Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

This morning I put 8 CP1, 4 CPDA and 6 BST2 seeds in soil. I'm going with the 6 pack planters and the square cups in trays. The less spread out they are the better I feel. There are only a couple of the BST1 and Slo2 left in foam coffee cups at the holding ground. When they are gone I won't be using them again. The shorter square cups transport so much easier in the pack.
I packed 4 GV2's, 1 BST1 and 1 Slo2, along with six gallons of soil mix, back to the KP patches. What I found was too much of this


and not enough of this


I had 4 of the 6 plants I put out last week ate by the deer. I lost 1 CP1 and 1 Slo2, and 2 more were topped by the deer, but looked like they were going to live. I planted one hole double, and just left the other one alone.

So 26 + 6 - 2 = T-Pig of 30.
I up-potted some of the seedlings at the holding grounds from the 6 packs into cups. Some of them were looking pretty poor, while others seemed fine. Also culled a couple three more Slo2's and BST1's. That was before I knew the deer had ate so many of my plants. I would have carried them back and put them in the ground if I had known.
Good luck with your grow bro! I put string or chord around big branches that I stick in the ground all around the plant area. I chop off the branches of course and have one big long piece of wood multiplied by as many as I hike in. We not only have deer but we also have elk and those guys love to eat plants that have no protection around them! The perimeter fecing really helps IMO.
Today was a good planting day, and I put 6 GV1's, 6 GV2's and 3 GV3's in a tray of 4" round cups. Later when I went to pack a bowl, there was a CP1 seed in my smoking stash, so I planted it as well. I went ahead and put it in a hard sided one gallon pot.
I have been using Metro Mix potting soil for my seedlings. It is a really good mix for starting seeds, but it doesn't have any food. I was thinking two weeks in the small cups, then into a bigger pot or the ground by the time it was really needing food. But we haven't seen the sun in what seems like weeks, it rains about 4 days out of every 7 and it's still in the 40's at night. All of which is causing my plants to be slow growing, causing them to stay in the little cups longer. And I can't get by the holding grounds but about twice a week to check on them.

This week I mixed up some new potting soil to use with seedlings. I mixed 2 five gallons buckets of different "adult tomato" soil mixes {which has some time release plant food in it}, 2 buckets of Black Kow cow manure compost, 2 bucket of peat moss, 1 bucket of Black Magic {cheap} potting soil, 2 buckets of Metro Mix potting soil, 8 cups perlite, 2 cups vermiculite, 4 cups of 5-2-6 Citrus-tone plant food, 4 cups of lime, 1 cup of Epson salts and 20 cups of coffee grounds.

I filled the pots half full with this mix, then added a 50/50 cut with Metro Mix for the top half. Using this new potting soil, on Wednesday I planted 5 more CP1 seeds to make it an even 6. Then I got to thinking about the BST's always getting the smallest pots or cups, and that really was not giving them a fair chance to show what they would do. So I started 4 BST1's and 4 BST2's in square 6" pots. Not as big as the ones the CP1's are in, but bigger than anything they have seen up to now. The BST2 seeds are pretty boss looking. I'm liking the weed better the more I smoke more of it, so I'm hoping they do good.


The CP1's, CPDA's and BST2's I planted last Friday are up. We had another 2-3 inches of rain this week, and they were popping yesterday morning. 7 of 8 for CP1, 2 of 4 CPDA and 2 of 6 BST2 as of this morning.

We had slow steady rain all day yesterday. I got 11 plants transplanted.

I put 3 GV2's in the DDW patch. Those holes were dug on 2-7-16 using 2 gallons of the ITDOFTS soil mix and 2 cups of 13-13-13 per hole.

I put 3 CP1's in the JP patch. Those holes were dug on 2-8-16 using 4 cups 13-13-13 and 2 cups 15-0-15.

I put 1 GV2 in the SEE patch. That hole was dug the same day with the same additives as the JP patch.

I put 1 BST1 in the CE patch. That hole was dug on 1-28-16 using 5 gallons of ITDOFTS mix, 4 cups 13-13-13, 1 cup 10-10-10 and 1 cup 5-19-12 time release plant food. I thought I had culled all the remaining BST1's, but I found this one at the holding grounds, which had got broken over, but had kept on growing. I built the dirt up to help support the bent part. As it grows, I will cover it with a little more dirt. This plant was the only one I topped. All the others were only 5 nodes tall, so I'll wait until I get back out to top them.

Today I found myself near the LL patch. I donned my turkey mask and walked over to see how they were doing. Not at all, is how they were doing. All three were cashed. We have had at least 3 inches of rain a week for the three weeks since I transplanted them. They must have been to small to take that much.

When my seeds just popping are ready to move, I'll be taking them to a new holding grounds. I've used the other place until there is starting to be trails through the weeds. I'll give it about a month break, then I might use it again. Along with my new mix for seedlings, I'm using bigger pots. If they have to stay for 3 weeks in the holding ground, the extra soil will help with too much water, or too little water.

