
As long as it has to.

The National Guard will pop up field hospitals as they are currently doing in Austin

New York at its worst didn't exhaust it's capacity. I seriously doubt TX will. Especially now that we have new treatment tools in the arsenal. What you aren't mentioning or possibly are not aware of is we've flipped the stats in terms of treatment and now if you go into ICU on a ventilator you are more likely than not to make it out alive. This is a quote from mid June

"At the Parkland ICU, they’ve got it down to 25%, which is remarkable. And they ascribe that to increased practice and tremendous proficiency of our ICU nursing teams."

The stats are even better today. Going into diversion, or surge, is common and not a death sentence.

Yep, and bases down here are on stand by now
No screaming, no high-fives and haunted house ghosts will scare victims from a safe distance: Japanese funfairs release rules for the coronavirus era


No screaming on the roller coaster, socially distant spooks in the haunted house and please refrain from high-fiving your favourite superhero: welcome to Japanese amusement parks in the coronavirus era.

gif thread of tameness - Page 428 - EB Forum
Oregon got on top of Covid early and it paid off. States that are similar or significantly less in population that didn't lock down and kept bars and restaurants open until things got out of hand haven't fared as well.

"Oregon Gov. Kate Brown told residents on March 20 to stay home, calling the directive "both an order and a public awareness campaign."

"I am directing Oregonians tonight to stay home to stay healthy. Social distancing done well and done early can save lives," Brown said in a press conference.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said on Twitter: "This is not a lockdown. This is a 'stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary to go out' order.""

Mississippi population 2.976 million 30,674 cases 1107 deaths

Louisiana population 4.649 million 63,397 cases 3278 deaths

Oregon population 4.218 million 9937 cases 216 deaths

Yeah but it's rising higher all over the country. Oregon is still doing much better than most states.

It doesn't help that these jerks wearing a badge basically flaunt the Governors orders. I would have refused service and the cop should be fired and the rest demoted and sent over to the motor pool to wash squad cars and clean up the puke in the backseats from drunks that were arrested. Kate Brown is the guys boss. Saying F--- your boss will get you fired anywhere unless you a cop.

“Governor Brown has no authority to take our civil liberties. We aren’t going to wear masks,” the trooper allegedly said"
“He said, ‘F--- Kate Brown,’” Boss recalled.

Oregon got on top of Covid early and it paid off. States that are similar or significantly less in population that didn't lock down and kept bars and restaurants open until things got out of hand haven't fared as well.

"Oregon Gov. Kate Brown told residents on March 20 to stay home, calling the directive "both an order and a public awareness campaign."

"I am directing Oregonians tonight to stay home to stay healthy. Social distancing done well and done early can save lives," Brown said in a press conference.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said on Twitter: "This is not a lockdown. This is a 'stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary to go out' order.""

Mississippi population 2.976 million 30,674 cases 1107 deaths

Louisiana population 4.649 million 63,397 cases 3278 deaths

Oregon population 4.218 million 9937 cases 216 deaths

Oregon is not even in the top 10

The biggest rise in cases 88 is in Umatilla county where everyone's anti-mask because it's my right morons. Umatilla county has a population of 77,950 while Multnomah county which includes Portland has a population of 812,855 but less cases at 64. The eastern part of the state is full of flat earthers, climate change deniers and MAGA hats.

No shoes
No shirt
No service

Needs to be amended to include:

No mask
Look at the surface area of these 2 states. Is it *possible based on the geographics and other factors one State fares better than another regardless?

The biggest rise in cases 88 is in Umatilla county where everyone's anti-mask because it's my right morons. Umatilla county has a population of 77,950 while Multnomah county which includes Portland has a population of 812,855 but less cases at 64. The eastern part of the state is full of flat earthers, climate change deniers and MAGA hats.

No shoes
No shirt
No service

Needs to be amended to include:

No mask
It's political. Never mind.
Of course it's political when you have supporters that take their lead from a moron and put their lives at risk with a show of defiance to not wear a mask to support him. A man that called Covid a Democrat hoax and who's followers still believe that nonsense. It was made political by the moron.

Ok. The same fine folks who elected Democrat governors in both Oregon and Louisiana. There couldn't be any other reason for infections other than political affiliation. You're right.
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Ok. The same fine folks who elected Democrat governors in both Oregon and Louisiana. There couldn't be any other reason for infections other than political affiliation. You're right.

Louisiana is different than Oregon. The governor does not have as much power. Louisiana has a Lt Governor as well. It's a red state. Making a comparison based on the fact the the Governor is a Democrat is ridiculous. The two states are completely different. In Oregon the majority of people followed the Governors stay at home order, practiced social distancing, and wore masks. In Louisiana if the Governor had made the same order at the same time as Oregon did nobody would have followed it. Instead they would have just listened to the moron, believed Covid was a hoax or was just going to disappear while loading a syringe with bleach or snorting Lysol.