Couple quick Questions

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
your lookin good big guy! I hope your not nute'ing them yet, they probably got another week or so before they need food. they prolly just got too hot, put up a fan or two to keep the fresh air and fresh CO2 filtering.


Well-Known Member
yeah no nutes yet. Thats what I assumed was the problem as well. Getting a fan tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
hey guys... yeah ill take some pics somtime tomorrow... I got really sick with strep and im kinda out of the game :(


Well-Known Member
sorry man i was not around all weekend.

plants are lookin good man. is it just the one curling? and no discoloration or spots? just curling?

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
wussup brother, sorry my internet was ef'd up this weekend... you bot some fans on those babies yet? the look a little heat stressed, other than that they look good


Well-Known Member
Yeah a about 3 out of ten are curling and look a little discolored, like almost a darker green with darker green patches. Yeah got two fans in there now. Just got on my lunch break from work and a couple of them look effin bomb, its crazy how much they grow over night, figured they did the majority of their growing during the day. ill up some more pics later if you want. but looking good so far? yeah I think they are a bit heat stressed to. I might move the lamp a couple more inches higher, what ya think? So is there anything I should start learning about for my babies? like whats topping? I know Im not going to clone them soon as I dont know sex. I think I'm roughly around 2 and a half weeks in. Are they looking about where they should for that time period. As I said I can get more pics.


Well-Known Member
sorry i havn't been comp broke and i just got a new one!..but yah man post some pics asap! i wanna see them!..dude u only water once a week?!? i water every other day!..i dunno if that will help u..point one of ur fans directly on ur light and u shouldn't have to move it up! some pics!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
yeah you sould prolly move the light up a bit, how close are you to them, what's the temp at the canopy of the plants, not just the room temp...


Well-Known Member
Temp at a little above the canopy is generally 80-85. My gf bought me two fans but they are battery operated and are almost dead, booo!!! Im going to lay down for a bit but I will definitely post some pics up tonight.


Well-Known Member
85 is to hot!..u should have it around 75,80 the hottest'! try moving ur light up a couple inches it should help..i would just point a fan on the light though cause u dont want the plants to strech!