
US sets daily COVID-19 record as Texas halts opening

The United States reported 36,975 new COVID-19 cases yesterday, its highest daily total since the novel coronavirus pandemic began this winter.

Gov. Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman today announced a statewide mandatory face covering order that will take effect Friday, June 26.

The order comes after a Saturday announcement of a mandatory mask proclamation for Yakima County starting this week. The order was in response to reports of increasing case counts and a potential overwhelming of the county’s health care system.

After subsequent reports of cases increasing in additional counties, the governor and Wiesman extended the face covering requirement today to include the entire state of Washington.

Houston's Texas Medical Center, considered the largest medical complex in the world, reached 100 percent ICU occupancy Thursday, as Texas continues to cope with a surge in coronavirus cases.

It's getting close here too....and we have a military hospital here too, in fact on the bases here train medics for the's not good..
It's a beautiful place, should see it when they turn the Christmas lights on, it sparkles.....nice bars, nice younger years used to sit down and feed the ducks and have a smoke...haven't done that in years...might have to change that some day.

Do they still have the Lone Star pavilion with the water-shows?
The Riverwalk was a jumping place late 60's early 70's.
Do they still have the Lone Star pavilion with the water-shows?
The Riverwalk was a jumping place late 60's early 70's.

Naw, the old brewery is supposed to be renovated to condos and crap. I remember going to the old brewery when I was a kid feeding the catfish pond they had. Worked for the brewery for bit to, till they stiffed me, or tried to. They did move the museum into down town..
trump and Republicans are directly responsible for tens of thousands of people dead and dying because of total disregard for human life. It is blatantly criminal. All Republicans in the Senate let this psycho free on the people in USA. Total and disgusting failure. trump’s moments of lucidity are becoming less frequent.

