
I bought a 10 pack of kn95 masks from China and they're alright, although I've read about different health organizations rejecting them for not meeting safety standards. I've been mainly using disposable surgical masks for grocery shopping and running errands. The kn95 masks I have are the ones that go around your head instead of your ears. It sucked having to hold it against my face while they cut my hair... sweat dripping off my nose.

I mean no disrespect to Americans, but Canada is coming out of covid in much better shape than the US, we had less than 393 new cases yesterday for the entire country, Ontario alone had over 500 new cases on the 1st of June with most coming from the Toronto area. The support from the population has been good for the most part with only a small fringe group fighting against the safety measures. I think Canadians will be more willing to use a contact tracing app, they're hoping for 40-50% of the population will use it.

But... but it's Blackberry approved! offense taken.

BTW, The single state of California has a larger population than all of Canada. Just for perspective.
Ah Canada. They have a show similar to live pd, but with very nice cops. The show I saw had them pulling over a clearly drunk and belligerent driver, and they let the person go home to sleep it off and have a good night.

She's, in America that would have ended either with a dead poc or a very bloody Karen.

I kind of like the softer approach. Congrats.
Why me? :cuss: .....
Sacramento Sheriff, other capital agencies won’t enforce Newsom’s mask order.

As of Friday morning, the county had recorded 1,976 lab-positive cases of COVID-19 and 67 deaths. More than 475 cases and 22 deaths have occurred in unincorporated county areas or in Rancho Cordova, areas where Sheriff’s Office deputies have routine patrols.
Across California, more than 160,000 people have tested positive for COVID-19 and nearly 5,300 have died, state health officials said in a Thursday update.

The Monarch is still the head of state of Canada. Bills that pass the legislature and senate require royal assent. Since 1937 that's more or less been a rubber stamp. The governor general is selected by the prime minister as the Monarch's representative and is the commander in chief of the armed forces and has several other procedural duties.

Personally I hope we ditch this entire system once the queen passes.

PM me for time frame and contract details...
As someone pointed out, the tech already exists to de-anonymize cell phone data publicly available. It is an open secret you can be easily tracked.

All it really takes is following a particular anonymity phone and see where it calls home. If your phone is at 123 smokey way every night, they can now see who lives there. Add where you go to work, and they can narrow it down pretty easily if multiple people live there. Then they have you, all with public anonymity data.

These apps are meant to notify you if you have been near someone who has the illness beyond a certain amount of time. Then you can self isolate and get tested.

Presumably the double bubbas won't opt in. But if enough normal people do, it could help slow spread. Its like contact tracing. Mostly voluntary but not perfect.

As a rule, I keep location services off. For the apps I allow it, I only allow it while using the app.

So if I went to a work site, meeting, or traveled on a public system like a plane, I might turn it on. Normal personal movement, no.

There is a middle ground.
Good point and I think with it being Canada it's probably a reasonable solution.
I think you'll be ok. If the Supreme Court can handle a flushing toilet during arguments certainly a job interviewer can handle a little TV noise ;D I hope you get the job.
I got the job offer. I am in the negotiating stage now. The offer was insulting . I mean completely insulting especially during a pandemic. What happened to being a hero and hazzard pay ? Total BS . We as healthcare workers have gotten nowhere . Still disrespected . I’m totally discouraged by this .
I got the job offer. I am in the negotiating stage now. The offer was insulting . I mean completely insulting especially during a pandemic. What happened to being a hero and hazzard pay ? Total BS . We as healthcare workers have gotten nowhere . Still disrespected . I’m totally discouraged by this .
As angry as I am for the crappy offer they presented you, I'm totally stoked that you got offered the job and have a chance to negotiate your wage!!! Ask for what you're worth... Go get 'em, Tiger!!
As angry as I am for the crappy offer they presented you, I'm totally stoked that you got offered the job and have a chance to negotiate your wage!!! Go get 'em, Tiger!!
Thanks I appreciate that. I am feeling defeated already though. I have to seriously consider how low I will go. This is a HUGE break out move to get me back to East coast . I have been trying for years to get a job offer back there and last time i was offered one was also in NY at an insulting pay rate and I said no thanks after negotiating but that one was a lot worse situation with travel .
As someone pointed out, the tech already exists to de-anonymize cell phone data publicly available. It is an open secret you can be easily tracked.

All it really takes is following a particular anonymity phone and see where it calls home. If your phone is at 123 smokey way every night, they can now see who lives there. Add where you go to work, and they can narrow it down pretty easily if multiple people live there. Then they have you, all with public anonymity data.

These apps are meant to notify you if you have been near someone who has the illness beyond a certain amount of time. Then you can self isolate and get tested.

Presumably the double bubbas won't opt in. But if enough normal people do, it could help slow spread. Its like contact tracing. Mostly voluntary but not perfect.

