
Why are these idiots holding rallies that attract anti-mask morons?

The US Secret Service was forced to urge Mike Pence’s office to delay a trip to Arizona as agents were falling ill with coronavirus amid a nationwide spike in cases, according to a new report.

Mr Pence was scheduled to travel from Washington to Phoenix on Tuesday, the Washington Post reported, but scaled back his trip after a Secret Service agent contracted the novel virus and several others began exhibiting symptoms associated with Covid-19.


Can you guys up to the north come down and show the idiots down here in the United States how to shut this virus down?

I'm ashamed to ask for help but we don't seem to have the means to get this crap under control on our own with our current leadership.


Can you guys up to the north come down and show the idiots down here in the United States how to shut this virus down?

I'm ashamed to ask for help but we don't seem to have the means to get this crap under control on our own with our current leadership.

Sadly knowledge isn't the problem, being allowed to exercise that knowledge is. Why is the CDC virtually silent? We have the top epidemiologists in the world benched. Pandemics are as old as civilization. We know what to do. We've done it before, so why not now?
What political agenda was in my post? As far as the bleach and other nonsense I was embarrassed by that nonsense when the moron said it.

If you read the results of what they call a study they have nothing to say other than "It May" and "Warrants more investigation".

The study was conducted by a company in Canada called Pathway RX that obviously has ties to the Canadian government and obtained a grant for $1.1 billion CAD. They used strains that are licensed by their partner Sundial Growers which is a publicly traded company. If there is anything political it's these guys lobbying the Canadian government for grant money.

"The extracts of our most successful and novel high CBD C. sativa lines, pending further investigation, may become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy."

They already have licensed strains they're using. It's big money moving in and licensing cannabis for medical products. People talk about Monsanto these guys are doing the same things.

Never let a crisis go to waste. Half the scientists in the world are hiring grant writers to try and cash in on all the money governments are throwing out.

I never said CBD wouldn't be one of many tools in treating Covid-19. Did you even bother to read the link I posted to the Israeli company Stero? They are studying using CBD in combination with other treatments using actual patients. That seems like a more legitimate path than these guys doing studies with artificial 3D models after getting $1.1 billion CAD to fund their study and pay themselves a big salary.

I don't know where you came up with I had a political agenda with my post and was in the bleach crowd but you're so far off base it's ridiculous. Yeah, I believe the earth is flat, only 10,000 years old, and when I see chemtrails in the sky I run inside and hide under my tinfoil blanket.

I believe that their study will not bear any work of significant value but hey, they get to keep that $1.1 billion CAD. If you can't see that it's about the money...
“hiring grant writers”?
None of the university scientists with whom I’ve come in contact hired anybody to write grant proposals to NSF.
“hiring grant writers”?
None of the university scientists with whom I’ve come in contact hired anybody to write grant proposals to NSF.

To me the interesting point in that is the use of computer models. In chemistry they use 3D supported by AI modeling in labs for molecular modeling and as massive parallel arrays become cheaper and more available I believe most animal and human testing will move to computerized models. It's just dialing in the models accuracy.

As for paid grant writers I've seen them and they make good sense. Why not use people who have a special gift at that type of writing and are familiar with the intended audience.
Science is very expensive; the big money to fund is government and big corps, and both have vested interests. Politics will never be removed from science

Question was about why the US response to the Virus has lagged so far behind the Canadian one. I was making a general answer, if you want specifics:

We haven't made basic safety precautions A FUCKING POLITICAL ISSUE. We don't have a leader who pisses all over the recommendations of the people best qualified to formulate a strategy and who is increasing hatred and division when the country needs unity more than it ever has.
We don't have high ranking officials saying that if the science makes Trump look bad, we have to suppress the science, as Rand has said.

Is that a more clear response?