward and another two are kind of raising up from the stem and pointing downward.

The other one has lightened in color slightly, but has produced another set of leaves and is remaining very straight.

Also, both stems are dark purple right until they hit the soil.

Maybe we're overreacting, but we're aware it could be due to any of the following things -

heat stress [have the light about a little over a foot from the top of plants, with a fan on them]
ph fluctuation
Nitrogen deficiencies
Phosphorus deficiencies
Potassium deficiences
Magnesium deficiences

All of the explanations and descriptions seem to fit one way or another with what we're experiencing, and we have no idea where to start.

Im assuming a good place to start would be to get a pH meter, ph up / ph down, nutrients [for when the time comes] and some better soil..all of which we have none of.

That being said, all those options make it a bit overwhelming and we dont have the luxary of obtaining those items for another week or so.

Could anyone with more experience point us in the right direction?

Thanks so much!



Well-Known Member
Get the little collars off. No need for those. Transplant immediately into something that drains and that has good soil or good clean medium in it. And there are no deficiencies on a seedling this young. Get air moving around them. Don't overwater.


Well-Known Member
Bro what is that medium? it looks like you ralphed into a bucket then stuck a plant in there.
Did exactly that. Miracle Grow everything.

MG organic potting mix, sifted with a strainer to get any of the large bark out
MG perlite
MG peat moss.

It disgusts me.