T-Pig: 30+11-3=38
Following your journey from the other side of the world with interest.

I'm curing ATM and out and about looking for next seasons plots.
Following your journey from the other side of the world with interest.

I'm curing ATM and out and about looking for next seasons plots.
Glad to have you along.

I love getting out and looking for spots in the fall. I use hunting season as an excuse to spend time in the woods. I get most of my prep work done then.
Sprout update:

CP1 8 of 8
CPDA 3 of 4
BST2 2 of 6

This is the first BST2 seeds I've tried. Maybe the trash compactor hugged them a little too tight. {The weed was much more compressed then the BST1} Or they may just be slower to pop. Another day or so will tell.

I topped them off with Metro Mix, where the rain had compacted the potting soil. It's overcast as hell today. I've been looking at my pepper growing lights in the shed. Maybe early in next week I'll build me a little blind and give them a week or so of light before getting shoved back into the briar patch.
Sprout update:

CP1 is 8 of 8 {in the square cups]
CPDA is 3 of 4
BST2 is 5 of 6 {in six pack}
The CP1 in the hard sided one gallon pot that is a day ahead of the other five is also up.
Sprouts in each of the GV1's. GV2's and GV3's{at the top of the picture}, and the BST1's and BST2's in square pots, but can't remember just how many.

There has been a little too much traffic by my holding grounds lately. Last night just at dark I got in there and got the last five plants. It was 3 BST1's and a CPDA planted on 3-28-16, and a BST1 that was a little older{and lucky to have missed being culled}. I moved them to a new location and up-potted to one gallons pots.

Sprout update:

CP1 8/8
CPDA 3/4
BST1 5/6
CP1 {in gallon pots} 3/6
GV1 5/6
GV2 5/6
GV3 2/3

Tuesday and Wednesday are good planting days. I have plenty of sprouts, but I will put at least one symbolic seed in soil on 4-20. Maybe I will even chance one of my three BP seeds. I think I will hang on to the single CP2R3 seed though. I may pop it next summer.
I was in the woods waiting on daylight yesterday morning. Checked on the three plants in the BP patch. This is the Slo2 that I hadn't topped when I transplanted, because it was still too short. I topped it this time. I'm liking the looks of it so far. Will see how she {I'm assuming here} responds to topping.


Also topped the two CP1's again. {five tops between the 3 plants} I once had a plant with 128 main tops. I don't expect to check on these often enough to do that many {seven} toppings, but I will top them as often as I can get around to it.

I split a gallon of water between them, but it rained most of the day yesterday.

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In the afternoon yesterday I got out and walked in the rain for a couple of hours.

One of the three plants in the 3DT patch was cashed. The other two were holding on. Looking back on this thread to see what I planted there, I can't find where I posted that planting. Let me do some looking and I'll get back with you.

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We had slow steady rain all day yesterday. I got 11 plants transplanted.

I put 3 GV2's in the DDW patch. 3 CP1's in the JP patch. 1 GV2 in the SEE patch. 1 BST1 in the CE patch.

T-Pig: 30+11-3=38
OK, I think I found the missing plants. Since I transplanted 11 on the 14th, but only 8 are listed, the missing 3 must be CP1's that went in the 3DT patch. I came to that conclusion because I had a 6 pack of CP1's and I remember splitting the GV2's between DDW and See so I could put three of a kind in 3DT.

Mystery solved.

Since they were included in the T-Pig, 38-1=37
Now back to my rainy walk.

The bent-back BST1 in the CE patch {it's strange calling a single plant a patch, but it helps me remember the location} was doing alright. This plant would have been a cull if I had found it when I was culling the last of the 1st round of BST1's, but since it was given 2nd life, I decided to go ahead and put it out. This location will prevent too much care, so it has to be lucky to finish here. It has lots of sun, but is also close to land that has seen an increase of activity the last couple of months. Thus the name, Crazy Eddy.


The SEE {another single plant} patch was my sensible response to digging CE. Slightly Eccentric Edward still has plenty of sun, but there is more cover, and it is far away from any landlines. The GV2 there was doing fine.


The 3 CP1's in the JP patch were all still alive. Sorry for picture quality, but it was raining at a pretty good clip.


1 of the 3 GV2's in the DDW patch was topped by the deer. I'm not going to count it as lost for now. It may come back.


I topped one of the other two. The third one was only 5 nodes tall, so I waited on it.

I've had some questions about the ancestry of my Sidetracked: strain, so I thought I would go over it again. As luck would have it, I got to have a long talk with my BIL this morning. It is rare we see each other in private, since his work schedule and mine are not conducive to it. He said that to the best of his knowledge, the seeds we were growing last year {and the 16 I started for him, and the 5 for me} are F1's from the 1988 cross. He said at the most, they were F2's, but he felt really strongly they were F1's.

