Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Slandering you? First of all slander is spoken,libel is written.

Second of all,I referenced your first reply to the OP where you were an unmerciful dick to someone seeking advice,thus there is proof you said it,so it's not libel.

Now onto brass facts here,I jumped on board here because YOU were being a dick to a new member of a site that YOU are a new member of yourself. You talk down what he was trying to do and have absolutely NO credentials yourself.

So let it go and please for the love of God stop giving growing advice and criticising other peoples attempts at have no experience and no right to speak to people the way you do.
Dude i grow micro ? you fail to see im in a micro grow box? It takes more skill to go small.

Two ounces off 12 plants is definitely micro,infact it could be considered redefining micro growing with those amazingly tiny yields. 2 grams a plant? You call that skill?

See now,it's not nice,is it? Bet you wanna call me a faggot too....

Think youngling.
Two ounces off 12 plants is definitely micro,infact it could be considered redefining micro growing with those amazingly tiny yields. 2 grams a plant? You call that skill?

See now,it's not nice,is it? Bet you wanna call me a faggot too....

Think youngling.
2 grams a plant would make 24 grams thats not a oz drrr?
Whatever,Iv been working all night,ok so let me correct myself got what 56 grams off 12 plants?

And this gives you permission to be a dick to a new grower? To ask said new grower why they even joined this site? To tell said new member to (paraphrasing here) fuck off to their own hobby and leave us to ours?

Can you see nothing wrong at all with AND the massive irony of your tremendous arrogance?

EDIT: And by the way... You realise if you're reporting my posts and the Admins actually read this thread, YOU are gonna get banned, not me? I'm sticking up for the new guy that you savaged earlier, think about it.
Dude you dont even get it,I tried explaining it in detail so I'm just gonna put it in caps for you...ALL WE ARE SAYING IS PLEASE JUST STOP BEING A DICK TO PEOPLE.

Conversation finished.
Did you read the caps? The only reason I posted here was to stop you being a dick to a new poster. That's all, hence the end of conversation. I participated in the way I wanted to, namely to ask you to stop being a dick to people.

You could've just told the dude it was a hermi and to chop it down, better luck next time...but no.
Dude i haven't been dick this whole time he has attacked me numerous times cuz i gave him facts he did not want to hear but THATS what they were FACTS you saying any or all info i stated is wrong prove it i want to see proof cuz im right and you have known. Your a troll starting fights and you dont even know whats going on....
Slimjims alright, normally hes cool but yer you did start this dude and then a load of loving members put you straight so just let it go, even i have bad days and yer you do help.

What did that post say before, ah yer hit some joints! Chill guys and i have utmost respect that this was a post where someone who was an ass got gunned down by many, rollitup seems to have got nicer recently, horay.

Let it go slimjim, i know what you said was harmless but who gives a damn lets smoke some and let this dude pollinate half the county, aint no law against it and what you expect outdoors anyway, if at the end of summer everyones like who pollinated all our outdoor grows we'll just point them his way;-)

I say let the hermie or seeded one go and kill the males, you probably get some smoke of this although some smoke male joints made from the pollen to get high also. peace bro and slim let it go, simple appology would put you right back on the tracks, maybe even a mod could clkean this thread up dude plus i think you made a new best bud in GTA.
Yeah i already said i might have came off short or dickish was not my intent to do so only to give the op some info i have yet to call anyone any seriously offensive names and yet i keep getting called a faggot and so on. I mean how do you tell someone their shit is trash and still be a nice guy no matter what way you go about it the OP will take offense. And i was writing out a long post to apologize and explain in detail when he called me a dick and faggot sry but on open forum thats a big no no and i called him on it and he continues to use such words to describe me and so do others trolling this thread. The disagreement was with me and the OP not the whole forum if someone is rude to you call them on it in pm he took it to far and attacked me on open forum.

I respect you King but im not in the wrong here maybe my second post came off a little rough but look at his plants i simply asked him way he was here to feel him out and see if he was truly interested in growing then i was going to introduce him to my outdoor pals thats it and i said stop fucking with our hobby meaning research and learn some shit before you seed others grows have you ever had a crop seeded before. My buddy was growing indoors and got seeds 4 harvest in a row and we spent hours in the grow room cleaning each time completely tearing it down and putting it back up guess who was seeding the grow a punk kid next door was growing weed we befriended him and should him the ropes seeds stopped he cost my buddy loads of money he got lucky that we are chill guys and not street thugs or like others have stated people get shot over this.

Im not apologizing now not after all have slandered me and ive been called a faggot more then a dozen times my posts do not deserve that kinda response PERIOD.
Not the way Slim and dont be so defensive even if people have slandered you, apoligising is cool bro and im with you as you do help out a lot but still let this sh!t go dude. We only gona achieve somthing if we get along regadless of whos a faggot!lol! I see a lot of cool growers and posters here so can we just laugh this one off slim??

And thanks for replying, i thought everyone had buggered off when i went on again!lol! Peace
Im always around but sometimes in problem forum and sometimes in noob forum.

Didnt get a lick on you bro just chilling too, im a lot nicer than people give me credit for!lol!

Yer your allright slim but if you dont want to apoligise then just walk away and let the others deal with GTA, only other way i can see. In a way others didnt have to come down on you so harsh but end of the day what dose it matter dude plus this guy knows to try and not pollinate the neighbourhood, hopefully.

So is all cool now bro, no ones said nothing now and were all feeling a little stupid, well i always am but thats just the weed.

Is cool that people care to try and help anyway, sometimes passions get the better of us but hey were only human, sometimes people write things but we read it in a different tone of voice, i call someone a faggot in a joking way and they think im starting somthing, next thing you know im having to apoligise again.

