Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Sprout update:

4 of 5 on the 4-20 planting. Everything but GV4 is up.

I culled a few of the CP1's and BST1's in the bigger pots. They had grown up too tall and were falling down. When I dumped the dirt from the pots, it was too wet. I haven't watered them since they came up, but it has rained twice. I may have to put the next round in the underground greenhouse to protect from rain.
A full day in the woods for me. I got over to the GN patch early. Two of the BST1's had been dug up by an animal, and the deer topped Slo3 had died. The other three were growing well, but this young man was showing his balls. I topped him, and will wait to see if he will re-veg. If I wasn't wanting some BST1 pollen I would have killed him. May still.


T-Pig: 37-3=34
Then on to the KP patches. One of the deer ate plants, and one of the others had cashed. Some were looking good, but others are just not recovering from getting deer ate.


T-Pig: 34-2=32
This is the part of the program where I tell you how important it is to plan out your time in the woods. And not to get too high before you go. I carried a roll of nicely rusted chicken wire back to the KP patches to make cages. Sadly my wire cutters were still on the seat of my truck. Next time I will try to do better.
This is the part of the program where I tell you how important it is to plan out your time in the woods. And not to get too high before you go. I carried a roll of nicely rusted chicken wire back to the KP patches to make cages. Sadly my wire cutters were still on the seat of my truck. Next time I will try to do better.
there ya go larry that aint suger sand falling:bigjoint:
Agree with thumper little one got hit by slugs,one way some slug pellets or half a can of beer.get some cages around them plants,deer love them at this age.nice and tender branches.
I agree I put cages on all mine,once every thing else is greened up not to much of problem.i use a lot of DE to keep slugs at bay they will not cross as long as its dry:bigjoint:
I did get a few cages made this week. Also bought some of the Repel All and Slug & Snail Bait. Haven't got any of it put out yet.
Sprout update:

The F1's I did for my BIL are 18 of 18, with one runt. He's got them now, so not sure if he killed the runt yet.
The F1's I did for me are 5 of 5.
The CP1 from the 4-20 planting cashed. {the other three are looking good. They are CPDA, BP and SOL}. It's stem had a weak spot on it.. Dirt was too wet. And there are thunderstorms this afternoon and more on the way for tomorrow. I'll cover them up in the morning, so they will miss the worst of it. I may go back to using straight Metro Mix potting soil for the seedlings. It stood the rain better than the mix I'm using now. Can't afford to lose the BP or SOL. Not very many seeds of either.

Wanted to get down to the holding grounds, but run out of time before work.
Have you grown like this before straight into the ground? What height do your plants typically get to and how do they look at the end of the season? How's the yield? I did it that way a couple of times and my yield was minimal and the plants weren't that big.
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Have you grown like this before straight into the ground? What height do your plants typically get to and how do they look at the end of the season? How's the yield?
I've had an 11 year break before last season's crop, but when I used to grow I would start them out in Solo cups, 4-6" and gallon pots then go into the ground when they were about a foot tall. I used to grow the bulk of my weed in trenches, say 6' X 4' with 4-6 plants per trench..I'd make 2-3 Z's per plant like that. These plants were not checked on too often, and were usually seeded.

I also grew a few single plant, big, wide holes that were tended to more. I've made up to 27 Z's off a plant {couldn't quite join the elbow club}, but most were in the 4-5 Z range. These were the plants I used to get a few seeds from select crosses..

I grew my plants according to the size of the cover. In young pines where the weeds are taller than the trees, a short wide plant is what you want. Lay the plant down and stake it off with pine limbs. {jab the pointy end in the ground, hooking a fork over the plant} As it grows up toward the sun, stake it down again. Some were 7-8' wide and 4-5' tall. In taller trees, you get taller plants. I would cut off all the lower limbs, and not top them until they were at least chest high.

These days my risk tolerance is much lower. I have so much more to lose, so I'm getting them out from the house and into the woods much sooner than I normally would. I sink the pots and hope the sun shines and the thunderstorms go to the north of me.

I do have some barns with electricity, so if the rain keeps cashing the seedlings, I may be forced to veg under lights for a week or two.
Wow. So basically you did some LST work on those plants years ago. And if that is the case, then I agree with you that yield is good when you do a plant that way. You said you got 27 oz once off of a plant and then you mentioned an elbow. I thought an elbow was a pound. And if that is true, then you certainly got your elbow! Good energies towards you and your summers project!
Wow. So basically you did some LST work on those plants years ago. And if that is the case, then I agree with you that yield is good when you do a plant that way. You said you got 27 oz once off of a plant and then you mentioned an elbow. I thought an elbow was a pound. And if that is true, then you certainly got your elbow! Good energies towards you and your summers project!

Yea, I had never heard of LST until last year. We called it tieing or staking down. Toward the end of the year you would turn them loose.

Just say no to Math and my brain on eggs.