He calls Sidetracked: Jack Carlos Cross.

The cross was Jack's Northern Lights, grown here in northwest Florida for 2-3 years, and Carlos' Afghan Skunk {a hybrid}. The BIL thinks the AS was crossed with Mexican or Colombian, just judging by the plant and bud structure. But it was still the shorter and bushier of the two. The NL made big curved {like a cupped hand} buds, so it was most likely not true NL, but crossed with some sort of sativa. It was also pretty tall. 10-12' plants were the norm for him when he was cash cropping the NL. His goal was to bring the height down just a little, and to get more, but smaller buds.

He also said he was breeding to get less males. He got less males, but I don"t know if he was really breeding for it or not. That might be kind of like my buddy that had a golden retriever that was smarter than 90% of the people I know. Sassy was amazing. She could count, add and do all sorts of dog type tricks. But the one thing Sassy was known for was spinning around and rolling over. Years after the dog died, I was talking to his ex wife about the old girl, and how much everyone missed her. {the dog} The ex told me that when my buddy was training her to roll over, she would always spin around before doing it. When he couldn't make her stop, he just started telling her to spin around and roll over. It worked. She did it every time. I'm not saying the BIL is rewriting history, but he might be. If he was trying to or not, Sidetracked: damn sure has very few males.

I had remembered wrong about the date on the bag of shake. He was not living here after 1993, so it had to be before then. While he did make some F1XF1, F1XP1 and F2XP1 crosses, all those seeds were lost in the flood of life. His family has a farm too, and some of his stuff is stored down there. So there is always the chance he will find some of them. But I'm going forward with what I have, assuming I will get no more help from the past.

If last year's seeds were F1's or F2's doesn't matter that much to me. F2's to me are often where you find the golden bean. He also brought me the smoke notes from the samples I gave him. Along with all the seeds that was in the buds. I haven't got a good look at them, but more seeds is always better. And just to show what kind of stand up guy he is, when I mentioned I was smoking bought pot, he offered to give me some of his bud from last year. Him and Sister smoke very little, and he said I could have some if I needed it.

He also told me not to fool around with anything but what I thought was the best. Good advice, but it all got me stoned, so it's hard not to put at least a few seeds of each in the dirt.

Now for the plant names from last year.

The CP patch was the best of them all. I named them according the height, with CP1 being the tallest. That is a little flunky because CPDA {deer ate} would have been taller if the deer hadn't ate it. CP2 and CP3 only produced one seed between them{unless there was some in the bud I gave my BIL} and was the scene of a terrible clipping tragedy. They were both short, tied down plants. Being tied down like they were, the limbs got very long. I had clipped a few CP2 buds in the CP3 bag before I released what I was doing. Thus the name, CP2R3. If more seeds turn up, that will become CP2N3. All of these plants were bred with Slo1.

The GV patch didn't get as much sun, so those 4 plants didn't look as good as the CP's. It was actually 5 plants, counting the male, GV5, which bred GV1, 2, 3 and 4. I posted my smoke notes on the bushcrafter thread, but these plants got me plenty high, but the taste was not as good. Some of that might have been them getting too much loving care. I was feeding some pretty hot compost teas, and might have caused a few problems with too much N. They were also clipped after five straight days of rain. A few of the seeds were starting to pop in the buds, so it had to come down. It could have used a couple of weeks of sunshine there at the end.

The Slo patch was a couple of weeks behind the others, which was already late. I had started seeds for myself in mid to late June. Then a couple weeks later I started some for my BIL. I kept 3 or 4 of them and put them in the Slo patch. {that is S L O} The male that I used in most of the crosses, was Slo1, the tallest plant in the patch. Slo2 was alright, but didn't have much time to get big. Slo3 was the one that changed her name to Herman. After it was full of bud {and seed} I saw one set of balls on her. I pinched them off and moved her a couple hundred yards away.

The SOL patch started out with more than one plant, but that is all that finished. It was another spot without enough light. I have said I would grow out all of them, but I may wait on SOL.

And now for the tragedy. The BP patch had three plants in it. It also had a big oak tree that I was going back to ring, so it would die. I forgot the tree and the patch for a couple months. When I went back, there was only one little plant left. I moved it out into the open sun. It was about 18" tall at the time. I bred it with Slo1 pollen, but only got three seeds. BP by far was the best tasting bud I grew. My aim is to use it in my breeding going forward.

I'm also growing some bag seed. I call those BST1 and BST2. {bag seed testers} For bought pot, I was pretty happy with both. I will grow them out and see what they do. I posted my smoke notes for them on the bushcrafter thread.

Hope this helps the guys who were asking. If I just made your more confused, sorry.
Sprout update: I culled one of the BST2 sprouts this morning. The stem got thin and it didn't want to stand up straight. Correct posture or death. lol

There is a runt in the CP1's that is also living on borrowed time.

No sprouts from the 4-20 planting yet.