Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....part 2


Slow down a little bit, let the shivering settle down and take a deep breath. You will have to wait a few weeks before there is a republican senate. So this EO is republican house and a democratic senate, so you won't get the right smell for a few more weeks.

that's okay..most of us are familiar with the scent:


Remember National boot in the ass day? You can add one more to that list except he used his own boot, those cowboy boots he was wearing that you posted like they went up my ass ended up going up his own ass. Now that was funny.

if you like conservatism so much, why not move to a red state instead of sullying up two of the bluest states in the union with your constant racism?

Because Obama won twice could be attributed to the fact his opponents in 2008 McCain and 2012 Romney were both extreme douches and some people considered Obama as only a regular douche.

I liked your Smedley Butler reference in another thread. War is good for nothing.
Because Obama won twice could be attributed to the fact his opponents in 2008 McCain and 2012 Romney were both extreme douches and some people considered Obama as only a regular douche.

I liked your Smedley Butler reference in another thread. War is good for nothing.

oh stop!

he won by a landslide for a reason and it wasn't because mccain or romeny were lacking.

the people voted him remember them?
oh stop!

he won by a landslide for a reason and it wasn't because mccain or romeny were lacking.

the people voted him remember them?

Most people falsely believe that a choice between shit pile one and shit pile two is a real choice. A real choice would include not having to have a shit pile in the first place.

Most people vote reflexively for a "team" that they think is theirs or they vote against the person they perceive as the bigger douche bag.

I agree with you Romney and McCain were lacking, but that doesn't mean Obama is all that.

It's sort of like back in the swingin' 70s when people would hang out at the bar, drinking all night and by the end of the night there were only two choices left. One a not so attractive girl with a big rack and one a not so attractive girl with a small rack.

Rack 'em up!!! I win again!!!
Most people falsely believe that a choice between shit pile one and shit pile two is a real choice. A real choice would include not having to have a shit pile in the first place.

Most people vote reflexively for a "team" that they think is theirs or they vote against the person they perceive as the bigger douche bag.

I agree with you Romney and McCain were lacking, but that doesn't mean Obama is all that.

It's sort of like back in the swingin' 70s when people would hang out at the bar, drinking all night and by the end of the night there were only two choices left. One a not so attractive girl with a big rack and one a not so attractive girl with a small rack.

Rack 'em up!!! I win again!!!

listen, if you have a problem with obama, which you clearly do, as evidenced by your multiple uses of racial slurs to describe him, then there is a solution: run a viable candidate to oppose him that people will vote for.

you're perfectly free to run yourself, robbyboy.

but i don't think many people will vote for a racist radical POS like you.
listen, if you have a problem with obama, which you clearly do, as evidenced by your multiple uses of racial slurs to describe him, then there is a solution: run a viable candidate to oppose him that people will vote for.

you're perfectly free to run yourself, robbyboy.

but i don't think many people will vote for a racist radical POS like you.

I will admit you could be qualified to know what some pieces of shit are. However you miscast me, I think if a person is free the option of being left out of a coercive automatic inclusion would exist. Otherwise you are just playing with a choice of which turd is the finest turd. I believe you have good turd knowledge, but little knowledge of what a real choice is.

I am radical, but not a racist, nor would I ever foul your floor. Also, you need to use more crayon.
so if you ran for president, what do you think americans would say about your disdain for the civil rights act and your constant usage of racial slurs against the president?

I don't want to tell other people what to do. So running for President has never been a goal.

I suppose most people equate civil rights objectors like me as promoting racism, which is more a problem of their not being able to distinguish two distinct and separate things. I am for equal rights of all people to control their own property and their own body, civil rights violates that.

I don't care what race or races Obama is, he's a smug dipshit, like most of them.

Maybe you could run for President and declare a national shit on the floor holiday ? Think of all the jobs you could create in the clean up business you economist you.
do you suppose that might be because you want to relegalize discrimination on the basis of skin color?

then why do you so often refer to him by a racial slur?

Oh poopy pants do we have to tonight? I have a head go online and whack off then come to bed okay?

Thank for the crayon, it made my night. Now why is it important to you to keep avoiding my question to you on what consent is and what a voluntary agreement is ?

Also, my opinion of Obama is not held because of any racial reason. I hold him in contempt because he is an enslaver and murderer, to my knowledge he can however use a toilet properly.
It's sort of like back in the swingin' 70s when people would hang out at the bar, drinking all night and by the end of the night there were only two choices left. One a not so attractive girl with a big rack and one a not so attractive girl with a small rack.

Rack 'em up!!! I win again!!!
is this how you met your wife ?
why is it important to you to keep avoiding my question to you on what consent is and what a voluntary agreement is ?

since you believe that pedophilia is a voluntary agreement, why don't you tell me what you think consent means so that i may enjoy a good laugh.

my opinion of Obama is not held because of any racial reason

then why do you refer to him by racial slurs so often?
Compare Obama/Romney and Reagan/Carter if you need perspective on a landslide.

not the same animal.

if you take the projected and add to the deficit..landslide!

EDIT: it was really weird now that i think romney was purposely given bad poll info:mrgreen: