
I highly recommend one of these with eye protection and hair covering. It makes life easier to have comfortable, well fitting PPE. I own the 3M 7501 for it's soft silicone and good fit for hours of comfortable wear.

Looks like I'm growing a cure for covid, or at least a prophylactic. I have 4 outdoor hemp plants going the coa says should be 12%-15% cbd.....


The 3 in the small pot are clones from one of the bigger plants destined for seed. When they get a little bigger, I'll give one silver nitrate for a week and then throw them into my tent to flower. I'm not growing indoors again until late summer. Too much going on outside. I have one other plant in a straw bale not in this pic that is also getting big.
omfg wtaf is wrong with people

We have them on this side of town as well

omfg wtaf is wrong with people

Damn. I've never hit a woman in my life but...

Dick Cheney might be one of the most hated men in America and a total asshole that should be rotting in prison but he's not a complete idiot. His daughter has been quite the firecracker with her feud with the moron in chief. I miss the intelligent Republicans.:-( At least they believed in science.

omfg wtaf is wrong with people
Oh I would knock some teeth out on that one. I’m about to start calling people out on not wearing masks in public as it is, but someone pulls some shit like that on me, I’m gonna make sure I’m the last person they ever try a stunt like that on again.
Its bizarre here in America. The same people that want everything opened up as fast as possible are the same people freaking out about mandatory use of masks. Almost half of America is complete idiocy. Look at Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Yeah lets open up it's over. Now they have the highest rates of infection in the world.


Damn. I've never hit a woman in my life but...

Dick Cheney might be one of the most hated men in America and a total asshole that should be rotting in prison but he's not a complete idiot. His daughter has been quite the firecracker with her feud with the moron in chief. I miss the intelligent Republicans.:-( At least they believed in science.

I don't do politics. But I have a real beef with science deniers (like our vector in chief).
omfg wtaf is wrong with people
She hazarded the life of a baby........

Once upon a time almost all of us agreed infants deserved a chance. How the absolute fuck did we get here? I honestly fear it's the to many rats in a maze phenomenon and if we don't lower the volume mother nature will, reference this virus.
exactly. in africa they are laughing about Covid, because most humans there are still under 20 years... I cant imagine how that must, there are only old people...

what has happened the last week that the Covid US cases went up so quickly... I thought the western more prosperous states would get it under control?