Anyway not to go on but the rules of rollitup do say if your not medical then you shouldnt post on this site, i think a lot of us are infringing the laws really but Rollitups cool to let us non registered med patients stay-

'By clicking the agree button you agree that you will be growing marijuana for medicinal use only, you also agree that you are licensed by your state to grow marijuana for medical purposes'

When i first started here, like 3 days ago!lol!, i found it hard to get along but i soon learned, i think every new poster has a thread like this before they chill some, just give him his first strike for being a noob and forget about it. Anyway if i had anythink to link ya up to i would, done a small germination guide recently and thats it plus want to find out why my leaves always turn dark green in high temps and heat stress so plenty of reading at the mo.

Im on your side dude but also some of the people who posted attacking you are very respected members by me too, i just want you all to get along.

Heres the link to my newest thread, kinda boring stuff germination but hell someones got to do it! Peace and have a look at the link-
For sure buddy might try flushing or make it rain method like a light flush ever couple feedings to keep ph balanced in soil and to flush built up salts i had the same problem over the summer cuz i stopped using make it rain cuz i got lazy wont ever stop using is ever again plants love it. You got any pics?:-)
Hi everyone, I have been growing these plants outdoor this summer - given to me by a friend in their infancy. I don't even really smoke weed, I just took them on for the luls but now that they seem to be producing, I'm getting more interested in getting a good harvest. What do you think? One of the smaller ones seems to be flowering well, the larger ones have some flowers and some buds that don't really seem to be up to much. Some are dry and fall off. I must admit, I had to go away for about a week and left a friend in charge and so I missed a lot of these buds appearing. Diagnosis please?

You sir, have yourself a nice and healthy looking male.

those are seeds.. and their seed-pods.

You have yourself a nice seed harvest. :D

better luck next time.

Not going to apologize for something i didn't do i told him facts others took it way to far and attacked me personally and on open forum but im the asshole faggot dick right...... Yeah im thinking they can shove it where the sun dont shine. Read all my posts im chillen just getting attacked from all angles but the funny thing is i dont see any of these people on the forum that says they are worthless trolls only out for kicks and jump blinding aboard the slander wagon at any given chance. Like right now im helping a newbie on another thread got a friend request from another that i helped awhile ago wanted to thank me for helping him from start to finish all i do is help on this forum and bullshit with my pals if you dont like me i dont care "not talking to you king" i've always liked you even tho im pretty sure you just got a lick in on me !lol! jackass:-) More import where the fuck have you been? Or am i missing out on shit link me up i'll play nice:-)

I feel your pain bro.. best thing to do, is consider the people that attack you.. as haters. Haters will always be my number one fans.. they're bullshit is what keeps me going at certain times.. ;) Use their negativity to your advantage..

For sure buddy might try flushing or make it rain method like a light flush ever couple feedings to keep ph balanced in soil and to flush built up salts i had the same problem over the summer cuz i stopped using make it rain cuz i got lazy wont ever stop using is ever again plants love it. You got any pics?:-)

Sweeten the soil with some lime and get third almost a third runoff every water and ferts, seems to be better getting a third runoff than flushing every month but im just trying a load of things, if they work they will be part of my routine. Ph problems went away when i ferted right and stopped reading runoff and the lime really helps too plus the third runoff. Personally doing a flush seriously screws my plants up, hate it when i mess up and have to flush then the plant is really imbalanced for a week or so, flushing sucks imo.

I see a good way some use is when they feed they give plain water first till runoff then add the ferts with the idea being the plain water cleans the soil a bit then new ferts are added.

Getting a 6inch high powered fan for my budbox mini with fan controller as heat problems are devastating my yeilds recently, should be fun messing with that, hope it dosent collapse my grow with all the sucking power, like 720m3/hr. Peace
You sir, have yourself a nice and healthy looking male.

those are seeds.. and their seed-pods.

You have yourself a nice seed harvest. :D

better luck next time.

You dick wtf bahahahaha see no nice way to go about it hahahah:-)Im totally joking you sir made my night laughed so hard i spilled bong water in my lap thanks bro:-)That should have been my first and only post hahaha
I feel your pain bro.. best thing to do, is consider the people that attack you.. as haters. Haters will always be my number one fans.. they're bullshit is what keeps me going at certain times.. ;) Use their negativity to your advantage..


I dont see many haters here, well apart from evol alex but hes cool too (sos evol just kidding!lol!),

Think people just reacted on passion more, simple human emotion, no ones hating. I think people just chimmed in cause were trying to cut out any arguing etc etc and were very sensitive to minor flare ups at the mo. Peace
Sweeten the soil with some lime and get third almost a third runoff every water and ferts, seems to be better getting a third runoff than flushing every month but im just trying a load of things, if they work they will be part of my routine. Ph problems went away when i ferted right and stopped reading runoff and the lime really helps too plus the third runoff. Personally doing a flush seriously screws my plants up, hate it when i mess up and have to flush then the plant is really imbalanced for a week or so, flushing sucks imo.

I see a good way some use is when they feed they give plain water first till runoff then add the ferts with the idea being the plain water cleans the soil a bit then new ferts are added.

Getting a 6inch high powered fan for my budbox mini with fan controller as heat problems are devastating my yeilds recently, should be fun messing with that, hope it dosent collapse my grow with all the sucking power, like 720m3/hr. Peace
Video tape it when you turn that fucker on just in case if it does i want to see that shit lmao whats the DB level on that bad boy is it loud as all hell? Im going to have to talk to you more about what your talking about sounds interesting. im to tired to comprehend bong and lack of sleep fucks with your learning skills hahahaha. Got a thread or journal?
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