As a rule, I keep location services off. For the apps I allow it, I only allow it while using the app.

So if I went to a work site, meeting, or traveled on a public system like a plane, I might turn it on. Normal personal movement, no.

There is a middle ground.

Personally I’ll install it. It would be nice to know if I’ve been exposed and it’s easy to get tested now. I probably have a dozen different apps that are tracking me one way or the other. offense taken.

BTW, The single state of California has a larger population than all of Canada. Just for perspective.

If Ontario was a US state it would be the fifth most populous state in the country. More perspective.
Personally I’ll install it. It would be nice to know if I’ve been exposed and it’s easy to get tested now. I probably have a dozen different apps that are tracking me one way or the other.

If Ontario was a US state it would be the fifth most populous state in the country. More perspective.
I mean, sure, Ontario has almost 15 million people.

The Greater Los Angeles area, all within a 1.5 hour drive from me, has 18 million.

You know, more perspective.

Ontario is 415,000 square miles.

The greater LA area is 4,850 square miles.

Yup, penispective
I got the job offer. I am in the negotiating stage now. The offer was insulting . I mean completely insulting especially during a pandemic. What happened to being a hero and hazzard pay ? Total BS . We as healthcare workers have gotten nowhere . Still disrespected . I’m totally discouraged by this .
Well one good thing you can use it as a vehicle to get to where you wish geographically then look for a better paying position once there. I'm sorry they low balled you, that is sad, especially now.
I got the job offer. I am in the negotiating stage now. The offer was insulting . I mean completely insulting especially during a pandemic. What happened to being a hero and hazzard pay ? Total BS . We as healthcare workers have gotten nowhere . Still disrespected . I’m totally discouraged by this .

There’s still hope if they’re willing to negotiate. Sorry this has all been so rough on you.
I mean, sure, Ontario has almost 15 million people.

The Greater Los Angeles area, all within a 1.5 hour drive from me, has 18 million.

You know, more perspective.

Ontario is 415,000 square miles.

The greater LA area is 4,850 square miles.

Yup, penispective
I've been to California and I've been to Canada.

Canada was way nicer but I guess it's what you like.

Personally, I thought Glace Bay, Nova Scotia on a cloudy day was one of the most scenic places I've ever seen. The rocky coastline, the ocean waves and the cloud cover were pretty inspiring.

I had an aunt in NS. Going up there was so cool as kid. I miss those days, wish I had a time machine for vacations.
I've been to California and I've been to Canada.

Canada was way nicer but I guess it's what you like.

Personally, I thought Glace Bay, Nova Scotia on a cloudy day was one of the most scenic places I've ever seen. The rocky coastline, the ocean waves and the cloud cover were pretty inspiring.

I had an aunt in NS. Going up there was so cool as kid. I miss those days, wish I had a time machine for vacations.

Canada is beautiful, but I hear it's a little chilly part of the year. There's beauty around the world.

I'd put Yosemite and Big Sur up against any place in the world. Plus, we have the tallest trees in the world, and the oldest living things on Earth.

I haven't been many places, so I only have very limited experience here.
I've been to California and I've been to Canada.

Canada was way nicer but I guess it's what you like.

Personally, I thought Glace Bay, Nova Scotia on a cloudy day was one of the most scenic places I've ever seen. The rocky coastline, the ocean waves and the cloud cover were pretty inspiring.

I had an aunt in NS. Going up there was so cool as kid. I miss those days, wish I had a time machine for vacations.

The older I get, the more I want to see waterfalls.
Murcheson, where the full flow of the Nile is squeezed through a gap of 23 feet.
Angel Falls of course.
Inga and Livingstone Falls on the lower Congo.

Waterfalls I’ve seen:
Bridal Veil (Yosemite)
Niagara (in 1970 and they stank!)
Gullfoss (Iceland)
(don’t remember the name) in the Chilean Andes, remarkable for water so pure it was blue-green in deeper parts.
The older I get, the more I want to see waterfalls.
Murcheson, where the full flow of the Nile is squeezed through a gap of 23 feet.
Angel Falls of course.
Inga and Livingstone Falls on the lower Congo.

Waterfalls I’ve seen:
Bridal Veil (Yosemite)
Niagara (in 1970 and they stank!)
Gullfoss (Iceland)
(don’t remember the name) in the Chilean Andes, remarkable for water so pure it was blue-green in deeper parts.
There's a place in W.Va. that we used to go for a weekend get away.

Blackwater Falls state park. I literally shot a 20 minute video with an old shoulder held camcorder. Nothing on the vid but the falls for 20 minutes.
I still play it once in a while and it still gives me a totally relaxing serene smoke a joint to.

I also used to put it on to fall asleep to, worked every time.

My old family doctor actually borrowed that tape and loved it. He kept it like two weeks. Lol.

Yes, there are very cool places in West Virginia.