Countryfarmer's outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
So I have been using BT with my normal tap water, does that mean it hasn't been working? it seems like it should say on the product that you need de-chlorinated water. that's pretty lame if it hasn't been working this whole time...


Well-Known Member
Hey countryFarmer, nice grow, just read all pages and boy you've been through the ringer eh? I've had a hellatious time with grasshoppers this year as uncle Ben stated. Keep up the good work! Keep posting pics, your plants are beautiful.


Active Member
So I have been using BT with my normal tap water, does that mean it hasn't been working? it seems like it should say on the product that you need de-chlorinated water. that's pretty lame if it hasn't been working this whole time...
Take a look here man:

You have been reducing the effectiveness of the BT by using chlorinated water. But, some of the BT does survive the chlorine, but then there is a percentage of that which survives which has a lower tolerance for heat. Best to let the tap water sit out, or to use an outside, unchlorinated source.


Active Member
Hey countryFarmer, nice grow, just read all pages and boy you've been through the ringer eh? I've had a hellatious time with grasshoppers this year as uncle Ben stated. Keep up the good work! Keep posting pics, your plants are beautiful.
Here towards the end of my grow I know so much more than I did at the beginning. Some hard and good lessons in growing and my next grow will reflect that earned knowledge.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hey UB! I'm still in the grow and looking at the finish line. Looks like I will harvest something this year......

The two mexican girls are definitely the same strain, but are showing different phenotypes. The larger of the two is probably the absolute healthiest plant out of the three. It is showing good separation of cola branches, hasn't needed anything other than a support stake for when it was younger and is growing some really healthy looking, hairy, fat buds. The smaller of the two has had issues with borers and recently had a broken branch that had to be staked and tied up. Its buds are also smaller as are its leaf system, both in width and length.

But thankfully, after all of the issues I have had this grow (many of those issues which were self-inflicted), it looks as if I am going to finish out the outdoor growing season with three healthy ladies.

Then its on to the drying/curing/manicuring process ... more fun ahead, lol.
Congrats! Mothballs thrown on the ground works well for animal control, but if they get hungry enough, they'll eat anything. Speaking of mother nature and having your ass kicked every which way but Sunday, maybe someone is trying to tell me something - tropical storm Hermine went right over us with 60 mph winds and blinding rain last week and did some damage around here and no sooner had I walked and walked spraying herbicide yesterday for an epidemic outbreak of sandburs (the kind that hurt like hell) and a rain came! Sheesh!

Oh well. Happy harvest, I'm off to check on my girl.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Take a look here man:

You have been reducing the effectiveness of the BT by using chlorinated water. But, some of the BT does survive the chlorine, but then there is a percentage of that which survives which has a lower tolerance for heat. Best to let the tap water sit out, or to use an outside, unchlorinated source.
Just a thought - if you're near the beginning of the distribution line you may have problems. If at the end, most Cl will be nil. I used to live 1/2 mile from our water source so the Cl was high and never bothered messing with tap water, used it straight out of the faucet. Collected rain water when I could which is best.


Active Member
Just a thought - if you're near the beginning of the distribution line you may have problems. If at the end, most Cl will be nil. I used to live 1/2 mile from our water source so the Cl was high and never bothered messing with tap water, used it straight out of the faucet. Collected rain water when I could which is best.
Good point. I guess if someone is using tap water, they might want to spring for one of those water testers to find out how much chlorine (and other additives) they have in their city water supply. I'm using scummy pond water, so no chlorine there, lol.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Brita filtered water works well especially if it's high in bi-carbs. It will remove most of the bi-carbs and drop your pH about a point.

Happy gardeniing,


Active Member
Damn deer. I swear if I catch that pot munchin' bastard I am going to be eating deer steaks. Well, he broke off another branch, so I redid the Liquid Fence and ran some more fish line. Thankfully, this branch was a really small one from down low on the Big Bud plant (seems to be his favorite). After I trimmed it up, it was about 4 grams total, which I am about to quick dry and sample. Still really juvenile buds, so I am sticking with my five week projection until harvest.

Now on to smoke a little bud and see how it is. Should be harsh due to the quick drying, but hoping the potency is increasing.


Active Member
Yeh, definitely harsh. My mouth still tastes like I just chewed on a green plant.

I know the bias that can creep into anything that you work hard at, so I am trying to keep that in mind while I analyze the smoke. Obviously it was immature bud and dried far too fast with no curing. The taste is pretty bad. My only description of it is "green", and if you have smoked immature bud you know what I am talking about. But what I was more concerned with than taste, since this bud was not dried and cured properly, is the buzz.

Well, I have a decent high right now. Not the stoniest, definitely not couch lock. But even this really immature bud is taking me on little mind trips. I literally just got so engrossed in something else that I forgot about typing this and came back to it once I realized my laptop was still on my lap. Also the last half hour has really just slipped away. Hmm, pretty decent. Can't wait to see what the finished product is like after another month + of growing and a month or so of drying/curing.


