Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.
Again fail to see how this makes it ok he called me a faggot simply answered his ?'s, told him info and asked a simple question because he stated he dont smoke and gave an overall feel that he disliked the plant so i wanted to know. Sry if the newbie didn't like the answer to his ?'s but they were truthful and i did not mislead him in anyway. Sorry if i was staright to the point and told him to cut his ugly trash plants down because of the risk of ruining others crops he attacks me. Your all in the wrong idk i might have been a slight dick but i did not attack him like he did me.
GTA1979 , WELCOME !! You don't have to be a smoker to be here . Just interested in growing. This is a free country on a free web-site. Glad to have you interested in my hobby. Reading and asking questions is how we educate ourselves. Knowledge is the answer !
Slim Jim , this is your post that started all this crap . You are the one who came down on him for no reason. He never stated that he intended to sell his harvest . YOU assumed this.
I grow Saffron but I am not a chef, So fucking what. He doesn't have to smoke to grow.
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.
Hey dadio161, spot on man. By the way, I had a little click on one of your links there, very impressed with the cabinet build and all that. Great stuff.
lmao, people are such assholes on here sometimes. i find it funny hes saying we dont want drug dealers here. blah blah blah. growing weed is ILLEGAL pretty much anywhere, whats gives you the right to be the internet police? some people are so dissapointed with their real lives they need to try to bring down everyone else whenever possible. fucking losers
Slim Jim , this is your post that started all this crap . You are the one who came down on him for no reason. He never stated that he intended to sell his harvest . YOU assumed this.
I grow Saffron but I am not a chef, So fucking what. He doesn't have to smoke to grow.
Sounds like everyone is assuming a lot for my first two comments i feel no need to sugaur coat the anwser he asked for and am i not entitled to ask a few myself? You guys are all taking what i said in the fucking wrong way you weren't a part of this coversation so not to sure why you all jumping in now.

His friend gave him some plants as a last ditch effort cuz his buddy couldn't grow them anymore. The op failed to come on here when he first got the plants and waited till they were already fully flowering and after he got back from some trip. He thought a hermie and a male plant and was going to have a good harvest simply told him the truth told him to get rid of them asap and that if he tried to sell said fucked up plants he would get his ass beat "all helpfull info for a newbie. I also told him to stop fucking with out hobby meaning what he is doing could fuck up others grows that surround him and i simply asked him why he is even on this site cuz he showed a lack of interest. If you dont like it take a hike but im not in the wrong here ONLY FACTS and he turned around and called me a faggot cuz he reliazed how he wasted his summer tending to those plants. My first two posts do not give him the right to call me a faggot on open forum thats against the rules my remarks ya no so much....Keep attacking me im not the one calling names here only gave the kid useful info and asked a fucking ? of my own.
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

He never said he was going to sell, just because he doesn't smoke weed doesn't mean he's growing only with the intentions of selling. I'm not the biggest smoker ever either, I just find growing to be a hobby and it interests me.

Jesus people here can be *edited . And yeah that plant is just going to waste your time sadly, you mise well cut it down and start over.
Everyone that has attacked me by slandering and name calling has been reported and i will continue to do so.
Everyone that has attacked me by slandering and name calling has been reported and i will continue to do so.
Lol yet you have some pass that allows you to be an asshole to everyone else? The moment anyone says anything to you, you start getting butthurt.

Take some deep breaths, go outside stop lurking a forum on the interwebs
Re read over the whole thread i simply gave facts asked a question of my own and he called me a faggot. Im not ragein just tried of trolls coming in and having a swing at me too because i told it how it was.
There's a difference between telling things "like it is" and just being an asshole. You were being the latter.
Dude i told him how it was everybody will agree those plants are nasty looking and hermie/males and should be cut down unless grown inside in a controlled grow space as to not seed other surrounding grows and if he tried to sell said cronic he will get beat down and simply asked him why he was even on this forum due to the lack of will to learn. Nothing i said was unjust or wrong maybe i could have sugar coated it a little but he could have done his own research as well but calling me a faggot on open forum thats against the fucking rules hands down.
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