Well-Known Member
is he just breaking them off, or is he actually eating them? I've had them nip at em' and tear branches off, but the branches are just laying there, they don't seem to eat them.


Active Member
is he just breaking them off, or is he actually eating them? I've had them nip at em' and tear branches off, but the branches are just laying there, they don't seem to eat them.

At this point the bastard is just breaking them off. I think he managed to get a taste for the plant when I went too long between Liquid Fence applications and now still tries to munch on them but only is able to break them off and then spits them out.

At one point I thought he was actually going to eat the Big Bud plant. He managed to tear off a large branch and even gnawed on the main stalk some. That was probably a couple of months back now and since then I have been able to limit him to just occasional pilfering. For some reason he really likes the Big Bud and has never bothered either of the two mexican-strain plants. I hit everything with more Liquid Fence, clipped up the last of my garlic clips, ran some more fishing line and even dug some holes just outside the fishing line. I hope I go back there next time and find him laying somewhere dead due to a broke leg.

I really, really hate that damn deer right now.


Sector 5 Moderator
Sorry to hear about your deer problems. My problems were with freaking bugs and helicopters!! So I moved everything indoors. I only have my 3 super lemon haze and the small slh in the hydro from clones. I figure 10 more days and I'll be doing my final chopping and trimming. Your ladies are looking fine, mighty healthy. When you get to snipping off those branches you won't miss those branches; you'll be swimming in bud - that YOU grew yourself!! Congrats on surviving this scalding summer.


Active Member
Hey potpimp. Early on grasshoppers did in some of my seedlings, but the insecticides and Bt I have been using have kept my plants pretty free of insect predation. I had a helicopter come close to my grow on one occasion when I was there. It missed going directly over my grow by about a quarter of a mile, and although I could clearly see it, they must not have seen my grow. I also had a plane go directly over my grow while I was there. I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't even hear it until it was on top of me. So I just tucked my head down and stayed as still as I could. Between those two events, the deer predation and other concerns I have determined that after this grow I am going inside.

I have never smoked lemon haze. It similar to lemon kush?

And yeh. Pretty proud of this, my first successful grow. I've smoked weed for the better part of 30 years and like growing plants. No idea why it took me this long to make a real attempt at growing weed. Now that I have done so, I am hooked. I've already begun working on my indoor grow and should have it up and running sometime in February. Once I get that grow dialed in I am going to begin playing around with breeding. I have soooooooo much to learn, lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice job Country, can't wait to see your indoor set-up.

P.S. I do a 'little' indoor grow myself, once in awhile, & you know I like to grow'em big!


Well-Known Member
I had a big ass buck that kept getting in the garden, there were no signs of how he gets in there....I guess he's just jumping it. He just comes in to get a drink of the extra water standing in a couple spots after the sprinklers go off. He hasn't touched any plants, but one day I startled him and he freaked out and got hung in the dear fence and tore a whole section of fence with him. I followed him down the hill to make sure he got free from all the fencing, and miraculously, he did. He hasn't been back since!


Active Member
My wife seems to have stolen my camera so no new pics. I should have some up by Friday.

No new deer predation and the Bt appears to be keeping my buds free of budworm even though there are plenty of moths and butterflies still around my grow site. The site is getting really stinky. Up close the Big Bud has a strong skunky aroma and the two mexican-strain plants have a spicy, evergreen smell to them. I do not remember the mexican-strain having that odor in the bag and am hoping that my attention to them will result in a noticeable improvement in the smoke itself.

All three of the girls are putting on mass in their bud sites, and while the two mexican-strain plants are definitely the same strain of cannabis they certainly are growing differently. One of them has larger, darker colored leaves and each cola site is thickening up; appearing to double in size each week of flowering. At this point it is not possible to get my hand around the bud sites without crushing them. Very happy with that girl's growth.

The other mexican-strain plant has smaller leaves in both length and width. It also has a lighter green color. The bud sites are also growing, but appear to be growing almost as popcorn clusters. The weight on this plant is less than the other, but the bud sites are all healthy and appear to be about a week in growth behind its sister plant, even though both were planted at exactly the same time and have had similar stresses. Even the hair length of the buds appear to be different. I plan on keeping each of the plants separate in the drying/curing process, and will be able to tell if the smoke from each plant reflects their different phenotypes.

The Big Bud girl is getting so heavy with bud I am getting concerned about one of her top colas. I may have to figure out a way to provide her some support as I am concerned that the weight of the buds on one of the two top colas could cause that branch to break above the support stake. I may have to bring a battery-powered drill to the site on Friday and screw a second stake to the one in the ground. I think I would rather do that than remove the stake and drive a longer one in the ground. Less chance of me unintentionally stressing the plant.

Anyway. Very happy with the growth of all three plants. All are 6' or higher and have multiple, large cola sites. Hoping I am just as happy after the drying and curing process is completed and I get to sample the finished product.